The Witcher Thread


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Are the graphic enhancements included in a patch or exclusive to this dlc

They only enhanced the graphics for Toussaint. Apparently different grass, advanced lighting and the LOD is farther. Without DLC no Toussaint though. But to be honest I don't know if the graphical improvements will be as apparent on consoles anyway. Let's see...

I was wondering though how they manage the UI improvements. It would be imho weird to not update it for everyone.


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I'm not a huge fan of the UI. The text is microscopic in parts and I have to go up to my TV to try to read the descriptions for the ability screen.


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I'm not a huge fan of the UI. The text is microscopic in parts and I have to go up to my TV to try to read the descriptions for the ability screen.

Really? XD You have some imho some weird complaints about the game. As far as I know there is a setting to adjust the size of the UI. I made it smaller...don't know if you can make it even bigger though.

Here are some comparisons of old and new UI:





You will now be able to rotate and zoom in on Geralt, yay! :D



Text and icons seem a bit bigger. :)
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Well-Known Member
Really? XD You have some imho some weird complaints about the game. As far as I know there is a setting to adjust the size of the UI. I made it smaller...don't know if you can make it even bigger though. I'm not alone lol

My bf was actually watching me play and I got my first point to spend for an ability so I opened the screen and he went "jesus that text is small." DA:I had this issue but they added text size options in a later patch (I only remember it affecting dialogue text but hey it's something).


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On what kind of TV do you play? :confused: When the Xbox360 launched I still had a tube television in my room and it was pretty small too. I first noticed then that I had big problems to read the text in some games. I think it was The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion when it was partly impossible to read what was on the screen. I often had to guess. XD At that point I had to buy an HD flatscreen. I regretted it at first, because my Gamecube, Wii and Xbox games looked like shit on it. :(


Well-Known Member
40" and I sit about 8-10 feet away from the TV. Here's something I read that is very likely the reason we have this problem-

"As a former in-industry game developer, I stand by the belief that the reason this happens is that devs always work on a computer and test their game on one, whether they are making a console game or not, and they are usually given large monitors (useful for artists to see their art well and for programmers to have more lines of code to work with on the screen at once). Thus they never see the game in any other way.

Even the testers, to save space, are put in cubicles with their monitor right in front of their face, so they have no way of knowing what it looks like at 6-8 feet away with a normal TV. And whenever the game is presented to the press or whatever, they always display it on a hugenormous TV so again, no one can tell what it would look like on a normal TV from a normal viewing distance.

I'm guessing reviewers also have to play the games they review at a desk with a TV/monitor right there in front of them thus they wouldn't notice it either.

Only someone who already knows its a problem from past experience is likely to catch it and bring it up to the devs. I'm hoping eventually enough developers get yelled at about this kind of thing that in the future they'll learn to spend the 5 minutes needed to test their font readability in true normal conditions. You'd think we'd already have reached that point but I guess not."

taken from last page of here

I really like this TV actually, it makes things look really crisp and vibrant. Like I'll take a screenshot that looks great on my TV and then I'll upload it onto the laptop and it's like "ew"


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Happy Birthday to The Witcher 3! :D The game turned one today and got a super cool art of all the more or less important characters (Princess, the goat! XD) in the game celebrating as a present:


Haha, so cool! :D But...isn't Dijkstra missing? o__O @Jadeinchains, if you don't know more than 5 characters here, you really have to give the game another try and not rush through it in 40 hours including Hearts of Stone. ;)


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That art works really good, its funny seeing such a cutesy picture for such a dark game. And yes I can recognize most of the characters here.


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I just noticed the Bloody Baron is missing too! o__O Aww...and Radovid (crowned one in the upper right corner next to Roach, the horse) is such a good sport, even after getting betrayed and stabbed in a dark alley way to death. Poor guy could finally rest his eyes. He probably never got much sleep with these dark eye circles of his. XD

I also always thought the Witcher series would be too dark and grim for me...but there is surprisingly also lots of humor and bright times in the game as well. That's coming from me, getting the worst ending. D: But now I'm almost finished with my second playthrough and I got everything right this time. :)
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Lol I just noticed that behind king Radovid there is monsters against the window! And yeah I thought the same thing that it would be just depressing start to finish and that Geralt would be just a gruff voiced character with nothing going for them, but the game actually has lots of moments where ridiculous funny things happen and Geralt acts really snarky and dry humour.


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I really like that they often also poke fun at themselves. For example there was a scene when someone made fun of Geralt talking the way he does or one time. Roche is like:
"Ves, WTF is wrong with you, storming into battle with your blouse all open?"


That reminds me of Keira Metz aka Miss Nipslip missing on the picture too. :(


Well-Known Member
I really like that they also poke fun at themselves. For example there was a scene when someone made fun of Geralt talking the way he does or one time. Roche is like:
"Ves, WTF is wrong with you, storming into battle with your blouse all open?"


That reminds me of Keira Metz aka Miss Nipslip missing on the picture too. :(

I forgot who you were talking about but "miss nipslip" reminded me lol. And yeah I remember them making fun of Ves' open blouse. ( she's going to get hypothermia in that cold British like weather )


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A trailer all about the new region Toussaint was just released:

Damn, this is probably the most beautiful (open) game world ever realized. O:

And here's the beautifully eerie new main menu song:

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Man this makes me sad :( Just as I have gotten the taste for these types of games:

"As we said before, never say never [but] right now it's really Blood and Wine. This is the end. Blood and Wine is [the] closing and there won't be any Witcher any time soon - if there ever will be one"

I could have so gone for a Ciri centric game.

But we all knew that for a long time. :( Already when they worked on The Witcher 3 they said it is going to be the last one. CD Projekt Red's next game will be Cyperpunk 2077.
There are a lot of great game series that ended recently: The Witcher, Uncharted, the Batman Arkham series... :(

But don't worry, there will be the pretty similar Kingdom Come Deliverance, also Final Fantasy XV and Horizon Zero Dawn:




Except maybe Horizon Zero Dawn all these open world RPGs are coming this year. :)
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I wasn't aware that it was an official thing going in that W3 would be the last. Too bad. I would have loved a Ciri based one, maybe one that focuses on her escape from the wild hunt. I do have high hopes about FF15, but am still on the fence. Will probably not get it on day 1, but let others (you guys) play it first :p

Horizon Zero Dawn looks amazing though. That will be a day 1 for me. Also very excited about Cyberpunk whenever that will be.


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Didn't know that there was a Witcher thread here.

Finished the game not too long ago. Level 65 with Mastercrafted Ursine Gear. Might start a New Game soon+, game is good.

40" and I sit about 8-10 feet away from the TV. Here's something I read that is very likely the reason we have this problem-

A lot of people much preferred to play Witcher via a gaming monitor (curious on the type of TV you have). Most TVs (especially specific brand and big TVs) usually come with motion blur as well as washed color reception. There is a setting within the game where you can turn those off but there still can be motion blur due to the type of TV you have, settings, and the ghosting effect (or trails of visionary lag). All these make a big difference to how one play games. You are not wrong on the text, though TV/Monitor types vary. I have a monitor with a 60hz refresh rate with adjusted colors settings and I was able to see everything on The Witcher light as day even the text, not to mention that the monitor is smaller than my TV and the TV for myself usually makes me a 1-2 seconds to actually be able to read it instead of a flash. This sounds odd I know however I am being serious, certain games play well without motion blur.
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Thanks for sharing @ShinobiGuy. This all looks and sounds amazing! O:
This clearly was a maxed out PC version though...*sigh* I really wonder how consoles graphically and performance-wise hold up. I'm going to buy it anyway for sure but I really dislike that you practically buy the console version like a pig in a poke. Well, this will even get worse in the future with the upgraded consoles arriving. :(

Today I finished the Hearts of Stone expansion by the way. It was really great! I liked it better than most, if not all, of the main quest of the base game. I loved the story, the characters and the varied and exciting things they let you do. The expansion also fleshes out the world of the base game even more with locations you didn't see before or that were of no interest before and characters that didn't make the jump into the base game or that you meet again under different and surprising circumstances.
I can't recommend buying it enough (@Chapstick). For 9€/$ you get like half a new game with a probably even better story than the main game. It isn't all important (finding Ciri and saving the world), but smaller, more intimate, beautifully dark and eerie but with some light-hearted and romantic bits too. In contrast to it's reputation the world of The Witcher is never completely dark. I also got the happy ending this time!. :D
With this expansion come also like 5 new cool armor sets (I love the Arabian looking one) and several cool swords. You'll get the most awesome one with a happy ending.
The only thing I disliked with this expansion and what unfortunately managed to sour the experience for me from the very beginning on, was the spike in difficulty. CD Projekt Red said people thought the main game was a bit too easy so they made Hearts of Stone more challenging. Problem is: I hate hard games. D: It was only the very first boss though against which I died like a dozen times with frustrating loading times of 3-5 minutes. The rest of the expansion was challenging but fair. With the giant toad you really have to have a good strategy, stamina and skill. It was the first time in the whole game that I actually started meddling more with the potions and their upgrades and trying to get the most out of my best armor and weapons with all the enhancements that were possible (I usually just play with the coolest looking stuff and get away with it). I guess that was exactly the plan of the developers. ;)

Oh, and here's the launch trailer of Blood and Wine, which was just released:

Oh, man... I can't wait! >__< CD Projekt Red claims it is going to be even better than the main story and Hearts of Stone.

Here's by the way the launch trailer of Hearts of Stone, for everyone who is interested in it:

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