Third Costume Pack


Active Member
Lei-Fang's costume was better without the cleavage. I wouldn't mind mesh she had in DOA2U but I don't like how it currently looks.

Agreed. She probably has the high-heels in this one too. I miss the version from the original DOA2 with the cute little pony tail and unlaced boots. Now that was sexy!

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
When team ninja said they are considering costume DLC. I didnt think they would totally milk this aspect. I want everything for DOA5 but seems a little bit pricey for all the costumes.


Well-Known Member
those are some nice classics... but i want some new designs. probably won't be buying unless it has something for characters that i frequently play as. can't justify 400msp a pop for costumes i won't even be using.


Three packs: A gym costumes pack, a school uniform costumes pack and another special pack!
thank you, today i buy two of the packs (except for the kitty pack) and i still have 10 dlls so i have to wait to see what have the packs and decide wich i'm going to buy, the gym pack sounds meehh the school uniform maybe im guessing it's gonna be for ayane, kasumi, maybe mila and hitomi? since kokoro already have the uniform and leifang just get the panda uniform, have to admit it im just curious for the special pack =/


Leifang leather Sport Bike suit, extra busty edition. Please make Yellow Superhero and Green China Cos and I think ill be good. . .

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Screw that I want all the packs. Although I'm not really down with the pedo/pervy outfits. I prefer classy.


Active Member
I promise it's because her hair's not in a ponytail. It's just not complete without it.
If I'm not mistaken, she only has two hairstyles this time around -- the braids and loose hair, right? If you expected TN to make a special hairstyle for that particular outfit...kinda high expectations. =(

Damn, where do you live?
This made my day. ^^ You win the Internet today sir.

Btw, @TRI Mike (too lazy to find your post), pretty sure DOA3 Ending Leifang is a definite at this point, with all the people bitching about her. If they honored Leather Hot Pants Leifang, they'll probably cave for this one too. Which I would also enjoy; I don't like recycling all these old costumes, but that is definitely my one highlight. I actually bought a sleeveless shirt and white skirt when 3 came out, just because of Lei. ^^" To be an impressionable 10-yo kid again... :genfu:

Btw TN, if you're passing Lei's costumes around, might I suggest DOA3 Ending Leifang for Helena as well? Her personality is way more similar to Lei's than Lisa's is, not to mention the breezy/elegant vibe is right up Helena's alley.