Wall of Shame


Premium Donor
I always overkill, that's the thing. She's the only person that brought it up.
Ohhh, you do? I hope you don't do that to me when we play, only Render-Sensei and Panic-Sensei can do that to me without me retaliating. But yeah, either way she was salty alright. XD


Premium Donor
Why only them ?
I like them, they're my Kasumi sifus. :) Friends in general I can tolerate as long as it's friendly.
ill try not to, although i might do it accidentally xD
Ah I understand, well I may do it accidentally in your case then too, so I guess it'll be fine. ...Try to make a good first impression though, I've already cut off future matches with someone on this site over my first experience with them...I'm not trying to start drama, so I'll keep it to myself, only Brad and Render know who it is and I'll leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
I like them, they're my Kasumi sifus. :) Friends in general I can tolerate as long as it's friendly.

Ah I understand, well I may do it accidentally in your case then too, so I guess it'll be fine. ...Try to make a good first impression though, I've already cut off future matches with someone on this site over my first experience with them...I'm not trying to start drama, so I'll keep it to myself, only Brad and Render know who it is and I'll leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
I like them, they're my Kasumi sifus. :) Friends in general I can tolerate as long as it's friendly.

Ah I understand, well I may do it accidentally in your case then too, so I guess it'll be fine. ...Try to make a good first impression though, I've already cut off future matches with someone on this site over my first experience with them...I'm not trying to start drama, so I'll keep it to myself, only Brad and Render know who it is and I'll leave it at that.
Me? Make a good first impression? You must be thinking of someone else.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
How kind of him.

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Active Member
Shout outs to ChronoDevil on PS3 for sending me this message after I beat his Marie Rose with Ein

"Look here nigger, its just a game for fun, not for assholes so kill yourself"

If anyone plays online on PS3 don't play him if you're good. He will get salty and send hate mail or kick you out his lobby
lmfaoo, that boy had me dying. i beat his marie in a lobby with busa so he got tight and said "hey can you kick this raika guy out the lobby? this probably isn't even his main account and he tries way too hard with ryu. fuck him", then spectated while he tried getting his buddy to beat me. i beat his buddy like five times then he got one on me and kicked me tf out of there.


Premium Donor
Sigh...I remember when I was 16 and I thought tag was all that, now I HATE it, it's completely unbalanced, I'm never playing it unless I want CP.


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RYU_HAYABUSA_09 backed out of rotation after I played him with Gen. Played several matches with this Nikki person where all they did was retreat with Ayane and then use 4P when I approached them or ran at me with 236K or 66KKK. Never "overkill"ed or corpse beat. Never picked Ryu, either (must have been referring to a match with RYU_HAYABUSA_09 before I joined, who picks Ryu on rare occasions that he's not Gen Fu or Rachel).


Well-Known Member
"pick a character with talent" I see from the screenshot there he's using Hitomi who can literally win online by abusing just lows... and Dojo to boot LOL

He's apparently never learned how to play Hayabusa or know that he's unsafe and VFs OP? the only good VF is Akira...


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Premium Donor
Forum, meet Jokesta. At first he was upset that I beat him with a 49 winstreak. Then he was upset that there were black people in the lobby.

But perhaps the worst of his crimes: he always picked the Dojo stage.



You should get some talent, Don't worry i sell talent for a reasonable price.