What games are you currently playing?


Active Member
far cry 3.if some1 whats to join me on co op plz let me know.Im friendly and speak english =') .thinking on getting the witcher2...next moth xD


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Need to start Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Bought them from the 3DS eShop a few days ago.
These are on the eShop now!?! But how do you connect them...?

MGS 2 and 3 HD. Would play Peace Walker HD but I already got 100% (including trophy requirements that do not carry over) on the PSP version and I am NOT trying to get 5 star Fox Hound Title again.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows - Finally getting around to finishing it.
Resident Evil: Revelations - Will eventually play Infernal Mode to see how much worse than Hell mode it is. Kinda taking my time with Raid Mode (I hope the Abyss Difficulty stage 20 still isn't a joke).
Soul Sacrifice
Bioshock Infinite
Killzone Trilogy
Silent Hill Homecoming
Tomb Raider
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge

Not really playing fighting games. I have a couple months before I need to play DOA5 seriously again. Oh, and Leon and Ein news has me just not playing in general, starting to care less and less about Mila.


Active Member
Just finished Bioshock Infinite. Awesome. Gona play Bioshock, Bioshock 2 and Bioshock Infinite again.


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Dead or Alive 5+
Ninja Gaiden Sigma+
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Batman Arkham City
Splinter Cell Conviction
Street Fighter X Tekken