When do you think DoA6 will be released - Refreshed poll

When do you think DoA6 will be released?

  • 2016

  • 2017

  • 2018

  • 2019

  • 2020+

  • Never

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Well-Known Member
Seems like you got a bad copy. For a reharsh for 2012 game. I can understand it's a bit messy. Now with DOAX3 out without any major issue. perhaps they already upgraded their programming department. They can make DOA6 any time they want.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
bug? they already fix it in LR

just put LR in it and slap with new story mode

The real question is why port a LR version when they can make a brand new build that's even better. The gameplay core will be the same but you want the spark that makes it different than the previous version that can make you go "Yeah, this game is much different than DOA5." Just slapping LR in there with a new story mode will just make the complaints no different from LR. Once story mode is done, what's next? play online? give it a few weeks and now the players want a DOA7 because DOA6 is too much of the same as DOA5.


Well-Known Member
the core game play and mechanics from 4 and 5 vanilla is not that different really.

if you want blood or mortal kombat fatalities it's not plausible maybe other fight mechanics will be thrown into. But TN always make appearance and graphic more important and DOAX3 is a proof they already achieved that.


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Yes it was different. The only thing apart from 4 to 5 is the fact that it retains the natural triangle system. DOA4 however was a mess for shits and giggles in terms of competitive intelligence, DOA5 was a big step up in the gameplay value into improvements. @VirtuaKazama can fill you in on that.

DOAX3's value of proof for the sole game itself is merely for fan service attraction and tests for an engine. Graphics is cosmetic and only keeping up with the better times obviously but not a necessity to determine a high selling point game. You can boast in so much graphics but if the gameplay is mediocre or average, you can expect other games to outshine this with minimum effort.
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Well-Known Member
ok if you still into gameplay over graphics let's see how much Kof sells.

Meanwhile Tekken 7 is getting good on both department and could TN finally feeling the heat and will announce someting on DOA festival


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Tekken 7 is merely keeping up with the times on improving the graphics, I mean why wouldn't they improve the graphics. Better graphics is always a plus but never a necessity to make it a 'better game'. If it's doing 'both' rather than focusing on one, then it's a high chance of turning out a better game as long as one of the other remains intact.

Won't go off topic for that since this is a DOA site and rules.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you got a bad copy.
I didn't have these problems until they started putting out more dlc and patches. And the occasional lag is on crimson and azuchi, new stages. And I've seen other people have the exact same problems. I remember more than a few "don't use x outfit for x character on stage x of arcade on this difficulty or it'll crash your game and corrupt your data" statuses on this site.


Premium Donor
I didn't have these problems until they started putting out more dlc and patches. And the occasional lag is on crimson and azuchi, new stages. And I've seen other people have the exact same problems. I remember more than a few "don't use x outfit for x character on stage x of arcade on this difficulty or it'll crash your game and corrupt your data" statuses on this site.
Yeah, something like that happened to me a few nights ago. Although I hate Naotora's 2P outfit, I gave it a chance and was playing normal arcade when Momiji appears on azuchi as my next opponent. Before her jump in even finishes my game crashed and corrupted my data...now I REALLY hate the costume, and thank goodness for online storage. My point is that they need to work on these issues first before making another game, there's tons of bugs that will likely carry over if they don't find what they are now . Like for example, after a KO no matter how many times you overkill Rig and Mila, they never do any of the special crumple animations, even if you knock them down with a heavy attack. Oversights and stuff like that really irk me.
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Active Member
I'd say 2019. DoA6 is just not needed yet. People played crappy 4 for 6 years. And since LR is so much better and still supported - i can play it no problem for few more years.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
True. At the same time, some people are already burned out w/ DOA5. Last Round didn't offer much compared to Ultimate. Plus, this game got remade too many times that some folks left knowing that the game could have been completed w/ DOA5 vanilla.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that stops me from really enjoying DOA 5 LR, well, besides playing on a xbox 360, which means almost zero people online and not the most up to date version (seriously, at least the balance changes they could have patched it :/), is the lack of a proper netcode, which for me, is necessary for a fighting game due to my current state, if DOA 5 LR had something around GGPO level, i would be pretty much set (still going to buy a ps4 and doa 5 LR...)

But on this note, i believe a bad netcode actually hurts the game a lot, and probably its longevity in general. So, on a hypothetical note, DOA 6 could take more to come out, if DOA5 had a decent or great netcode. As with DOA 5 LR, there is at least the need of something that this game doesn't deliver.


Active Member
3D fighters seems to have much more problems with netcode than 2D ones from what i read around. Don't know the cause. More data being sent per moment? Or just laziness / unexperience of developer.

Seriously - remember DoA4 and out of synch on dinosaur stage? 2 people fighting together, yet both see something else on their screen. It reminded of Kailera servers and made me laugh hard.

And on the updates issue - that is also a great way to prolong game's life since all that needs to be done is to change frames drastically so the core of character's gameplay changes with it. Just a thought.
I think it will come out in December of 2019 in my opinion. I just want to play the game cause I've been waiting forever. I'm sure at this years Dead or Alive Festival it will be talked about.


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December is far too close to 2020. Don't think it will take that long. My gut is telling me definitely somewhere 2019. Either Q1 or Q2.


Well-Known Member
If they truly want to "compete" with the rest of the actual and coming FGs (SFV, GGXrd Rev, T7, KOF14, etc) they need to hurry up. I don't know how much they can milk DOA5. I mean, Mai is alright, costume DLCs and stages are also all right and all, but the game feels stagnant to me. In any case, to harry up a game usually gets bad/poor results (i.e, PC port of DOA5LR).

To me DOA6 will be launched around late 2018 and early 2019.


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They still have the IP for Ninja Gaiden, they just don't know what to do with it at the moment. Since NiOh is out, they'll be focusing on that for the time being. If anything, when they take a break from co-developing games, I can see the next Ninja Gaiden being developed along side DOA6. Possibly another game you have to wait for years. (or early, who knows about this one really. I keep hearing stuff about NG news but don't remember where it was from.)