Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z


Gamers all over the world.

Or the people on the internetz.

This includes me as well since I bitch and whine about everything anyway.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It isn't.

inb4 opinion because someone could have the opinion a dick growing out of his forehead is funny, too. That doesn't mean it's a good idea for TN to put it in the game
yes it does, I would buy a penis costume


Master Ninja
Staff member
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I think it's relatively humorous given how out of character it is. Nothing wrong with options but since I'm buying Yaiba on Steam anyway it's a moot point.


Well-Known Member
Welp. I've checked out some vids of people who got the game early and it looks pretty bad, camera is godawful, you can't even jump apparently, colors are everywhere making it really hard to see anything, amongst other things.

Not even the Ryu fight was any good, you spend the first part just chucking zombies at him and then the dude just stunlocked him in a corner by just mashing attack it looks like, lame.


Master Ninja
Staff member
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I'm going to reserve judgment until I play it myself. Most of what I've seen actually looks pretty fun and camera issues can sometimes be the user. We all remember the rampant complaints about the original NG (2004) release, I'd guess. How many of us actually had issues with the camera in that, despite nearly everyone saying it was horrible?

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm going to reserve judgment until I play it myself. Most of what I've seen actually looks pretty fun and camera issues can sometimes be the user. We all remember the rampant complaints about the original NG (2004) release, I'd guess. How many of us actually had issues with the camera in that, despite nearly everyone saying it was horrible?

I did lol, its fucking horrible xD


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm going to reserve judgment until I play it myself. Most of what I've seen actually looks pretty fun and camera issues can sometimes be the user. We all remember the rampant complaints about the original NG (2004) release, I'd guess. How many of us actually had issues with the camera in that, despite nearly everyone saying it was horrible?
I didn't normally, but specific parts really do have severe camera problems that interfere with my ability to play it properly, at least for me.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Centering the camera became second-nature to me, both in using it and when not to use it. I really didn't have a problem with it at all. It was much better when they added right stick control in the first Hurricane Pack though.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wish I had xbox live back then, I would love to use the intercept

edit: so people on gamefaqs are saying the ending is terrible in Yaiba lololol, Just by reading the ending it is a big disappointment


Well-Known Member
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I wish I had xbox live back then, I would love to use the intercept

edit: so people on gamefaqs are saying the ending is terrible in Yaiba lololol
As in: Hayabusa ISN'T kicking ass?


Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Nope, this isn't a spoiler but you don't fight Ryu Hayabusa in the ending lol, I won't say who you fight though but yea that's a bummer


Well-Known Member
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Just watched the vs Hayabusa chapter on Youtube. Not impressed. I won't be buying this.