Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all


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This is what people get for buying these systems on release. Thanks for beta testing guys!

Wake me when a good Halo like CE,2,or 3 comes out and MS/Sony has ironed out all the bugs you guys show them when you send your brand new half a grand consoles off for repair. XD


Master Ninja
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Premium Donor
Nobody I know, myself included, is having any problems with their Xbox One consoles. I am a fan of how ironic it is that a small amount of people saying they have problems online, especially comparing to all of the negative shit with PS4s dying, means that it's another widespread issue.

This might come as a shock but any form of consumer electronics can fail. And in this day and age, the problems will always get exposure. No major gaming outlets reported any issues with their Xbox Ones but plenty did for PS4. Interesting.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Nobody is perfect and I dont blame Microsoft for their fail. In my opinion woould it be better to buy the next gen console next year becuase till march or april they could bring better version from Xbox one and PS4 like the slim version from the both consoles.


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Nobody I know, myself included, is having any problems with their Xbox One consoles. I am a fan of how ironic it is that a small amount of people saying they have problems online, especially comparing to all of the negative shit with PS4s dying, means that it's another widespread issue.

This might come as a shock but any form of consumer electronics can fail. And in this day and age, the problems will always get exposure. No major gaming outlets reported any issues with their Xbox Ones but plenty did for PS4. Interesting.
Small amount? It hasn't even been 24hrs and problems are already arising. PS4 has already had a week for problems to be reported. Both consoles are having issues.

This might come as a shock to you but when over a half a grand of hard earned money is spent, a quality long lasting product is to be expected. putting a game in to see if it loads is a logical quality control test and clearly neither sony nor MS bothered to do it. Consumers who who support poor quality control only shoot themselves and other in the foot. Things like this should be lambasted as loudly as possible so companies know that making quality products is...yano...important.

I have owned near every console since the genesis and all still work. There simply is no excuse for a console that is dead on arrival. It's nothing but total crap and the fact anyone can defend that a company didnt take that extra 2 minutes to see if a game would load is mind boggling.

As for waiting to buy a console, both my original 360 and my original xbox crapped out on me 6 months in. The first batch of microsoft products always suck. With such a weak opening line up of games buying day one copies is a fools errand.

I'll buy an xbone in 6mo-1yr when there is one without pointless hardly reliable kinnect at 400$ and a quality must own exclusive title.


Master Ninja
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I always buy consoles and other electronics and launch. I'm an early adopter. I've also never had any device fail on me and that includes my Xbox One. People like you crying foul that a piece of consumer electronics has some people saying they've experienced hardware issues are part of the reason the internet is such a shitty place to be. People will always complain. When they're given a mouthpiece they do it even louder.

As for your MS products always suck quip, I'd disagree wholeheartedly as I have quite a few of their products with no issues at all. Love opinions.

I have four games so far. All four load fine. My disc drive is fine. The system is whisper quiet and not giving off much heat at all. Kinect works fine. Xbox Live is working fine. And nobody I know is having any issues, be it personally or in the media. Give it a rest. Buy a console and have an issue and I might give your opinion some weight. You do not have a validated opinion in this case. You're going off of hearsay and there's a reason that it's not admissible in court; it's garbage.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
We won't even know "actual" failure rates until they officially tally it all after the big holiday season. 'Till then, no reason why folks can't have a laugh or two as people seek attention with exaggerated reactions to a bit of misfortune. 'Tis the "risk" of being an early adopter ... you might catch a lemon.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
We won't even know "actual" failure rates until they officially tally it all after the big holiday season. 'Till then, no reason why folks can't have a laugh or two as people seek attention with exaggerated reactions to a bit of misfortune. 'Tis the "risk" of being an early adopter ... you might catch a lemon.
My guess is that both consoles have an actual failure rate of about 0.5%. Sony got out in front of it early with a low number and later revised upwards and I'm assuming they did it only to appease the large amount of haters out there. Hopefully MS does the same without blowing it out of proportion or acting like it doesn't matter.

Point is this'll happen anywhere in a product life cycle. There's just a large amount of systems hitting a very vocal demographic and it seems worse at launch than anywhere else. Different production processes and refinements won't happen with any sort of effect for any devices hitting stores in the next quarter at least so despite appearances it won't actually get any better for quite some time, if at all.

I've had enough of the whining and complaining online and the current generation of people are quite possibly the worst we've ever seen. It's like the successor to the People of Walmart, only with some tech savvy and far too much access to other like-minded individuals. Too much concentrated negativity for no apparent reason and I have enough real shit to worry about that seeing people raging and attacking each other over a choice that only affects one person directly is fucking ridiculous.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Relax, man. You're letting this stuff bug you far too much. It's the Internet. This stuff happens. But it still beats being in a place with far worse people in far worse situations who could only WISH they had the LUXURY of complaining about an "entertainment device".


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I never said I wasn't relaxed. My natural state is being annoyed all the time. Doesn't mean I won't talk about it. The little "luxury" crack at the end there is completely pointless. Anyone talking about it right now can either afford the console or they're well connected enough to have a way to bitch about it. Pointless.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
You simply missed my point (accepting a part of the culture of a developed country), but no big deal. Also, if your "natural state" is being annoyed all the time, then you are never truly relaxed (IMO), but again, no big deal ... that's your business if that's how you choose to be.

But anyways, this is drifting away from the relevant topics of this thread. Carry on.


Active Member
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I always buy consoles and other electronics and launch. I'm an early adopter. I've also never had any device fail on me and that includes my Xbox One. People like you crying foul that a piece of consumer electronics has some people saying they've experienced hardware issues are part of the reason the internet is such a shitty place to be. People will always complain. When they're given a mouthpiece they do it even louder.

As for your MS products always suck quip, I'd disagree wholeheartedly as I have quite a few of their products with no issues at all. Love opinions.

I have four games so far. All four load fine. My disc drive is fine. The system is whisper quiet and not giving off much heat at all. Kinect works fine. Xbox Live is working fine. And nobody I know is having any issues, be it personally or in the media. Give it a rest. Buy a console and have an issue and I might give your opinion some weight. You do not have a validated opinion in this case. You're going off of hearsay and there's a reason that it's not admissible in court; it's garbage.
Its not really opinion about the quality of Microsoft hardware. The original 360 had a failure rate of 20% to 50%. its nothing new, just look it up.

My own 360 died on me, but not before destroying 4 games with its great perfect circle scratches. My original Xbox also died as well. Just because you got lucky does not mean MS has serious production issues. Believe it or not but the issue is larger than yourself.

Either way my whole point is that a system should have adequate quality control and should be tested with a game being inserted and loaded, before being shipped out to prevent it being doa. Sony and MS clearly did not do this, otherwise these immediate issues wouldn't be arising. How anyone can be against that is beyond me.

I have bought plenty of MS consoles in the past, and with both have had issues.
Fool me twice shame on you, fool me thrice shame on me.

In the end there is no Mario64/Goldeneye, no revolutionary xbox exclusive like Halo Combat Evolved, no cheap-o DVD player, aka no reason to buy either from my standpoint.


Master Ninja
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Premium Donor
To me KI is that exclusive but I can definitely understand where you're coming from given your track record with MS products. It's been the opposite for me. As for quality control, in every industry that puts out electronics from a factory only a certain amount from each batch are tested. There's really no other way to do it and keep up the efficiency so it's pure luck if yours is one that was tested. They had Xbox Ones in the homes of employees for several months so my assumption is that the preproduction models didn't show that issue at all.

The Sony BLoD is a probably similar. Didn't show up preproduction and started happening as a result of something during the mass production process.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
"Microsoft products have always broken soon after I buy them, so Microsoft is shit!"

"The Microsoft products I buy never break. That means Microsoft creates great products!"

Sounds like a whole lot of useless anecdotal evidence to me.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Which would be precisely why I always say my opinion is that they make great products and mine don't have issues. Never stated it was anything but an opinion for my part.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
So I hear Xbox One has an "Orange Light of Death" for this go-around. Friend on Facebook just experienced this today, and will soon be emailing Microsoft/Xbox support.