The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor really was just a stupid trailer announcing tournament dates that were already announced (for reference: )

Bad form, Team Ninja.

Um, it was an announcement that they are GIVING $8000 (That's EIGHT THOUSAND) dollars to The Fall Classic event. That's also in addition to the fact they are paying for airfare, hotel, and tournament entry to TFC from the top 2 players in the DID10 and Summer Jam 8 tournaments.

That's a lot more than "Announcing Tournament Dates", and a lot more than any other game company is doing for their game and its community.


Well-Known Member
freaking hell. keep telling myself I'm gonna try getting into tournaments to help represent Leon and Mila, but then I remember I am not rich and don't have time or money to fly out to these things. must be to those who can and do go.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
freaking hell. keep telling myself I'm gonna try getting into tournaments to help represent Leon and Mila, but then I remember I am not rich and don't have time or money to fly out to these things. must be to those who can and do go.
I'm lucky if I can go to two a year within a 3-hour driving range. So don't feel bad.


Well-Known Member
It's nice they're offering such big incentives for people to play competitively but on the other hand it's like why bother? I think like 10 people showed up for ECT and DOA even got booted off the stream before finals

I would suggest to TN that they fix the gameplay before throwing all this money out there because it's going to be the same few people showing up every time, not counting those who casually sign up since they're already there.

To get "good" at DOA requires learning hit levels and stun properties of 30 characters' completely delayable and cancelleable strings, and if you don't you can lose half a lifebar from a counter hit jab. Hell even if you DO learn the strings you can lose half a lifebar from a jab. Why bother with all that when you have much easier to learn games with much less guesswork in their gameplay.


Well-Known Member
It's nice they're offering such big incentives for people to play competitively but on the other hand it's like why bother? I think like 10 people showed up for ECT and DOA even got booted off the stream before finals

I would suggest to TN that they fix the gameplay before throwing all this money out there because it's going to be the same few people showing up every time, not counting those who casually sign up since they're already there.

To get "good" at DOA requires learning hit levels and stun properties of 30 characters' completely delayable and cancelleable strings, and if you don't you can lose half a lifebar from a counter hit jab. Hell even if you DO learn the strings you can lose half a lifebar from a jab. Why bother with all that when you have much easier to learn games with much less guesswork in their gameplay.
please stop saying "guess". that and people calling it "random" are what hurts DOA the most. it is mindgames, anticipation, prediction, tactics, and instinct, aka, actual fighting prowess. DOA is a unique fighter in that it allows those with a fighters mind to excel, as opposed to most fighters, where it is mostly just combo execution. I plead, please, people, stop saying "guessing" or "random", when that is simply not true. AAlso, to counter your argument, with a lot of other fighters, what's the point of getting good at them when I'm just gonna lose most my health off an autocombo off one lucky strike? its why I stick to DOA, where mashing doesn't get you as far because you have to think with your head more. Unfortunately, "using your head" is something most fgc players simply aren't willing, or are unable, to wrap their heads around, which is why DOA gets so much flak. "oh what a random counter!" no, you were just being predictable. "
stop just guessing all the time!" I'll stop anticipating you, when I start being wrong. have you tried mixing things up instead of just trying the same setups for optimal combos all the time? (this is why I usually stop playing other fighters after a while. like in MK9, it became a rinse repeat of me simply standing there with sheeva and catching them with grapples as 300 people in a row just try to do their characters optimal death combos over and over, and then each one got mad at me for "spamming grabs". I started falling asleep mid round and winning by just going through the motions of catching their anticipated attack patterns with armorgrapples.). Anyways, tldr, stop saying "guess" or "random", its a gross oversimplification that hurts DOAs reputation a lot more than you think.

Number 13

Well-Known Member
It's nice they're offering such big incentives for people to play competitively but on the other hand it's like why bother? I think like 10 people showed up for ECT and DOA even got booted off the stream before finals

I would suggest to TN that they fix the gameplay before throwing all this money out there because it's going to be the same few people showing up every time, not counting those who casually sign up since they're already there.

To get "good" at DOA requires learning hit levels and stun properties of 30 characters' completely delayable and cancelleable strings, and if you don't you can lose half a lifebar from a counter hit jab. Hell even if you DO learn the strings you can lose half a lifebar from a jab. Why bother with all that when you have much easier to learn games with much less guesswork in their gameplay.
Oh please elaborate more on the "fix the gameplay" bit since everyone seems to have their own opinion on this. Do you mean glitches? Game character balance? Game mechanic changes? "Fix" the netcode?" Add more superficial stuff? Etc. ? Making a vague statement while discrediting TN decision to help out the competitive scene for this game with $$$ incentive isn't actually making your argument convincing to any outsiders.

About your last paragraph "guessing" is an inherent trait for fighters in general. The difference though between the player is either making "stupid guesses" or "analytical predictions". DoA just happens to not hide that element in fighters and in facts promotes it with the RPS concept for the strikes/holds/throws. Ironically this game is much easier to get into unlike say Tekken or VF. Tekken has a ton more match-ups to learn and quite frankly much more juggle centric. VF has a much more unforgiving learning curve as well. DoA is different then other fighters, but that doesn't make it bad considering this series is still going relatively strong with 5-6 entry games.

On another note, people who were expecting character reveals right now were setting themselves for disappointment from the very. beginning .


Well-Known Member
I'm only messing Anna has been one of my favorite characters since tekken tag tournament 1. ;)


Besides gotta show my support for left-handed characters (lefties unite!!!) :D
Don't forget, Lili is left-handed too! Raphael, Amy, Zwei, Siegfried and Nightmare from SC are also left-handed. Don't think anyone from DOA is though. :(

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Don't forget, Lili is left-handed too! Raphael, Amy, Zwei, Siegfried and Nightmare from SC are also left-handed. Don't think anyone from DOA is though. :(

Yes I remember Lili (didn't know about the SC characters though) b/c of Tekken Bowl in DR. Also Kunimitsu is as well. Wish they would bring back Tekken Bowl to the series and get rid of the sh*tty beach ball.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Wow, I didn't know about Kunimitsu. We need a Leftie club. :p

lol a lefties club sounds nice. XD And the way I remember it is that in Tekken, it's not uncommon for similar characters to be opposite handed. Anna - Nina, Jack - P. Jack, Yoshi - Kuni, Jun - Unknown, Kazuya - Lee, Hwoarang - Baek, etc...
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