The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
Hmm...I think, they just recycled textures.
TN designer 1: Let's add some ripped banners to the lowest level of the stage. It'll look totally cool and spooky! :D
TN designer 2: Yeah... But they look kinda lame like that... Should we give them some design or something? :/
TN designer 3: How about, we put the Lycanthrope Tribe emblem on it? It fits the Halloween theme and we already made, just copy and paste! ;)
TN designer 1: Awesome! :D No overtime work today! Also, people will totally believe there's some deeper meaning to it, lol. xD
"Might be the delusion."


Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Unrelated to everything but I need to share my late discovery (even if I'm sure that very likely everyone already know it, I saw how this info was also written on the DoA wikia...)

I just realized yesterday replaying NG2 as the "golden leon with scythe on red background", symbol of the fiend Lycanthrope Tribe present in the castle of the Aqua Capital (inspired to the Italian city of Venice) and on the armors of the same Lycanthropes, is the same symbol present in the modern redesign of the Lorelei stage:




According to the NG mythology, the Lycanthropes (or Werewolves) ruled in the ancient times on a region of the modern Europe: so make sense that even the Helena's castle in France can be placed in their previous owned land (with the later medioeval ruling class of humans of that place idolizing them in their paintings).

This kind of hidden details for the fans are always my favourite ones :D

Only the Colosseum is still missing ^^. The accent of Volf on english was very Badass , so badass that I get an ear orgasm. Pick Up the sycthe and kill the Werevolves in the Colosseum after his death.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I think, they just recycled textures.
TN designer 1: Let's add some ripped banners to the lowest level of the stage. It'll look totally cool and spooky! :D
TN designer 2: Yeah... But they look kinda lame like that... Should we give them some design or something? :/
TN designer 3: How about, we put the Lycanthrope Tribe emblem on it? It fits the Halloween theme and we already made, just copy and paste! ;)
TN designer 1: Awesome! :D No overtime work today! Also, people will totally believe there's some deeper meaning to it, lol. xD

Lorelei is also actually situated in Germany not France, high above the river Rhine. It's a place that actually exists. You can google it. ;)


They definitely used it even for a convenience matter (with TN coming from the recent use of the texture in NG3 Razor's Edge), but I don't believe that really no one at the studio did the connection. In the past happened already something similar with an element of Ayane's DoA3 C1 foreshadowing her actual connection to a character in Ninja Gaiden (really foreshadowing, because DoA3 was released in 2002 and Ninja Gaiden in 2004):



And yes, you were right on the placement of Lorelei (by the way not only through the area reference to the real world, because the placement of the castle is also confirmed in the same DoA3 map of the stages): it's in the high Germany and not in France like I said.
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Well-Known Member
i cant help but wonder why they used real world locations for some places and made up names for others in NG2. what did Russia not give them permission or something?

This is one my same old questions: why the game say you clearly as New York is invaded by fiends (and in Sigma 2 you end to fight the same Statue of Liberty), but then you get "Aqua Capital" instead than Venice? :confused:

Sooner or later I will try to ask this to Team NINJA XD

EDIT @Tyaren: Yes, the Helena's reference to the siren is really beautiful.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
i cant help but wonder why they used real world locations for some places and made up names for others in NG2. what did Russia not give them permission or something?

I think, the DOA and NG universe is very close to our universe, but it is actually an alternate universe, where magic and mystical creatures exist. So, some places are identical to our universe, some places are different...


Well-Known Member
Yeah i am in agreement with you guys on the time skip thing & i think the same applies to every fighting game. If you're going to alter the game or take it into a new direction, i personally don't think fast forwarding the characters age or removing iconic characters is the way to go about it imo. It wouldn't be well received by too many i would think & rightly so too.

Speaking of Pyrrah, she makes me laugh during battle

*Kicks guy in the short & curlies*

"Are you in pain?"

*Kicks guy in the short & curlies again*

"It must hurt!"

*Repeatedly stabs guy on the floor with sword*

"Please forgive me!"

*Bashes guy's head in with shield*

"I don't want this!"

*Guy lies dead on the floor*

"Not my fault, you bought this on yourself"

Such an apologetic lass! :D

I used to spam qcf+b and after keep doing her taunt
they block "I'm sorry" they try to attack and i stab them

I don't know why i got hate mail after i even said i was sorry to them :(


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This is one my same old questions: why the game say you clearly as New York is invaded by fiends (and in Sigma 2 you end to fight the same Statue of Liberty), but then you get "Aqua Capital" instead than Venice? :confused:

Sooner or later I will try to ask this to Team NINJA XD

EDIT @Tyaren: Yes, the Helena's reference to the siren is really beautiful.

now that you mention it i forgot i can ask Itagaki directly ill try that next time hes on FB.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Nameless Monolog ( nobody cares I know -.- ) but I try at least :D

Really sorry ! I am bored and Keved has inspired me :D

" I go to the black castle , holding my dragon sword in my hand , I hear that werewolves are howling outside , it makes my blood boil. A Storm is brewing. I see the full moon. Now , the cloudes are covering the sky. It thunders very loud. The path is very harsh. Why I must walk so long ? Where are the cutoffs ? Finally I have arrived and stood before a big brown door with leon emblem. I have opened the door ........ suddenly ..... ! "

To be continued

Another Monolog

It is dark outside , unforunatly it begins to rain massive , good that I am a pro and have worn a black coat with black hat. In my side pocket , I take my cigar and light it. I am not a smoker but unfortunatly in this story I am. It should sounds more badass ( doesnt do ). I am a detective. What for assholes. Calling me in the deepest hour.
It feels like in the jack the ripper movie. Fucking psychopath murder. Does he or she has another hobbies ?
Why she/he makes her/his job at night ? I just want to sleep or watch moves or play games. I am now at the scene of the crime. A pair was murdered by a murder. No not a murder , a serial killer. I guess , he or she hasnt had any releationship or get jealous , or she/he got pissed of. A crime is crime and doesnt matter which reason is was , there is no right to kill people. A psychopath would marry a psychopath problem is solved. Sadly I must work alone. I cover the death couple with my black coat. Rest In Peace. So I will get this fucking killer. Unfortunatly my suit is wet. I investigate the crime scene. I find a kife. Thankgodness I thought for a sec a psychopath with chainsaw who fidget with it. A get a call. I pick up the phone. Another couple get murdered in shibuya. However the person is , he or she is an asian megahorny. I see a men running. I pursue him. Now he stopped running. He take his tonfa. I havent a weapon. Why ??. He is drunking. I will use my kung fu and free running skills which I have seen in the movies. So dodged a lot of his attacks. Now I find the best moment to attack. He goes 3 steps back. He thorws a knife to me. " We will fight to death" I take the knife. He hit me while I am picking it up. I rescue me form his grap attacks. I hit him in the face. He is acting like a showing head " I am sinign in the rain " stlye. Suddenly I got hit form back.

To be continued

Thank you Keved :D

Nameless the writter xD


Well-Known Member
...Bit of a random observation, but across the river from Lorelei, there's another large castle. Makes me think, it might've been kinda cool to get a new-yet-similar, multi-tiered castle stage set there, with Lorelei itself visible in the background. Instead of, y'know, two different versions of the exact same stage.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
...Bit of a random observation, but across the river from Lorelei, there's another large castle. Makes me think, it might've been kinda cool to get a new-yet-similar, multi-tiered castle stage set there, with Lorelei itself visible in the background. Instead of, y'know, two different versions of the exact same stage.
It's already been done. Classic Lorelei, and Haunted Lorelei. They both overlook each other, and when you are in Classic Lorelei, You are looking at Haunted Lorelei.

Vigoorian King

Well-Known Member
I don't know why i got hate mail after i even said i was sorry to them :(
Don't be sad! ''It's all right. You're big sister is right here''.
I couldn't resist, this made me cry and I had to use it somewhere. WHY CAPCOM, WHY YOU KILLED DECAPRE WHEN WE GOT TO KNOW SHE'S NOT A CLONE?!
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Well-Known Member
It's already been done. Classic Lorelei, and Haunted Lorelei. They both overlook each other, and when you are in Classic Lorelei, You are looking at Haunted Lorelei.
I...don't think that really works, though... The river is noticeably different on either side, yet both stages show the same perspective. Not to mention, the layout of the other castle appears to be noticeably different, and was present in the original Lorelei as well.

Female Tengu

Active Member

nice find :)

But I don't get that connection between her C1 from DOA1 and that guy (can only remember the german name of Murai's fake appearance in NG1, sorry)? A foreshadowing through costume? xD

Anyways, TN hardly explains anything in the DOA games. For instance that weird emblem on Ayanes awesome C1 from DOA5:


Is that supposed to be her clan emblem even though you never see it anywhere else in the whole game...btw sometimes I have the feeling that Ayane is the only member of the Hajin Mon sect cauz you NEVER see anyone else from that clan xD

Or is it just a sweet looking butterfly with a round shape and has no meaning besides showing one of Ayanes trademarks?

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
I wonder how this new girl will fit the story since it is pretty much based on M.I.S.T. now.

I still find this weird, how is her hair purple on one pic and dark blue on the other? And is it the same style?


Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
Also, maybe I am wrong, but look at the sky on the second pic. It looks as if there are white particles floating around.

Now look at 1:20 of this vid. Do we still have hope for Ariel Gardens in 5U?


Well-Known Member
What would you guys think if the next DoA did time skip, let's say another twenty years? Would you accept youthful replacements or would you rather the same cast we have now with added wrinkles & mild greys (For a few of them anyway haha)? Would Gen Fu be fighting while tubed up to a wheelchair? Would Zack act more mature now that he is ten years more huskier? Would Bass have a Rob Zombie that would make the world's best gnomes green with envy? What of Tina? Any sign of sag yet? Will Lei Fang still be shadowing Jann Lee like a gimp with dirty knees? At the very least it would be interesting to see now-a-man Elliot sparring with Hitomi, who is now passed that white-picket-fence, girl-next-door phase of her life. Would Ryu Hayabusa still be able to perform Izuna Drops with the air-times that he does twenty years later without tweaking a bone?

Most importantly, imagine the fan response!? Food for thought.

Hayabusa would be fine for sure, he'd only be 45, look at his dad.
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