Characters Guest Characters you'd like to see in DOA


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But the DMC characters are more focused on can't slap "I'm A Fighter" logo on characters that kills demons with weapons. Beowulf doesn't count since it's not a main character arsenal.


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If they've got weapons on them, then TN will need to find a way to give them a weapon-less fighting style, similar to what they did with Rachel and Momiji. Dante would be more suitable for Soul Calibur imo.

Personally, I would like it if Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue or Aoi from Virtua fighter would be in DOA. They'd be such an epic addition although this would only be possibru if TN keeps their contract with SEGA.

EDIT: Another good mention is Kiryu Kazuma. Seriously, he'd be awesome in DOA.
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Well-Known Member
After reading each post, some of the characters people are requesting here are way above DOA standards. Some have never even been in a 3D fighting. Some cannot due to their character design (DOA is mostly physical combat as well.)

Though I'm pretty sure the next DOA game will have guest characters.
See, this where the confusion lies lol you're spelling it DmC which what the reboot is called(I liked the reboot btw), but you mean vanilla DMC, id say Trish would probably be a better option she has boobs and that femme fatale charm plus she uses melee attacks without gauntlets in DMC4.

Oh, I do see now. That would confuse some people, but yeah I didn't mean the reboot game but just Devil May Cry 1-4.
She would might be better option, but Dante is more popular.


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Alright I won't go off topic after this post.

Idk man, we did have Master Chief in DoA4 afterall.

That is a custom made Halo character not shared within the Halo timeline by Team NINJA themselves named SPARTAN while obtaining the rights from Microsoft for the character type. Master Chief uses weaponry, SPARTAN is not Master Chief.

If they've got weapons on them, then TN will need to find a way to give them a weapon-less fighting style, similar to what they did with Rachel and Momiji. Dante would be more suitable for Soul Calibur imo.

What's interesting is that Dante was in fact suppose to be in SC, but Capcom denied it because of "Fans won't be interested in story plot"...........whatever that means.
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Well-Known Member
But the DMC characters are more focused on can't slap "I'm A Fighter" logo on characters that kills demons with weapons. Beowulf doesn't count since it's not a main character arsenal.

Alright that is true, and probably would be more fit for a game like Soul Calibur but they can give the characters a style without weapons.


Premium Donor
In this case, I would say any female ninjas from another game are more likely to get added, case in point Taki and Mai.


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Team NINJA is with the contract for SEGA's AM and supporting DOA5's arcade system. Even if they somehow magically broke the contract, TN needs them to make the arcades. It's a life support other than the content they bring for sales on stores.

Guest characters doesn't only have to be women. It can be a kangaroo, a Tekken bear or whatever the crazy things that people invest to bring over. However, you can't just bring in any guest characters (Look at the situation with Yoda in SC, banned from tournaments because of height yet it was reasonable for banned gameplay purposes even if it's for casuals.) When you are looking for guest characters, you want characters that not only attracts an audience but a shell that shines. In most cases, it's usually main characters to a specific series. If that character is not a main character or a secondary popular character, that character has a very slim chance of appearing (unless they decided to increase the amount of guest characters to do that. Which would be too crazy to do.)


Premium Donor
Technically, Naotora is using a weapon in DOA: her bladed heels. If that can be overlooked and excused and if the ninjas can use dangerous ninpo magic and teleportation, there should be no reason a guest character can't use a weapon, especially if it's considered nonlethal in their altered DOA storyline.


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Technically, Naotora is using a weapon in DOA: her bladed heels. If that can be overlooked and excused and if the ninjas can use dangerous ninpo magic and teleportation, there should be no reason a guest character can't use a weapon, especially if it's considered nonlethal in their altered DOA storyline.
Speaking of weapons, Genra did have that sword stance in DOA Dimensions.
And Nyotengu has her fan/other miscellaneous things that can be used as a weapon in DOA too, and Tengu of course.

Naotora in physical standards is still moving her body and using her own strength of force to generate attacks. This is a simple giveaway without the weapon because even if she didn't have a weapon she is attacking physically on impact. Any melee-type characters of that matter can be adjusted whether they have brass knuckles or talons as weapons because they are physically able to attack without them. These are possible. Characters who are not striker/brawler and considered swordsman are not genuine to be considered an actual fighter since they themselves need a bio that they learned some type of martial arts along the way, if they did, then it's possible. However the one that makes the most sense are characters who's main arsenal consists of attacking in a melee faction, not a sub arsenal. An excuse to just bring a character over is something similar to Rachel where she does not know any martial arts, but her brutal fiendish strength compensates for it because TN needed entries quick (And do you know the quick entry moveswap that they converted into her? SPARTAN's moveset. Which the moveset are not guest character moveset either but rather a TN moveset because TN created SPARTAN under the Microsoft rights, thus making it easier for Rachel to inherit the moves.)

Bankotsubo (Tengu) also had a fan yet majority of his attacks are within melee standards. All Nyotengu has for a general sense is that she has animation that consists of her using the fan, she is a striker at glance. The issue here is that people are trying "convert" asked characters to fighting physically when most of what they asked for, are not melee type characters to begin with. This is the problem here. Another problem is indoctrination where some of you just accept everything because it's all sunshine and happiness appeal. That is also a problem here.

Genra was initially suppose to be a boss only and not a playable character because of the fact that he generates weapons out of his hands. Then TN decided to port him and completely changed the moves to make the generated blades into an actual stance move, which made him a poor character in the end. What made him unique was his projectiles, forward throws and brute strength, not his blades (Well, somewhat.)

So far, Naotora was introduced quick because TN is under the KOEI company. TN is a sub company under them so of course it would be easy for them. But when it comes to characters, you want something that makes sense along the way. For now, 2D fighters and 3D fighters are the closest thing, or any other game that has a character who are physically adept in close combat for melee. Someone mentioned a FF character here correct? the strongest choice is Tifa because she is a brawler at heart.
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Well-Known Member
I was going to say Rock Lee (Naruto). But I kind of sort of figured that would be redundant. His Style is actually very similar to Rig's and some of his moves already exist among the rest of the DoA Cast. Although given Destruction Bomb's logic.... the similarities might make him worthy candidate.

The only new thing he could bring to the Table are his "Dancing Leaf Shadow" which is essentially just a Super Mid Crush.... and his Eight Inner Gates.... which I don't even know how that would translate into DoA's system. LoL perhaps you can make his Taunt button a mechanic that shaves Half his health at any given time to reactivate his Power Blow.... meaning he can do it multiple times in one round.

Its something. Still though... not really worth it. I just really like Rock Lee (when he was 13).


Premium Donor
I guess I can see the point, but even so, they are still using weapons: Nyo literally jabs her opponent with the fan with P+K, And Naotora is still cutting up and slicing at her foe with the kick blades she has, even if she is using her own body to generate the attacks. That would be the same as me gluing knifes on my shoes and hands, and using karate, yes it's melee but I'm still using weaponry, but DOA seems to treat that and ninpo/otherworldly techniques as allowed in tournaments. That's why I don't think they'd need to say take away Ryona's twin pistol guns or something to that effect. And let's not forget Ryu's ridiculous pre order outfit which also featured weaponry and talons on his hands that would realistically slaughter the opponent. ;) I just say this to point it out, not trying to start any arguments or anything.
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Well-Known Member
How about someone from a Movie ?

I nominate Donoka Mark (Keeanu Reeves) from Man of Tai Chi. He only fights once.... and thats at the end of the movie. I like his Style, he's got long limbs and is very tall (in comparison to Tiger Chen). So he just goes in Direct !!! Straight Up basic Punching and Kicking which Tiger had difficult dealing because he just couldn't counter attack from that far away.


He plays a very interesting Keep out game.
He's not a bad Grappler Either.

I love that movie..... plus Gen Fu is in it too. ;)

Forlorn Penguin

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Numerous times now I've seen people mention that Bankotsubo used his fan as a weapon. He did not. No idea where people get this idea from. All of his attacks were physical contact martial arts strikes, though within the cosmetically odd style of his fictional Tengu-dou martial art. Yes, his right hand was always holding a fan, but he never once struck with the fan in any game.

If you don't believe me, go boot up any game where you can play as him and start dishing out every attack he has. Not a single fan strike among them.

The only time his fan ever came into use was with his 4P+KP from DOA2 and DOAD, where he conjures up a massive gust of wind to hurl at his opponent. Even then, though he uses the fan to guide the wind towards his foe (as tengu lore states that tengu can use their fans to control wind), he's still not striking with it and is instead attacking with magic.

Nyotengu does not attack with her fan either, though she does also use it to conjure wind with 4P+KP, 41236T and her power blow.

Nyo literally jabs her opponent with the fan with P+K

No she doesn't. Look closely at the animation. She's smacking her foe's face with her fist. She just happens to be holding her fan at the same time. Bankotsubo had the same strike in DOA4 and DOAD, though his animation was slightly different, as his hand was opened up as he struck.


Premium Donor
Numerous times now I've seen people mention that Bankotsubo used his fan as a weapon. He did not. No idea where people get this idea from. All of his attacks were physical contact martial arts strikes, though within the cosmetically odd style of his fictional Tengu-dou martial art. Yes, his right hand was always holding a fan, but he never once struck with the fan in any game.

If you don't believe me, go boot up any game where you can play as him and start dishing out every attack he has. Not a single fan strike among them.

The only time his fan ever came into use was with his 4P+KP from DOA2 and DOAD, where he conjures up a massive gust of wind to hurl at his opponent. Even then, though he uses the fan to guide the wind towards his foe (as tengu lore states that tengu can use their fans to control wind), he's still not striking with it and is instead attacking with magic.

Nyotengu does not attack with her fan either, though she does also use it to conjure wind with 4P+KP, 41236T and her power blow.

No she doesn't. Look closely at the animation. She's smacking her foe's face with her fist. She just happens to be holding her fan at the same time. Bankotsubo had the same strike in DOA4 and DOAD, though his animation was slightly different, as his hand was opened up as he struck.
View attachment 21221 bad, heh.:oops: Well, that takes The tengus out of the weapon equation.


Well-Known Member
Genras sword stance had swag, but overall it wasn't very strong.. well it did have its uses, but it didn't define him.


Well-Known Member
No she doesn't. Look closely at the animation. She's smacking her foe's face with her fist. She just happens to be holding her fan at the same time. Bankotsubo had the same strike in DOA4 and DOAD, though his animation was slightly different, as his hand was opened up as he struck.
View attachment 21221

I could have sworn Nyotengu's P+K always uses the fan, regardless of what stance shes in or which hand she strikes with the fan Would Teleport to the whichever hand made contact with the opponent.

Edit: Or ice cream... if you used one of her Bikini Costumes.

Forlorn Penguin

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I could have sworn Nyotengu's P+K always uses the fan, regardless of what stance shes in or which hand she strikes with the fan Would Teleport to the whichever hand made contact with the opponent.

Her fan does oddly teleport from hand to hand throughout various attacks, or even just disappear completely, but she still never actually attacks with it. Even with P+K. The fan is always in her attacking hand with P+K, but she's just smacking with her fist.