The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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Tekken 7 looks so bland and not much better than a TTT2 in full HD and with some fancy (but imo IQ destroying) post processing effects. *sigh* New images were released:








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CFW posted something a while back on the Tekken thread, it'll be a cinematic type mode like SFV with I think seamless cut scenes and quick time events.

Oh okay that will be interesting, I wonder how it will work? I hope characters like Lili get parts in the story even though they dont have to do with the main story.


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That's Shadow of Mordor right? It is stylistically such an ugly game. D: So brown and drab and barren.


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i just wish they would steal the ghost attack technique for NG4. the ghost attacking in between the humans attacks is one of the sickest things i've seen in an action game. it would be a great way to bring back the old shadow clones from the original series too.

but anyhow has anyone checked out the latest trailer for Injustice 2? for the most part there's been something off with each trailer for me. something about the games coloring and lighting didn't seem right and when they revealed Wonder Woman and Blue Beetle their faces didn't look they fit on their face.

this new trailer shows off Harley and i got to say im really impressed by her face and the expressions she makes although it doesn't appear to match up correctly all the time.


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Injustice 2 (apart from the art style!) looks graphically really impressive. The modelling of the characters, their animations, the lighting, effects and insane stage transformations look really impressive. Just the character designers of this ugly and bland costumes and so ugly people. :/

Here's some older gameplay:

They seem to have fixed the low resolution, flickering shadows. Can't make them out in the Harley trailer anymore...and I think it is not just because it is the PC version, since there is no PC version planned so far, right?
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Injustice 2 (apart from the art style!) looks graphically really impressive. The modelling of the characters, their animations, the lighting, effects and insane stage transformations look really impressive. Just the character designers of this ugly and bland costumes and so ugly people. :/

Here's some older gameplay:

They seem to have fixed the low resolution, flickering shadows. Can't make them out in the Harley trailer anymore...and I think it is not just because it is the PC version, since there is no PC version planned so far, right?

i cannot express how much that tiny Sun bugs the shit out of me.


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Are you into racing games or is it just for the comparison? Either way that's a big improvement.

I'm not into racing games but I do own some and some of them I really liked and played often. Like Midtown Madness 3 (looks so ugly now XD), older Dirt Rallies or Driveclub which ist still the prettiest racing game, on console and on PC.
Since I never owned a PS before I was thinking about getting Gran Turismo Sport if it looked incredibly gorgeous. But it just looks nice, not gorgeous. ;) So Driveclub will suffice. But this comparison is still quite interesting, right? :) If you look closely most af the assets are still the exact same, like the basic stage geometry and the crash barriers or the mountains far in the background in one of the pics. It's mostly the texturing, shading and lighting and some added details that make it a lot more realistic looking.

Regarding Midtown Madness 3, I once thought it was so beautiful and impressive to freely roam around Paris and Washington DC, haha! XD

In my memory it still looks way better than there in the trailer.
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