The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


Well-Known Member
I don't have it, but I've seen videos. It definitely does have enemies.

That said, it basically is an indie game, though it's kind of on that blurry line between indie and not indie? It was developed by a tiny team in the UK (about 15 people according to their site), and was a super ambitious project that they wanted to work on. Sony caught wind of it and really liked the idea, and I think they were the ones who did most of the marketing, but didn't get directly involved with the game's development.


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I thought it was an indie game only sold digitally? It isn't? XD I also don't think it is "beautiful". It looks visually interesting. (Which is more than I thought it would look like. So it's kind of a big achievement actually.) I don't think computer generated landscapes that don't have an artistic, human touch can really be beautiful. (Though isn't our world also randomely generated and amazingly beautiful in certain places?) That's why Oblivion looked so bad in comparison to Skyrim. Oblivion was also mostly computer generated wilderness without human touch. In Skyrim everything was placed by hand. Every bush and every stone.

I guess my statements in brackets show that I haven't really thought about it that much. Interesting topic actually...
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Well-Known Member
Sometimes an animal is aggressive and if a drone sees you mining you'll have to shoot it down. That's all the enemies there are. (Sometimes a pirate ship in space too)

Its an indie game that was published by Sony. I don't really wanna return it but it is NOT worth 60 bucks. But dev said they'll be adding in cargo freighters and player bases soon so it shows promise if they keep expanding on it.


Well-Known Member
It's a game about space exploration which it absolutely delivers on from what I've seen and heard.

Canceled my preorder last week since I can't play this for quite a while unfortunately. Though $60 for this was hard to swallow anyway so I'll probably get it when it's on sale.


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im just very unimpressed by the lack of variety. this game has less variety than our actual earth. i don't see the point of exploring a place that looks almost exactly the same everywhere you go with the difference being what color it is and how shitty the textures are. it legitimately annoys me how big this game is because thats clearly all the creator gave a shit about.

when you tell me to get excited about exploring an alien planet THIS is what i want to see.




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Okay, I mean, I get and agree with the point you're making, but this is a pretty high bar you've set here.

not really. id say minecraft does a pretty good job of imitating the diverse earth bioms and earth formations and even the occasional freak formations we get. you don't really see much from NMS besides plains and hills with sparse groupings of weird looking plants.


Well-Known Member
I... Legitimately don't know what to say to that. Earth is home to innumerable things that the most accomplished science fiction and fantasy authors can only wish they could have come up with. No matter how wild your imagination, it's almost certain that there's something even crazier here just waiting to be discovered.


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I... Legitimately don't know what to say to that. Earth is home to innumerable things that the most accomplished science fiction and fantasy authors can only wish they could have come up with. No matter how wild your imagination, it's almost certain that there's something even crazier here just waiting to be discovered.

ok lets start simple how about an actual dense forest? the most basic of basic landscapes.


Well-Known Member
To be fair while the flora and fauna are just randomly generated, the actual terrain can get pretty awesome sometimes




Well-Known Member
So, The Witcher 3 GOTYE was announced today and is releasing on the 30th. I plan to get it and find out how good it is with its forests and stuff with my own eyes.

Can probably expect spam of FFXV and Rise of the Tomb Raider too.

Also Skyrim, The Last Guardian and Persona 5 when it releases :D I haven't really taken any screenshots at all lately


Well-Known Member
So, The Witcher 3 GOTYE was announced today and is releasing on the 30th. I plan to get it and find out how good it is with its forests and stuff with my own eyes.

Can probably expect spam of FFXV and Rise of the Tomb Raider too.

Also Skyrim, The Last Guardian and Persona 5 when it releases :D I haven't really taken any screenshots at all lately

I actually wanna get the Marvel Ultimate Alliance bundle for ps4 XD

....I still haven't tried going back to Witcher. I should have just returned it lol


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Must be nice nice to own multiple thousand dollar PCs. XD Really jealous, guys, especially after the poor impression that FFXV made yesterday on consoles.
These are direct feed promo screenshots that Square Enix released for the game alongside the new gameplay video:






Either their marketing guys should be sacked or the development team. Or all. Don't tell me this looks acceptable in 2016 to any of you. .__.
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Well-Known Member
It doesn't look good or bad, just like...average. I've seen better and worse.

Which is especially bad because final fantasy has a reputati9n as some of the best looking games ever.

But then this games problem has always been how ridiculously bland it is so no surprise.

Its more Dawson's creek than final fantasy