Who's your favorite DOA character¿ and why¿


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I would have to say it's a tie between Ayane and Alpha. Both of their stories are pretty tragic, and I've always loved a good tragic-backstory character.


Active Member
I think I started playing as Kasumi mainly because she was easy to use. But then when I got DOA4 I started to use Ayane because it was easier (in my opinion) to mix up her moves, especially when Ayane was spinning.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I never, ever thought I'd live to see someone actually liking Tengu. I respect that. I also get really sad for Leon, I thought he didn't have any fans besides my friend who plays him but after meeting Cow and Fork, I really want the dude in the game.


Active Member
Lei fang for me! Ever since the second doa and her quote "its not a matter of power" i fell in love lol! It helps of course that i love chinese martial arts and i find her the cutest - prettiest girl in doa... Kasumi a close second mostly for her character and thet im probably better with her than lei fang since shes much easier to use...


Well-Known Member
Christie: Look at DOA3 and DOA4 endings and you know why.

lol at that line.
my 2 favorites are kasumi and christie. i liked kasumi because initially because she was the only only ninja that could teleport during play. she also became a pressure monster in Doa4 and was my main. now that she can teleport mid strings in Doa5 i think im in love haha jk
I would have to say i like Christie because shes one of a the few cast members that has a stance with a ton of options. her mix up game is endless and with her added move cancels in Doa5 i can myself causing quite a scare haha i dont know many characters that can be right in your face attacking and or dodging simultaneously. Aside from being the one of the hottest (in my opinion) her moves are really deceptive and she has that throw where she stabs you right in your stuff=SPAM!!!! oh yea i went hard haha

Forlorn Penguin

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Regular Show OOHHHH!!!.gif


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Just want to point out, myself and a couple others were in here giving Eliot props before anyone knew he was a beast in DOA5 ;)


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Hayate. I've stuck with him since DOA2 because what I really love is that out of all the characters, his style evolved to most, from karate to a mugen tenshin ninja style. And when it comes down to it, he still retains some of his karate moves even still(1kp, 8p, 8k, 236p, 214k, and his neck chop grab). I felt like that showing that he's been regaining his strength as a ninja, becoming more and more agile, closer to Ryu Hayabusa's level.

Eliot is my second because I like the way he looks, and his his moves. He's gunna be my secondary character in DOA5, simply because in doa4, I wasn't good enough to pick up a character like him.

Kokoro is my 3rd fav because she looks cute and is a bit similar to Eliot, so they'll be my tag team probably.


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Haybusa. I'm a fan of the cool-headed badass routine. Also love his playstyle and visual moves, both in NG and DOA.
I really liked Ayane's personality until Dimensions, where she turned into some whiny brat. I always got the impression she was very "Shit happens. Get over it." before that, which I liked, but in Dimensions she was mean and whiny which is a bad mix. I still love her fighting style and visual appearance, though.
I like Kasumi's appearance, fighting style and personality as well.
Fighting style: Hayabusa
Personality: Kasumi
Visual Appearance: Ayane
Fun Factor: All 3.

Also Tengu for the lulz.

Forlorn Penguin

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Gotta love him.

Most definitely. I will miss him dearly.

(note: I do not speak Japanese.)

Neither do I, but I know that the accompanying subtitles for that quote are "Puny Insect!". He didn't say that in DOA4 though, for some reason, but he did in DOAU and DOAD.

His "unlabored flawlessness" line always reminds me of the NG weapon.

Wow. I actually never new about that weapon. I didn't do anything with the Wooden Sword.