Final Fantasy Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing they'll have a couple of different outfits I'm hoping they do anyway, But based on the pictures there I'd say Ignis' is the best then Gladio's, Prompto's is a bit strange but I'm okay with it and then Noctis' I don't know what. The shoes and trousers are nice but then there's the top half and I don't know.

I've seen some other outfits like the £200 pound hoodie and the suit and top less Gladio and they look nice.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm guessing they'll have a couple of different outfits I'm hoping they do anyway, But based on the pictures there I'd say Ignis' is the best then Gladio's, Prompto's is a bit strange but I'm okay with it and then Noctis' I don't know what. The shoes and trousers are nice but then there's the top half and I don't know.

I've seen some other outfits like the £200 pound hoodie and the suit and top less Gladio and they look nice.

You'll probably only get topless Gladio if you buy a 5 year Men's Health subscription going by their other promo and DLC practices. XD

Some gifs from the stream:






Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You'll probably only get topless Gladio if you buy a 5 year Men's Health subscription going by their other promo and DLC practices. XD

Some gifs from the stream:




This is shaping up to be the sandbox to end all sandboxes.

I just hope that fishing portion is as solid as Sega Bass Fishing. Man, I love that game.


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Standard Donor
New Playstation Access stream this Sunday. :) World of Final Fantasy is just live:

17:30 BST is Final Fantasy XV time again with new stuff! :D



The summon sequences are so amazing! O: I love how Shiva (the Shivas) are flirting with Noctis and he's just concerned with not turning into a block of ice.
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Well-Known Member
New Playstation Access stream this Sunday. :) World of Final Fantasy is just live:

17:30 BST is Final Fantasy XV time again with new stuff! :D



The summon sequences are so amazing! O: I love how Shiva (the Shivas) are flirting with Noctis and he's just concerned with not turning into a block of ice.

I'll be sure to watch it! :) less than an hour then, and we see more gameplay and don't need to stay up the whole night!


Well-Known Member
I'm watching it right now! The two presenters are really good! :) I like how they're involving the people watching, I'm happy the leveling Is like FFX since I understand how that works.


Master Ninja
Staff member
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I think I'm pretty much the opposite of everyone else but I'm glad the game goes into a linear structure. I like pushing on towards the end of the story. I actually appreciated that about XIII. Can't wait to finish the first half of the game.


Well-Known Member
Its definitely not my goty but, it seems decent enough. Its definitely starting to look better each time I watch gameplay of it.

I personally think Birth By Sleep 0.2 will be the better game but of all the FFs set to release any time soon XV is up there and I'm starting to feel more and more glad that I bought it.


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*incoming without a bunch of screencaps*

What they showed this time was thankfully much less glitchy and buggy. I was a bit worried yesterday.
Oooh, I can't wait to play this game. >__< If there was no delay it would just be a couple more days to wait.

I think I'm pretty much the opposite of everyone else but I'm glad the game goes into a linear structure. I like pushing on towards the end of the story. I actually appreciated that about XIII. Can't wait to finish the first half of the game.

It depends on the kind of linearity. Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) is a good example. It too switched it's wide open levels for more linear, circumscribed ones towards the end of the game and you somehow felt the urge to push ahead in the story. Still you had the choice or the illusion of a choice to do/experience some other stuff.
I don't ever want a FF like FFXIII again where you are forced to run down corridors for 20 hours. Where towns and shops and NPCs are floating terminals. That was horrible and imo not what a Final Fantasy is about at all. That's a whole different kind of linear action adventure genre.
I'm hopeful the second, more linear part of the game is more like Xenoblade and less like FXIII.

Aso one tiny screenshot. ;)

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