Final Fantasy Thread


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Cidney works as that cool southern girl! Honestly I actually really like her she seems to be a awesome. I really hope we she her a lot in the game.

Also lol she's all on her own basically in the desert so I don't blame her.


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Final Fantasy XV's PS4 Pro mode will just include 4K and HDR and not any other graphical improvements.

"It seems that, like the PC version, they weren't planning to do a PRO Patch at first (cause, you know, the original release was at September 30th without PRO features), so, in Tabata's words, to take advantage of PRO's features, they would need a lot of time that they don´t have right now.
But Tabata thinks that, after the release of the game, taking the time they need, they will be available to create a PRO patch that uses better PRO`s features.

The interviewer talks about 4KHDR and Tabata doesn't deny it, so, for now, 4KHDR is the unique feature of PRO version."

"Q: Will FFXV be coming to PCs? Also, what about the PS4Pro version of the game, the improvements will consist only in 4K and HDR or there’ll be modes/configurations for the player to choose how the game looks?

HT: About the PC we’re focusing all our efforts into the console versions of the game. So we’re not looking into it right now to be honest. Making a PC version of the game would mean we’d have to readjust a lot of stuff and concentrate solely on developing it, even though the development team has shown interest in getting a PC version out at some point. About the PS4PRO, it’s basically the same thing about the PC – if we wanted to take full advantage of the new hardware that would mean putting in much effort and time to make the game look and run better…and time is something we don’t have right now neither we had foreseen the PS4Pro existence before. In the future, with some dedication and time maybe we can get a PS4Pro version of the game that can take advantage of the systems capabilities. But as of right now the game has maxed out the PS4 horsepower."

Lol, Neogaf is bawling their eyes out. XD And I am suddenly not so sure about the Pro anymore...hrm... :/


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At least now you know to save your money :)

I do know...but will I? ;) I still haven't decided... FFXV isn't going to be the only graphically upgraded game on Pro.
Soul Calibur 6 and Dead or Alive 6 aren't anywhere near to even an announcement yet and I thought about getting Tekken 7 after all. But it looked rather poor on the regular PS4 in comparison to the PC and arcade version, so the Pro might help out in this case. :/


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Still haven't gotten him though I did just get the option to buy Poison Claws so I'm expecting to run into him pretty soon.

Hopefully really soon I get three MP dependent characters I NEED some dumb muscle that won't make me rest every 5 minutes.

If you were referring to Amarant, I found him to be the most useless party member. Steiner and Freya already hit like freight trains and Zidane was already the thief style dps.

On the new FF, I can't be the only one who thinks these guys just have the DUMBEST names?


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I'm not disagreeing because I'd be suspect too if I met someone In real life called Prompto but since its a different planet I don't think they're dumb, I actually like all the names so far even Prompto cause it sounds cute.

Also I swear I have to play FF9 and 8 at some point!


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If you were referring to Amarant, I found him to be the most useless party member.
What're you talking about? Apart from Quina, Amarant is one of the most useful characters in the game, especially in tougher battles such as Yans and Ozma.

Amarant is one of the only two characters who can rebuff the party with Auto-Life after the initial ability has been used up the first time in a battle... the other being Quina. But unlike Quina, the ability costs less MP, has an added effect of Regen, and it can be used on the entire party when in Trance.

In addition to this, he also has a max damage skill (No Mercy) just like Zidane, Quina, and Freya, which is accumulated by the amount of damage he's done to enemies in battle.

And if that's not enough, he has an ability that changes elemental weaknesses, a resurrection ability (Revive), and a Doom ability (Countdown) that increases in probability of working as his level increases. Combined with Quina's blue magic spell Night, Countdown makes the battle with 3 Yans - which is the toughest and most rewarding normal monster battle in the game - a lot easier without the risk of having your whole party ejected (which surprisingly results in an automatic Game Over).


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I'm not disagreeing because I'd be suspect too if I met someone In real life called Prompto but since its a different planet I don't think they're dumb, I actually like all the names so far even Prompto cause it sounds cute.

And not everyone is named Johnny... >.>


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What're you talking about? Apart from Quina, Amarant is one of the most useful characters in the game, especially in tougher battles such as Yans and Ozma.

Amarant is one of the only two characters who can rebuff the party with Auto-Life after the initial ability has been used up the first time in a battle... the other being Quina. But unlike Quina, the ability costs less MP, has an added effect of Regen, and it can be used on the entire party when in Trance.

In addition to this, he also has a max damage skill (No Mercy) just like Zidane, Quina, and Freya, which is accumulated by the amount of damage he's done to enemies in battle.

And if that's not enough, he has an ability that changes elemental weaknesses, a resurrection ability (Revive), and a Doom ability (Countdown) that increases in probability of working as his level increases. Combined with Quina's blue magic spell Night, Countdown makes the battle with 3 Yans - which is the toughest and most rewarding normal monster battle in the game - a lot easier without the risk of having your whole party ejected (which surprisingly results in an automatic Game Over).
wouldn't know, never used him.

you get him so much later, i already have my party set up so he is just left on the sidelines for me. Tried him out a couple times, and he felt lackluster. So I never found out about all that stuff you're talking about.

or Quina, for that matter, because They are a pain to set up with the eating specific enemies lol. I usually just focus on spamming Freya's 9999 dragon skill to kill everything big, and Freya Zidane and Steiner doing regular attacks to take down regular enemies.

I try not to use spellcasters too much because it seems I never came across any ethers or elixers to replenish MP, but potions out the wazoo.

that said, like any final fantasy, I never got around to actually BEATING it. I always get to the point where you can stop, freeroam, and backtrack, and never progress past that point because I wander trying to get every little thing lol


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My main party in IX was Zidane, Garnet/Dagger, Vivi and Eiko (I like spellcasters xD) and I was able to beat Ozma with them.
Eiko is pretty damn useful, she has Holy that almost always deals 9999 dmg and that (random) Auto-Summon Phoenix when you died was pretty cool. She also had better W.Magic that Garnet (though you don't need it once you get Auto-Regen + Auto-Haste). I've never had too many problems MP-wise since I always had some ethers/tents and I unlocked the MP+ and Half-MP abilities as soon as they were available.
The fight against Ozma was just me spamming Ark, Holy and Doomsday xD


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spellcaster are good for difficult fights, but id preffer not to waste MP on weak random encounters. where i left off i only have Zidance,Vivi, Dagger, and Quina.

Dagger is blocking 90% of the time unless i need her to heal or debilitate an enemy so Quina can eat them while Vivi just drains all his MP on fodder enemies. Zidane is my only cost effective damage dealer the moment.


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wouldn't know, never used him.

you get him so much later, i already have my party set up so he is just left on the sidelines for me. Tried him out a couple times, and he felt lackluster. So I never found out about all that stuff you're talking about.
Yeah, you don't wanna go in with the mentality of playing Yang when it comes to Amarant. Unlike him, Amarant has a lot more going for him aside from raw strength and low defense, and his unique skills balance him out.

I also forgot to mention that on top of what I previously mentioned, he also has the Return Magic ability along with Vivi, which allows him to counterattack with the same spell used against him without the cost of MP. This works wonders against Yans, seeing as they have maximum speed stats (meaning they could get more than one turn sometimes) and only use the spell Comet.

or Quina, for that matter, because They are a pain to set up with the eating specific enemies lol.
When in doubt, Scan and have a mage use physical attacks. I highly recommend having Quina eat the Whale Zombies to learn Lv. 5 Death, which will make the battles with the Grand Dragons just above Gizmaluke's Grotto much easier.

I usually just focus on spamming Freya's 9999 dragon skill to kill everything big, and Freya Zidane and Steiner doing regular attacks to take down regular enemies.
Fair enough. But that's suicide against a trio of Yans.

I try not to use spellcasters too much because it seems I never came across any ethers or elixers to replenish MP, but potions out the wazoo.
In this scenario Freya is an alternative during battle... provided you have enough MP after casting White Draw.

that said, like any final fantasy, I never got around to actually BEATING it. I always get to the point where you can stop, freeroam, and backtrack, and never progress past that point because I wander trying to get every little thing lol
Now might be that time. Finding new ways to play the cast always kept me coming back for more.

My main party in IX was Zidane, Garnet/Dagger, Vivi and Eiko (I like spellcasters xD) and I was able to beat Ozma with them.

The fight against Ozma was just me spamming Ark, Holy and Doomsday xD
Was this before or after you found all the land spirits?


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Played the World of Final Fantasy demo and overall didn't like it. :/

- very cute art style
- past FF protagonists
- capturing monsters

- bad tech for such a simple art style (low quality polygon assets, blurry textures, undetailed game world, loading times etc.)
- very linear progression
- boring, tedious combat system
- awful story (not in the demo but we know that from reviews.)
- awful main characters (not in the demo but we also know that.)


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Was this before or after you found all the land spirits?
It was after, otherwise Ozma would absorb anything that is dark elemental (Ark/Doomsday). If it had been before, I would have replaced them with Flare and Bahamut, but they do quite a bit less damage instead of 9999 and I never really tried.


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Thats how all FFs before XII/XIII played though lol


Times and standards change.