DOA's Pretty Boy - Elliot's top ten moves


Active Member
I've just started playing DOA (and Elliot) and I'm kind of lost.

Can someone help me out with Elliot's top ten moves?

So far I like 66P+K


Active Member
*This list is outdated - jump to the bottom of this page for my more insightful and informed version.*

I've only been playing for one day so these will probably change, and the info below is probably incorrect anyway.

:3::K::P: - Causes a sit down stun. Unsafe now though which is a bummer.
:3:/:9::h: - Gives enough time for a 14 frame attack. I heard he had launchers from his parry, but I can't find it though.
:4:/:6::h: - Don't know if this really works (still new to the training settings) but this seems to guarantee 3kp, which then guarantees 66k. Which then allows you to mix-up between the critical burst or a launcher. :9::K: also seems to be guaranteed after the 3kp. *UPDATE* I'm wrong on the 3kp being guaranteed, but the 66k might still be afterwards. Back to the lab!
:6::6::P:+:K: - Gives advantage and covers distance.
:7::P: - Good panic move. You can't seem to do anything with it on normal hit though, and has a very limited range.
:1::K: string - Good for mix-ups. Functions pretty much the same as Doa4.
:3_::P: - Pretty self-explanatory. Great for juggles.
:4::P: - 3-way mix-up.
:4::F:+:K: - Gives frame advantage on block. The animation is very similar to the powerblow charge animation.
:3::P: sting - Still great for juggles. Can mix-up with with 3pk, or mix-up at the end of the string.

There's still I need to test out, his new 46p sting ender for instance. If his sebaki is still safe on block then I'll probably put it in the top ten. 236p seems to give advantage, and I noticed it still sidesteps linear attacks. f+k actually low crushes now, as does 6f+k, so they might make the list later as well.


Active Member
:6::6::P:+:K: - Gives advantage and covers distance.
as does 6f+k, so they might make the list later as well.

Thanks a lot for your input!

I love 66P+K It covers distance alright. Opponents think you cannot get them at that distance and BAM you can.

I mix it up with 6F+K to get close.


Active Member
#UPDATED ON 19/12/12
- rearranged a few moves, and added mix-ups into the list.

1: :2::3::6::h:+:P:

  • A single throw that leads to big damage.
  • Has the same disadvantages as every other throw in the game. There is the constant threat of being HCB if it whiffs.

2: :4::h:+:K:/ Charged powerblow mixup.

  • :4::h:+:K: is safe at lowest charge.
  • Charged fully Eliot will be +17 on block. If you happen to be open stance then you could try :h:+:K: into back-turned shenanigans.
  • Looks like he is charging his powerblow (just minus the smoke effect). Great mix-up tool.
  • If a fully charged :4::h:+:K: hits a blocked opponent the number of hits required to CB drops to 3. And because it's +17 moves like 6p and 3p are guaranteed afterwards, in a sense bringing the required number of hits/guesses to just 2. The same thing applies to his powerblow being blocked after 40 frames. Essentially this will allow you to use powerblows as a pressure tool - because if they get hit they'll be powerblown, or if they block, they will be at a huge disadvantage.
  • You can cancel the powerblow, and use the animation to bait out a response.
  • Very slow. Can be HCB out of it, making these the riskiest moves on this list. But their payoff is higher than any other.
  • I discovered in DOA4 that you can only use the tactic of mixing these two moves up on one person so many times before they realize. Luckily though, that realization doesn't set in for awhile.

3: :2::1::4::P:

  • Safe, but really doesn't look it. A lot of people will foolishly try to punish.
  • A lot of people have trouble holding it due to the unusual animation. Really messes with some peoples timing.
  • The animation is long, but not long enough that you can't combo with it.
  • Allows him to CB in 3 hits!
  • You can be high counter thrown out of the animation.

4: :6::h:+:K:/ :6::6::P:+:K: Mixup.

Pros for :6::h:+:K: :
  • Covers distance.
  • The best of his 4 low crushes (:2::3::6::K: and :h:+:K: will low crush things like low wake-up kicks but will still miss the opponent. :P:+:K::P: doesn't crush until the second :P:).
  • 2-in-1
  • Hits grounded opponents.
  • Can juggle with it if you wanted to.
  • Guarantees a :2::K: afterwards.
  • Can be mixed-up with :6::6::P:+:K:.
  • Safe.
Pros for :6::6::P:+:K::
  • Covers distance just as much (probably more so).
  • Excellent move to do up close as well, as it will result in a 'close hit'. Deadly when facing a wall.
  • Leaves Eliot at +4.
  • Can be mixed-up with :6::h:+:K:.
  • Both moves allow Eliot to play the distance game better than anyone else. And if the opponent is waiting for you to use these, then you can mixup with :2::3::6::K: (not advisable though, in my opinion), :h:+:K:, :2::3::6::P:, :4::6::P:, or :6::6::K:.


  • Leaves Eliot at -3. So it's safe.
  • Eliot can perform this move at the end of at least 11 strings (not including just doing the move by itself). Essentially this means that all of these strings are safe.
  • Can be mixed-up at the end of a string with :K:, :P:, or :2::P:.
  • The strongest move of the string enders.
  • As of DOAD this move knocks the opponent back. I suppose there was probably no way it was going to regain it's sit-down stun status in Doa5 anyway.
  • Somewhat tricky to perform now due to the new buffering system. In lag it becomes a real nightmare.


  • Guarantees a 15 frame attack.
  • PP becomes guaranteed on middleweight and above when mid or high kick is parried. The same for lightweights when cornered against a wall. This allows a 3-way mix-up between :K:, :P: and :4::6::P:, which all send the opponent into the wall.
  • :4::P: is guaranteed and has similar advantages as above - when against the wall the :P: or :K: followup will knock the opponent into it.
  • :3::K: is guaranteed. You can risk the :P: followup to put the opponent into a sitdown stun.
  • High and Mid kick parry leaves Eliot in open stance, and directly leads into a bunch of :h:+:K: shenanigans.
  • In my opinion it's probably the worst parry Eliot has had throughout the 3 games he's been in. Lost a lot of the shenanigans from the Doa4 version, which are sorely missed.
  • No longer keeps Eliot in a state of forward momentum. Mid Punch parry will actually move him backwards. Has lost it's properties to control space.
  • Can't buffer attacks during the parry animation.

7: :3_::P:

  • If not the best, then one of the best relaunchers in the game.
  • Execution barrier has been considerably scaled back. It's now even easier to pull it off.
  • His fastest mid attack.
  • Unless you master it you'll never be a threat with Eliot.
  • Needs to be buffered - and almost impossible to buffer while under pressure. I go into more detail about this below in the :7::P: section.
  • Unsafe.
  • Despite being able to use it repeatedly in a juggle, it will get badly affected by damage scaling. All-in-all his damage output hasn't really changed between Doa4 and 5, despite his juggles becomes longer.

8: :1::P:+:K:string.

  • :1::P:+:K: is his CB.
  • :1::P:+:K::K: is a launcher. Follow it up with :1::K: on middleweights and below for an easy untechable.
  • You'll probably never catch another Eliot player do :1::P:+:K::P:. Most people will never know this move even exists.
  • Both the :K: and :P: options are now unsafe, which really sucks a fat one.
  • :1::P:+:K: is 20 frames but feels pretty sluggish and often predictable.

9: :6::6::K:

  • Can cover distance, especially if you use it from running.
  • Causes a sit down stun after 2 or 3 hits.
  • Causes a sit down stun on crouching opponents.
  • The sit down stuns guarantee a 14 frame attack (although not his 13 frame :9::K: for some reason). This guarantees :3::K:, which, if you wanted to risk it, you can follow up with the :P: for a second sit down stun.
  • Unsafe.

10: :7::P:

  • The best panic move he has.
  • 9 frames.
  • Safe.
  • Has limited range.
  • Does nothing on normal hit.
  • Not really a slight against against this move per se, but Eliot seriously needed some quick move to help him deal with rush-down type characters and I just would have preferred if one of his mids were sped up a bit instead. As mentioned above, it's almost impossible to buffer :3_::P: (his fastest mid) from block, so when fighting against a character with great pressure this move is rendered useless. He already had to resort to using his 10 frame jab, and 13 frame :K: in this situation, which were already high attacks to begin with.


Active Member
Another Great moves for me:
236k - awesome flying High Kick with Good Timing huge Counter Hit damage
236p - Slower than 236k but also Great damage and very Good against Near opponents
3k8p - sitdown stun
3kp ~ P+K - another sitdown
2P+K~2P+K - Great juggle Option when Opponent in stun Mode follow with 4ppp3p huge damage Combo and Force tech included
6P+K - Good damage Instant stun Good in Wall Game
2 H+K - awesome low Kick to Break the Defense guaranteed 6ppp as follow up
H+K - fast Kick Instant stun follow with 2 H+K is a Good Option 236p or 236k on Wall Works well.


Well-Known Member
7p- fastest strike in the game and great pressure tool
3H+P- parry, guaruantees many follow ups
236h+p- launcher throw and gateway to his damaging juggles
instant 3p- refloat attack great for adding extra damage and wall carry in all his juggles
2H+K- quick high crushing low that has a mid p launcher followup that is hard to react to
BT 4K-gives him his highest launch height of all his strike-based launchers
8k- his go-to launcher from front facing
66P+K- his best guard break and is a good whiff punisher with great distance
H+K-a pretty fast tracking low crushing high kick that causes stumble stun and gives him BT juggles
6H+K- a low crushing double mid kick attack that has great distance and causes bounce launcher


Well-Known Member
:7::P: - Obviously his most notable new move. i9, same speed as Christies, Kasumi's, and Alpha 152's jab, but better since it causes a stun on CH. Good from stopping pressure, and for frame traps. However, range isn't so great.

:H+K: - Great tracking move, just wish it was faster. Guarantee's 6p+k into a bounce combo for about 30%-40% health bar.

:214::P: - High punch sabaki, safe, and when successfully used allows him to CB much quicker.

:6::P+K: - Move is only good for whiff punishing from "mid range". Causes a guaranteed stun on BT opponents which can be followed up with p+k for the same effect.

:2::H+K: - Eliot's best tool for crushing highs. Although I preferred :3::P+K: high crush properties from DOA4.

:236::F+P: - Depending on throw properties, his follow up combo can be life threatening from his most powerful combo from this throw

:3:/:9::h: Parry guarantee's :9::K:. From there you can buffer a command throw and if your opponent holds you can throw them on reaction.

:2::P+K: - Eliot's 2 in 1, stuns on NH, and has a variety of options from this moves. Only downside is, all his options afterwards can be SS'ed. If they block the 2p+k, you can do 46p follow up for a guard break. He's at -3 but still safe. If they get hit by 2p+k, p+k is a high punch launcher; new.

Back turned :K: - My personal favorite because when blocked he's at -2, thus creating a i11 frame trap with 7p

:6::6::P+K: - Eliot's strongest guard break, leaves him at +4 when blocked

A few other personal favorites. Eliot's instant crouching 3p. Stand alone it's i13. It's i16 when you add the crouch dashing frames. it takes +3 frames to crouch dash but takes +1 frame to connect on hit 17 frames in total. Not good for interrupting opponents unless you're already crouching, however 9k is i13 and doesn't need to be buffered. Therefore you can counterhit launch opponents when under pressure, or go with 7p as the safe option.


Premium Donor
Been playing around with Eliot a bit and here are definitely my favorite moves atm with him...Sorry, I just now started to begin using him more frequently so I'm still somewhat unfamiliar with his frames XD:

:7::P:- a definite staple, I love how it's 9i and safe, it gives him a way to keep up with the faster fighters.

:7::K:- A good escape move, doesn't have much range but is good for shutting down approaches.

:214::F:- I'm in love with this throw; A reset, 10i, and does good damage?? Yeah, this is a keeper XD I honestly deem it one of his best throws since it's not as slow and can be used during a stun to pressure the opponent not to hold, the hi counter damage is beautiful. Also since I'm somewhat new to Eliot still, his launch throw isn't really much use to me atm unless it's near a wall to "cage" the juggle, this however can be done anywhere and keeps the opponent standing for pressure.

:3:/:9::h:- Not much is guaranteed like say Kasumi's parry but you can do :3::K:, :9::K:, or :6::P: I believe guaranteed and if you don't do any string follow ups you can wait for a panic hold so you can do a throw depending on the situation.

:1::P+K:- I like this simply because it has follow ups, because Eliot is kinda linear, it's nice having a clean knock down that offers a slight bounce on counter hits and a launching high kick that your opponent has to respect, especially on block for those who are just a bit too eager to throw punish a blocked CB.

:6::H+K:- Covers distance and is safe at -5, also like because based on the posts from above, I found out 2K is guaranteed from it.

:2::H+K:- A nice 23i low with a follow up and range. Can be used to try to open opponents up and has a delayable follow up so your opponent will have to respect this or get blown up.

:4::K:- My second favorite mid kick he has, decent range, tracks, and is safe.

BT :4::K:- His highest launcher, a mid kick. I like this since you can get 2-3 of his:3_::P: out of it and use :3::P::P::P::K:/:3::P::P::P::4::6::P: or :P::P::K:/:P::P::4::6::P: for some damn good damage.

That's all I can say for now. XD
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Been playing around with Eliot a bit and here are definitely my favorite moves atm with him...Sorry, I just now started to begin using him more frequently so I'm still somewhat unfamiliar with his frames XD:

:7::P:- a definite staple, I love how it's 9i and safe, it gives him a way to keep up with the faster fighters.

:7::K:- A good escape move, doesn't have much range but is good for shutting down approaches.

:214::F:- I'm in love with this throw; A reset, 10i, and does good damage?? Yeah, this is a keeper XD I honestly deem it one of his best throws since it's not as slow and can be used during a stun to pressure the opponent not to hold, the hi counter damage is beautiful. Also since I'm somewhat new to Eliot still, his launch throw isn't really much use to me atm unless it's near a wall to "cage" the juggle, this however can be done anywhere and keeps the opponent standing for pressure.

:3:/:9::h:- Not much is guaranteed like say Kasumi's parry but you can do :3::K:, :9::K:, or :6::P: I believe guaranteed and if you don't do any string follow ups you can wait for a panic hold so you can do a throw depending on the situation.

:1::P+K:- I like this simply because it has follow ups, because Eliot is kinda linear, it's nice having a clean knock down that offers a slight bounce on counter hits and a launching high kick that your opponent has to respect, especially on block for those who are just a bit too eager to throw punish a blocked CB.

:6::H+K:- Covers distance and is safe at -5, also like because based on the posts from above, I found out 2K is guaranteed from it.

That's all I can say for now. XD
You forgot his:3_::P:. It serves as his relauncher to extend his combos. However, it's tricky to pull it off consistently and quickly. If you do not master this move, you can never be a threat with Eliot.


Premium Donor
You forgot his:3_::P:. It serves as his relauncher to extend his combos. However, it's tricky to pull it off consistently and quickly. If you do not master this move, you can never be a threat with Eliot.
Oh I didn't really forget it, it's a good move but you don't really need it that much in my opinion, it's like his strings that end with 46P, you don't need those so much since they're mainly just for maximum damage output, I think an Eliot player can still be threatening with or without the refloat like how a Raidou can be a threat with or without that EWGF just frame. I mainly use it after his 236T throw for at least 2-4 refloats and once after like BT 4K and 8K.


Well-Known Member
I don't like Eliot's :4::6::P: String Ender.....

Or to be more Accurate, I don't like the Input for that Ender. The Actual move I dislike is the Regular non Guard break version of that String.... its a Useless move, it exists exclusively just to Annoy you for Screwing Up the :4::6::P: Version. :mad:


Premium Donor
I don't like Eliot's :4::6::P: String Ender.....

Or to be more Accurate, I don't like the Input for that Ender. The Actual move I dislike is the Regular non Guard break version of that String.... its a Useless move, it exists exclusively just to Annoy you for Screwing Up the :4::6::P: Version. :mad:
I kind of like it in some cases since you'll still get damage in if you mess up, it's not like certain moves other characters have where the combo will just drop if you foul it up luckily


Well-Known Member
Thats True but really it wouldn't be an issue if they just made the Superior Ender the Default Option and no Special Input for it.

I like his :1::P: and :6::P: Strings..... Them Mid/Low Mix Ups !!!! :)


New Member
Basically anything that starts with downback
Dfk, p
P, bp

That's pretty much all the staples, and most games I use every single one of them in various combinations with each other.

I also use k, dp a lot but it's not really that good.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Basically anything that starts with downback
Dfk, p
P, bp

That's pretty much all the staples, and most games I use every single one of them in various combinations with each other.

I also use k, dp a lot but it's not really that good.

Ah for heads up, you have the option to use button icons by clicking on the smiley tab if you are not familiar with number notations yet such as:

:P:, :K:, :214::P:, :6::P+K: etc.


New Member
Ah for heads up, you have the option to use button icons by clicking on the smiley tab if you are not familiar with number notations yet such as:

:P:, :K:, :214::P:, :6::P+K: etc.
I was aware of them, just not how to do them, so thanks. I am familiar with the number notation system, but I'm not really a fan of it honestly. So it works like this for the dragon kick as an example right? :2::3::6::K: