

Premium Donor
....Yeah, who said Anna wasn't confirmed? XD

This is proof enough that's she's coming, plus Dragunov Jin, Kazuya, Steve, Nina, and Hwoarang are already in the game.

Also some sick Alisa Fan art! @Alisara

There will also be a weekly T7 stream from Bandai Namco Australia every Thursday at 6 PM!
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Premium Donor
So if Zafina's included, she'll be paid DLC? Bummer if so
No because she's a classic character XD any veteran tekken fighter is considered a classic character and since that's what Zafina is and there's nothing really special about her she'll be free when she's added down the line...just look at Leo who's in T7 but debuted in T6. And Bob and Miguel are returning too


Well-Known Member
Still infuriates me that she's the only T6 newcomer left out of the game. Don't like the other ones, and I mained her in the last two games.


Well-Known Member
Aww I loved that creepy spider bicth I'd love to see her come back. Especially if she was free. Also I'd like to believe that that confirms that Anna's in but the fact that it's using old renders kind of confuses me so I'm not going to believe it 100% until she's shown.


Premium Donor
You're stupid Grunt XD

Anna is coming back, don't be surprised when she's shown XD I can't wait to see her wipe assholes in the concrete
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Well-Known Member
With the costumization options,hopefully they'll give Xiaoyu her loose hairstyle she had in Tekken blood vengeance,no more pigtails damn it!
Fatal Frame, Ninja Gaiden or DOA might be somethin' like this someday :) I mean...the CG cutscenes at least.
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This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Yeah, I liked the loose hair she had in the movie.
The fight scenes from the movie were well done right up until the whole Devil Gene thing took place. It was all fine ans good until it went full DBZ on us. Xiaoyu's borderline lesbian relationship with Alisa was one of the best things to come out of the movie. Otherwise, the movie was terrible. Plus, there were a shit load of inconsistencies that did not add up with the actual series and frankly, I am glad Harada-san discredited the film as non-canon.

I still think that Xiao should have @&$^*& Alisa.

Edit: Added some more insight.
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Premium Donor
Oh you mean that SF style of thick pieces of strings that's attached to her head,i love Lili but come on! XD
It was better in TTT2 but...her hair has grown on me now XD It's still thick and looks a lot more solid and I uh...kinda like the weird physics, call me weird but the animation is kind of hot imo ♡.♡



That back arch tho!☆

I don't mind at all anymore ♡.♡ Although they're basically just using her TTT2 hair, they just froze some strands in place since the unreal engine isn't made for loose hair like Havok Engine was, BUT:

See this gif?? This was taken from the first ever beta version of T7 when they used early build with only 40% lighting and stuff, the character models at this point were basically just ported straight from TTT2/TR. If you look at lili's hair here and compare it with the gif before it you can see that in this one, Lili's hair was actually very flowy, almost as good as TTT2 but they removed the movement it was supposed to have when it draped and when she walked in and it clips through her chest like in TTT2, since they didn't animate it to actually go over her shoulders.

Idk why they decided to take away the flowy movement it had in the beta, it was much better there imo, but I'm still pretty content with Lili's hair atm. It could be worse, she could have a short static haircut like Asuka or be forced to wear it in a tied up style like Xiaoyu and Kazumi has. Long hair especially at Lili's length is uncommon in fighting games, especially loose long hair at that 0_o


Well-Known Member
It was better in TTT2 but...her hair has grown on me now XD It's still thick and looks a lot more solid and I uh...kinda like the weird physics, call me weird but the animation is kind of hot imo ♡.♡



That back arch tho!☆

I don't mind at all anymore ♡.♡ Although they're basically just using her TTT2 hair, they just froze some strands in place since the unreal engine isn't made for loose hair like Havok Engine was, BUT:

See this gif?? This was taken from the first ever beta version of T7 when they used early build with only 40% lighting and stuff, the character models at this point were basically just ported straight from TTT2/TR. If you look at lili's hair here and compare it with the gif before it you can see that in this one, Lili's hair was actually very flowy, almost as good as TTT2 but they removed the movement it was supposed to have when it draped and when she walked in and it clips through her chest like in TTT2, since they didn't animate it to actually go over her shoulders.

Idk why they decided to take away the flowy movement it had in the beta, it was much better there imo, but I'm still pretty content with Lili's hair atm. It could be worse, she could have a short static haircut like Asuka or be forced to wear it in a tied up style like Xiaoyu and Kazumi has. Long hair especially at Lili's length is uncommon in fighting games, especially loose long hair at that 0_o
They need to get with those DOA hair physics,just no with her hair man! *cringe* although the beta version does look a lot better.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Xiaoyu needs to just spank both Lili and Asuka and then teach them some new fighting techniques. Xiaoyu is an T3 OG who was busy trying to get some amusement park business started and to make Jin her b-... consort.


Serious note, I wonder if Oscar is going to beat Feng's ass again (if her T5DR did take place). Lili should have something a bit more pivotal to do within the story. That goes for many others like Paul for example. The one thing I am not a fan of how some good characters are wasted and put into some comedy relief status or shafted entirely. Then again, this is a fighting game and it is not necessarily the wisest choice to play them exclusively for the story for obvious reason, considering how crazy some of writing was to begin with. It more of a minor gripe if anything. However, based on some recent trailers, Tekken 7 is looking to be a highly entertaining game and we should definitely count onf Harada-san and his team to dish out a nice solid... and complete game.
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