The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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Let's have a little "face off" of the two most recent Western RPGs:









What do you think?
Can't really judge...I dislike most western RPGs and they all look bad except for the last one, the dark one. Idk what they did but that's probably one of the most realistic African American characters I've seen in a current Gen system, they did a great job capturing our characteristic fuller lips and facial structure...well for the most part since I don't have that type of face since I'm also mixed with Irish and Caucasian so I have only the medium skin tone, lips and hair texture of African descent XD.

The Horizon Dawn girl face also stands out from the others imo, as well as that one guy with the tribal head accessories, those three seem to be the best imo.


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The Asari looks good in mass effect but somehow the humans look more like aliens than the actual one... And Horizon's gorgeous in general.

Here are ME:Andromeda's alternate female character models. They all look so disproportioned and...fake. D:




...all over again.

And while some of Horizon's NPC's faces can act a little wonky during dialogues...I haven't seen anything like this before, lol:



Idk what they did but that's probably one of the most realistic African American characters I've seen in a current Gen system, they did a great job capturing our characteristic fuller lips and facial structure...well for the most part since I don't have that type of face since I'm also mixed with Irish and Caucasian so I have only the medium skin tone, lips and hair texture of African descent XD.

Horizon Zero Dawn has by the way a very diverse cast. Caucasians, I would say, are even in the minority. Lot's of cool black, mixed and Asian characters.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to say this about ME since I like the series but honestly the eye's are what's throwing me off honestly, They don't look right. something about them. But yeah all the characters look amazing in Horizon they really look great.

Here are ME:Andromeda's alternate female character models. They all look so disproportioned and...fake. D:




...all over again.

And while some of Horizon's NPC's faces can act a little wonky during dialogues...I haven't seen anything like this before, lol:




ahhhh! XD omg lol that is just... omg!

Pingu is such a good description... it's like they're lips fly away from they're face at every word... and wow the protagonist is not looking good either. Damn that's bad, You think they'd of spent... any time on the characters models and facial movements. I posted this already but look at Fran from the ps2!


This genuinely looks better than ME, Again no offence to ME, I like the series.


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I posted this already but look at Fran from the ps2!


This genuinely looks better than ME, Again no offence to ME, I like the series.

This is an a little unfair comparison though, because FFXII was stylized in its art style and not going for a realistic look like Mass Effect. Stylized games, best example is Wind Waker probably, tend to look timeless, even if the tech as considerably improved.
In 5 years even the great Horizon models will look outdated too. :( The Mass Effect models look already outdated and just very weird now.


Well-Known Member
I suppose the style helps it, But still they managed to make it look that good on the ps2 not to mention the characters still have realistic proportions etc. I'd heard about ME:A having certain problems but I didn't realize it was quite so visible.


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Does anybody know which beast did this? Ravagers and thunderjaws have these kinds of laser beams but this seems to come from far up. Glinthawks and stormbirds however don't have this attack, do they?

Edit: Oh, I'm just blind, I see a thunderjaw there in the background. XD
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Well-Known Member
It might be a Thunder jaw because they can pop a little flying disc out of the top of them that shots lasers, Other than that though I'm not really sure. Also I swear the battles in Horizon are so good! ( Jumping out of the way of a laser beam as it knocks down trees or evading a thunder jaw as it crashes into a boulder next to you and destroys the entire thing )

I'm really glad I got Horizon! :D Even in that gif it looks great.


Well-Known Member
Omg @Tyaren lol! XD I just realized too that you can actually see the thunderjaw in the background. XD Who'd have thought a multi-story robotic t-rex would blend in so well?! I guess I was correct though then. :D


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all of Horizon's looks great. ME looks the eyes are painted on

Something so strange to me. This is not the first game Bioware made and not the first character models they created. One would think they'd realize that the eyes are the single most important part of a character. If the eyes look real and have soul you just overlook a couple of other inconsistencies. The ME eyes look absolutely dead however. No reflection, no shaders, no shadows cast by eyelids and lashes.

Omg @Tyaren lol! XD I just realized too that you can actually see the thunderjaw in the background. XD Who'd have thought a multi-story robotic t-rex would blend in so well?! I guess I was correct though then. :D

I think that happens because everything is so detailed in this game and all details kinda blend together and you don't know where to focus. ;)

Also a nice detail and pretty rare in games (other than PC games on highest settings):


Gras casting actual shadows.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah there's really no point that I found in Horizon that wasn't beautiful, I actually deliberately face the camera in front of Aloy while I'm running away from enemies because It looks so cool. And yeah I like the little details like that In this game. I also got a weapon that lets you blast components off of the enemies and they have so much parts. And for ME yeah It really is the eye's more than anything, I've seen the environments and they look nice but the faces look off.


Well-Known Member
She's seen some stuff...


I don't know about chapstick but no, Mass effect 2 looked great and I thought the characters in DA:I looked good too, Is it different people that are making this game? Also lol at her referring to her face in the gif.


This is Jacob from mass effect 2, I don't know how they went from this to how they look in the new mass effect game.

Here's Vivienne from DA:I -


She was my favourite companion, Who was yours @Chapstick?


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She's seen some stuff...


I don't know about chapstick but no, Mass effect 2 looked great and I thought the characters in DA:I looked good too, Is it different people that are making this game? Also lol at her referring to her face in the gif.


This is Jacob from mass effect 2, I don't know how they went from this to how they look in the new mass effect game.

Here's Vivienne from DA:I -


She was my favourite companion, Who was yours @Chapstick?


I have by the way no clue if this is a completely different team from the other MEs or Dragon Age. I'm not very familar with Bioware and their games. They never really spoke to me. Maybe since Andromeda is not a full-fledged numbered ME but a spin off its budget was significantly lower? They certainly marketed it as a full-fledged ME though...


Well-Known Member

I have by the way no clue if this is a completely different team from the other MEs or Dragon Age. I'm not very familar with Bioware and their games. They never really spoke to me. Maybe since Andromeda is not a full-fledged numbered ME but a spin off its budget was significantly lower? They certainly marketed it as a full-fledged ME though...

Really you can't see it? God dammit lol, And no from what I know Andromeda isn't a spin off. ME 1,2,3 were a trilogy but It ended and now this game is going in a different direction but either way it's not really speaking to me.

You should look at images on it though because they looked much better. Anyway so many games have came out recently but I'm happy I was convinced. :p to get Horizon Zero Dawn because it really is great.


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Anyway so many games have came out recently but I'm happy I was convinced. :p to get Horizon Zero Dawn because it really is great.

It was about time... >__> I promoted it to you long enough. After The Witcher 3 you should already trust me. Next game I'm going to recommend to you, you have to get ASAP. XD


Well-Known Member
It was about time... >__> I promoted it to you long enough. After The Witcher 3 you should already trust me. Next game I'm going to recommend to you, you have to get ASAP. XD

lol I know! XD So far you recommended Witcher 3 and you + Chapstick recommended FFX and Horizon and I've loved all of them so far so okay lol I trust your judgement. They need to hire you for marketing for them!


Well-Known Member
Oh dear...


Did Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age Inquisition look this bad too? D:
I didn't really play ME2 but no DA:I did not look like this
She's seen some stuff...


I don't know about chapstick but no, Mass effect 2 looked great and I thought the characters in DA:I looked good too, Is it different people that are making this game? Also lol at her referring to her face in the gif.


This is Jacob from mass effect 2, I don't know how they went from this to how they look in the new mass effect game.

Here's Vivienne from DA:I -


She was my favourite companion, Who was yours @Chapstick?
Sera 100% was my favorite but Vivienne's a close second