The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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After all the commotion around Horizon, Naughty Dog thought they'd share some screenshots of their upcoming Uncharted 4 expansion:



Oooh...this is going to be absolutely beautiful! :D
India is such a beautiful country, nature, architecture, colors and all.
They're still supporting the game?? I remember playing it once and I didnt enjoy it, my mom had forced me to play it xD


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Lol, I loved Uncharted 4. XD It was the first and only Uncharted that I played by the way. And I liked that the journey was so long. So much to see and explore. I couldn't get enough. I'm looking very forward to the expansion, which will also be available as a stand alone game apparently. So I guess it's going to be 10 hours long at least.


Premium Donor
It's true XD I didn't wanna play it at all but she rented it so I played so I could get my PS4 back, I was grounded at that time. I'll get her a PS4 in the future tho so if she wanna play it she can on her own time.
Lol, I loved Uncharted 4. XD It was the first and only Uncharted that I played by the way. And I liked that the journey was so long. So much to see and explore. I couldn't get enough. I'm looking very forward to the expansion, which will also be available as a stand alone game apparently. So I guess it's going to be 10 hours long at least.
I'm not interested in the game but the fact they're still supporting it is really admirable!


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It's true XD I didn't wanna play it at all but she rented it so I played so I could get my PS4 back, I was grounded at that time. I'll get her a PS4 in the future tho so if she wanna play it she can on her own time.

I'm not interested in the game but the fact they're still supporting it is really admirable!

Be a little smarter next time and say Uncharted is an ungodly series. The main character is a mass murderer, he desecrates ancient tombs and plunders old churches. He also has an unhealthy relationship to his father figure:


On another note, the amazing richness of animations in Horizon Zero Dawn:


I didn't even notice it in my 70+ hours playtime, because I never dangled long enough on a cliff.


Well-Known Member
Let's have a little "face off" of the two most recent Western RPGs:









What do you think?

honestly its kinda 50/50. The only ones that look "Good" are the main HZD girl, and the last two guys.

But then the first pic looks downright cartoony. Not graphically bad, but like somebody doing a Disney stage presentation. TOO MUCH emoting with the face. the guy with the surfer hair looks pretty good though, now that i'm taking a second look at him. So that's 3 good ones so far. 2 MEA, 2 HZD.

but then the guy with the Headdress looks downright awful. seriously, his facial hair looks like barbwire, its the same problem MGSV had trying to do facial hair. actually wait no, it looks like after you drag a magnet through the dirt then you get those solid iron shavings sticking straight up off the magnet.

the asian girl I can't pin it down exactly but everything about her looks just..."off".

the asari looks great though she's smiling a little too hard and it looks forced, like the L4D2 intro cutscene.



Does anybody know which beast did this? Ravagers and thunderjaws have these kinds of laser beams but this seems to come from far up. Glinthawks and stormbirds however don't have this attack, do they?

Edit: Oh, I'm just blind, I see a thunderjaw there in the background. XD

how are those lazers passing right through her with no damage? Is that a hitbox/collission/detection problem or is that a mechanic i'm not aware of? Like its not SUPPOSED to hurt you?

Can't really judge...I dislike most western RPGs and they all look bad except for the last one, the dark one. Idk what they did but that's probably one of the most realistic African American characters I've seen in a current Gen system, they did a great job capturing our characteristic fuller lips and facial structure...well for the most part since I don't have that type of face since I'm also mixed with Irish and Caucasian so I have only the medium skin tone, lips and hair texture of African descent XD.

The Horizon Dawn girl face also stands out from the others imo, as well as that one guy with the tribal head accessories, those three seem to be the best imo.

i have to stop you just because I don't think there's an Africa nor an America in the world of HZD haha. at least not anymore.
Decided to take more pictures! :D ( instantly addicted lol )


okay THAT looks cool! :D
This thread needs pics! :D
Not by me but some of the best I found others took of Horizon:




THOSE ones specifically, are the kinda screenshots that would actually get me interested in this game!

but yeah i'm the type who doesn't give a fuck about graphics just for the sake of graphics so "Realistic" doesn't really leave an impression on me. We are in the day and age where games are just a "little" better every year so there's no huge leaps anymore like there were 10-20 years ago. Plus hell I still play games from when I was little (Ps1/ps2) and consider them to look good for what they are so I've learned to appreciate the art styles and overall design more than just the tech specs and graphics.

It's weird because I still feel like Mirrors edge looks AMAZING even though there's barely anything there. Less is more, I suppose.


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Eugh...Argentus post...
Where to begin?

First of all this.

And now how about we take a look at what you think looks good:


(Argentus' Andromeda character)

'Nuff said.


Yeah, "barb wire"...

how are those lazers passing right through her with no damage? Is that a hitbox/collission/detection problem or is that a mechanic i'm not aware of? Like its not SUPPOSED to hurt you?

You got it! These are just tracking lasers. What really hits you comes afterwards and you see it f****** up the vegetation in the background.
And we haven't seen a bit of clipping in any other game before...

but yeah i'm the type who doesn't give a fuck about graphics just for the sake of graphics so "Realistic" doesn't really leave an impression on me.

Because Horizon is just super realistic, right. It is actually pretty stylized and follows its own distinct art style. You wouldn't recognize good art when it jumped right in your face though.
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Well-Known Member
I got Night in the Woods and usually I'm not into indie sidescrollers but I'm really liking it so far.




i have to stop you just because I don't think there's an Africa nor an America in the world of HZD haha. at least not anymore.
If you're never going to play it read this spoiler. Or do, it's not super relevant to the story

the game actually takes place in Denver Colorado I'm not even joking, so yes there is an Africa and America


Well-Known Member
Eugh...Argentus post...
Where to begin?

First of all this.

And now how about we take a look at what you think looks good:


(Argentus' Andromeda character)

'Nuff said.

nice try, but I said it looks better than the female models from the original trilogy. It was a BITCH to make anything even acceptable in ME1's character creators. The point was that I was actually happy with what I made on my first attempt with Andromeda's character character despite not having as many options, which is in stark contrast to trying to make multiple female characters in ME1 and they always looked terrible. The hair in particular looks way better than in the original trilogy. at least the hair isn't as bad as in an elder scrolls game haha.

Because Horizon is just super realistic, right. It is actually pretty stylized and follows its own distinct art style. You wouldn't recognize good art when it jumped right in your face though.

little pissy that someone doesn't automatically agree with your opinions, huh? XD.

The simple "Open field" screenshots i'd seen all over the place didn't impress me, is all. I've played way too many games to care about that kind of environment anymore. Plus actually living in those kinds of areas in the real world kills the wonder of it for me too. Those sci fi areas look cool, though, if a bit cluttered.

I love how you blatantly tried to state that art ISN'T subjective though haha. I mean for fucks sake, Picasso is considered "Good art" even though his work isn't really that far off of a typical gradeschoolers project.
I got Night in the Woods and usually I'm not into indie sidescrollers but I'm really liking it so far.




If you're never going to play it read this spoiler. Or do, it's not super relevant to the story

the game actually takes place in Denver Colorado I'm not even joking, so yes there is an Africa and America

ah okay. I thought it might be something like that, hence the "I think". Either way, I stand corrected.

also on that paper cutout game, i do like the simplicity of it. reminds me of the old point and click games I played growing up.


Well-Known Member
Wait, is that actually Argentus' character from Andromeda?
go look at the mass effect thread. It was my first attempt at making a Ryder, yes. Purple hair and bright green eyes is a little throwback to my Dark Souls characters. Unfortunately there's not really different shades of purple in Andromeda. Again, very limited customization options in that game :(


Well-Known Member
*Watching this thread like*


jk. :p

But anyway let's not let it get too heated in here.

Always remember the quote -

"I feel there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people" - Vincent Van Goth Tyra Banks, 1286.

I got Night in the Woods and usually I'm not into indie sidescrollers but I'm really liking it so far.




If you're never going to play it read this spoiler. Or do, it's not super relevant to the story

the game actually takes place in Denver Colorado I'm not even joking, so yes there is an Africa and America

Aww that's really cute! XD

"We found an arm" what's that about though? Is it a murder mystery?


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I'm not saying this just to be a dick, but I honestly thought that was a joke character someone made to intentionally mock Andromeda's character models and that Tyaren just posted it to satirize the stereotype that you like short, blue-haired women.

But you "actually LIKE the look of" that. Okay, then.


Well-Known Member
Aww that's really cute! XD

"We found an arm" what's that about though? Is it a murder mystery?
I'm not sure yet but here's the description on psn

College dropout Mae Borowski returns home to the crumbling former mining town of Possum Springs seeking to resume her aimless former life and reconnect with the friends she left behind. But things aren't the same. Home seems different now and her friends have grown and changed. Leaves are falling and the wind is growing colder. Strange things are happening as the light fades.

And there's something in the woods.

Join Mae on a trip through her hometown and into the dark on the other side.

NIGHT IN THE WOODS is an adventure game focused on exploration, story, and character, featuring dozens of characters to meet and lots to do across a lush, vibrant world. Break stuff, play bass, hang out, walk on powerlines, jump between roofs, and discover strange and amazing and terrible things you never asked for. Come home and waste your life away in Possum Springs.

So I'm guessing a severed arm just showing up after me and my friends got pizza at the diner is part of the strange things that are happening


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little pissy that someone doesn't automatically agree with your opinions, huh? XD.

Coming back with that spin of the situation again? Like last time when you claimed I was pissy because you didn't like graphics in a game that I liked.
I'm irritated because you spout unreflected and unsubstantiated bullshit all the time. Just one very, very obvious example:

seriously, his facial hair looks like barbwire, its the same problem MGSV had trying to do facial hair.

MGS5 hair:


Horizon hair:


Do you see the little difference? I could now go on and tell what the actual difference is and how these two types of hair rendering are achieved and which one is the much more advanced and demanding system, but that is completely wasted on you. :/


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying this just to be a dick, but I honestly thought that was a joke character someone made to intentionally mock Andromeda's character models and that Tyaren just posted it to satirize the stereotype that you like short, blue-haired women.

But you "actually LIKE the look of" that. Okay, then.

its the kinda girl I dated/hooked up with back in highschool and college. So yes, I like that style, though I wish the hair wasn't so freaking BRIGHT purple but there's no option for duller shades. Work with what ya got.

Coming back with that spin of the situation again? Like last time when you claimed I was pissy because you didn't like graphics in a game that I liked.
I'm irritated because you spout unreflected bullshit all the time. Just one very, very obvious example:

MGS5 hair:


Horizon hair:


Do you see the little difference? I could now go on and tell what the actual difference is and how these two types of hair rendering are achieved and which one is the much more advanced and demanding system, but that is completely wasted on you. :/


They both look like shit. That's not what facial hair looks like. They both look more like shavings tacked onto the face than hair growing out.

I respect their ATTEMPT to try to make individual hairs on the face, but it didn't really work out. Its like how Skyrim's "Hair" looked more like industrial rope than human hair.

on the lower picture, specifically, the Mustache is what looked the worst, fyi.

Like I don't give a fuck about how they are rendered, I really dont. I care about the end result.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure your girlfriend was a real human being?
really? you're gonna act like THAT now? Cmon man, I know you only post to snipe, but at least do better than that.

Yes. I went to southern california art school for game art and design. Lotta mexican girls doing the punk/goth/emo/scene look down there.

Which I also know you can probably confirm, since you are one of the only people anywhere NEAR my location in real life.


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Yes, I can confirm there are lots of ugly hipsters in California who consider themselves artists.

But that doesn't look like one of them. That looks like an alien.