The Funny (Thread)


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Meh, they can support trump if they want to. Trump isn't homophobic anyway. Don't like trump but hey those people can support who they want especially when it's their own wee group lol
Trump's transphobic but I guess gays aren't known for sticking by the LBT part of LGBT


Well-Known Member
Trump's transphobic but I guess gays aren't known for sticking by the LBT part of LGBT
i thought he supported the whole transgender bathroom thing but ok i don't want to start anything.
Yeah some gays don't support or say they are part of lgbt because of the community which i kinda agree with and kinda don't.

BUT ENOUGH OF THIS POLITICS TALK PLS IT'S BORING and stressful and the mods will shut the thread!


Well-Known Member
Omg I'm just going to post a bunch of stuff that I find funny in here.

"On your mark! mark, Get set. We're riding on the internet! :D Cyberspace, Cyber sex. The interact ass site The window to the web tight, Searching for reality!!! Get online GET ONLINE ahhhhhhhhhhhh take a spit on the internet."

^ this is poetry.


Well-Known Member
lol he got rid of trans bathroom rights in schools
did you not read the rest of my post well it would make sense because you only quoted that part of the post and didn't read the rest of it like CNN does they take it out of context :p i don't want more threads being closed due to being off-topic. seriously man make a politics thread or something if you want to continue this nonsense because i am not in the f***ing mood
Omg I'm just going to post a bunch of stuff that I find funny in here.

"On your mark! mark, Get set. We're riding on the internet! :D Cyberspace, Cyber sex. The interact ass site The window to the web tight, Searching for reality!!! Get online GET ONLINE ahhhhhhhhhhhh take a spit on the internet."

^ this is poetry.

I LOVE CS188!!!
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Well-Known Member
tfw you haven't been enjoying a site at all for a while and feel like leaving or getting yourself banned but you've been a member for years and you're too used to coming to it


I'm of course referring to tumblr


Premium Donor
@Tyaren remember Joseline that singer you thought was trans? Well apparently she has a "big secret", her friend is threatening to expose it in this funny rant if Joseline comes for her :-/



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@Tyaren remember Joseline that singer you thought was trans? Well apparently she has a "big secret", her friend is threatening to expose it in this funny rant if Joseline comes for her :-/

Oh, so she's trans after all? :)
I'm not going to watch that video. Sorry to say this, but your videos aren't very funny. XD


Well-Known Member
*What your being shaded,attacked and scalped from every side but your loving it -


^ Me just a couple of minutes ago.