Final Fantasy Thread


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about the guy on the roof that asks you to eliminate magitek soldiers and he wants some parts of them as proof?
@DestructionBomb, @Nikotsumi
He wants more each time. He now asked me for 20. x___X
So I guess all the hassle isn't really worth it?

Did anyone win the exclusive Regalia design in the raffle?
Yeah, that dude is asking for 20 here too but I stopped trying to get them because I think he's never gonna stop asking lol.
Oh I won the Regalia desing in the raffle (didn't check it yet though) :)


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Standard Donor
Oh I won the Regalia desing in the raffle (didn't check it yet though) :)

It is in the "special" raffle right? I wonder if they give it to you automatically after a certain amount of wasted tokens. XD I spent quite a lot already but didn't have any luck. The design probably sucks anyway... >__>


Well-Known Member
Wait...Is the special dream egg outfit that you it the master assassin robes? Cause If so then I had them the whole time and was wearing them but didn't realize it was the special one lol. Cause they're kinda dirty I thought there was another one.

I guess I'll try getting that car design in the raffle now.


Well-Known Member
It is in the "special" raffle right? I wonder if they give it to you automatically after a certain amount of wasted tokens. XD I spent quite a lot already but didn't have any luck. The design probably sucks anyway... >__>
Yup it's the special one. I actually got it on the second or third try, guess I was really lucky lol, now I'm wondering if you can get some other unique items from it, but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Okay well right now I'm currently trying to get to 20 cores to give him and also do the raffle. I just did it like 5 times and didn't get it.


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I find that hard to believe given the team based nature of the game. Ive lost rounds where I havent even took a single hp damage.

It's possible. The beta is not giving anyone huge priority on creating a proper role team. It's literally given to you by random factors because the goal of the beta is to let people play regardless of roles. Cecil has given me 50-50 games because Vanguards in most general aspects are not easy to play if you are stuck with a difficult team. You'll need good Assassin support to diminish other roles as Vanguard is out there etc. Vaan as a specialist doesn't have huge risk factors compared to Cecil where it's high risk high reward like xZero mentioned. If you lose then it's just a number of factors kicking in that we can't control (reasonable to say the least as I've also lost matches with Vaan before winstreaks start kicking in). The game situation becomes a whole lot easier the more we get the concept down, but again, random factors will kick in eventually and something is bound to happen to create confusion on your end. I'll be on a winstreak today but lose tomorrow because factors can't be controlled.

Did anyone win the exclusive Regalia design in the raffle?

Yeah just now got it awhile ago. Didn't take huge amount of tries either (least for me). Will post a screenshot on how it looks like incase you guys want to go for it or not.

EDIT: @Tyaren this is what it looks like



Ignore Cor, no idea how he's on that Regalia edit screen.
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Well-Known Member
It's possible. The beta is not giving anyone huge priority on creating a proper role team. It's literally given to you by random factors because the goal of the beta is to let people play regardless of roles. Cecil has given me 50-50 games because Vanguards in most general aspects are not easy to play if you are stuck with a difficult team. You'll need good Assassin support to diminish other roles as Vanguard is out there etc. Vaan as a specialist doesn't have huge risk factors compared to Cecil where it's high risk high reward like xZero mentioned. If you lose then it's just a number of factors kicking in that we can't control (reasonable to say the least as I've also lost matches with Vaan before winstreaks start kicking in). The game situation becomes a whole lot easier the more we get the concept down, but again, random factors will kick in eventually and something is bound to happen to create confusion on your end. I'll be on a winstreak today but lose tomorrow because factors can't be controlled.

Yeah just now got it awhile ago. Didn't take huge amount of tries either (least for me). Will post a screenshot on how it looks like incase you guys want to go for it or not.

EDIT: @Tyaren this is what it looks like



Ignore Cor, no idea how he's on that Regalia edit screen.

Cool it actually looks alright. I'm still trying to get it lol, I've tried so many times now. Also I managed to give that guy 20 magitek cores...He has just asked me to get him 99 now...

Edit: omg I just got it lol! XD


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Standard Donor
It's possible. The beta is not giving anyone huge priority on creating a proper role team. It's literally given to you by random factors because the goal of the beta is to let people play regardless of roles. Cecil has given me 50-50 games because Vanguards in most general aspects are not easy to play if you are stuck with a difficult team. You'll need good Assassin support to diminish other roles as Vanguard is out there etc. Vaan as a specialist doesn't have huge risk factors compared to Cecil where it's high risk high reward like xZero mentioned. If you lose then it's just a number of factors kicking in that we can't control (reasonable to say the least as I've also lost matches with Vaan before winstreaks start kicking in). The game situation becomes a whole lot easier the more we get the concept down, but again, random factors will kick in eventually and something is bound to happen to create confusion on your end. I'll be on a winstreak today but lose tomorrow because factors can't be controlled.
This. You just nailed the purpose of the beta in a nutshell.

Dissidia needs not only a dedicated lobby system, but also an official matchmaking ruleset for competitive play, and if possible, team/clan support.

Yeah just now got it awhile ago. Didn't take huge amount of tries either (least for me). Will post a screenshot on how it looks like incase you guys want to go for it or not.

EDIT: @Tyaren this is what it looks like



Ignore Cor, no idea how he's on that Regalia edit screen.
Cor's just checking out Cindy. They're the parallel of Casey Jones and April O'Neil, after all...


Well-Known Member

What the...?! XD

It must be something really, really good that you will be getting for all of that trouble. Please keep going and tell us, lol.

Lol so I have to be the guinea pig to do it? XD I might actually since it's the last thing I have to do, The robots were barely spawning though so I stopped. It would really have to be something incredible though for it to be anywhere near worth the effort. If it was just more medallions then that would be a waste.


Premium Donor
Played the beta yesterday.... The game is so fun!! I liked how the combat system plays, although ngl I was a bit disappointed that since Terra and Onion Knight were specialists and vanguards i couldn't do much and I didn't feel as involved as I wanted to since their attacks aren't exactly fast. The game looks amazing, the visuals and dirt effect are very well done and the main menu and character select BGM are epic and euphoric. The stage ost wasn't exactly memorable but I did like the one track on the industrial factory stage

In terms of voices I love the English dub, Terra and Onion have awesome voices although tbh I did cringe when I heard Onion speak for the first so used to Eliots voice in DOA as a foundation for how young guys sound and I also sometimes forget that Onion is pretty young XD .....I take back everything I said about Terra being a mess, I LOVE everything about her now! Her face model also vaguely reminds me of Momiji. Onion I obviously already like for both his looks and style and gameplay and voice and I like shantotto but I'm not really happy with her new voice....i prefer her older voice, this one sounds way too young imo while her older one was more fitting but I'll get used to it. VaanI liked too and I tried Tidus but besides their looks their styles didn't impress me. Everyone else I won't use probably until sunday since they didn't interest me

The game is good but still needs improvement, maybe they could add more elements for more involvement, and the character select needs work, in the final game they should have the characters stand in normal non fighting stances instead of their default stances when their models load in the select screen. Also if they're gonna go the doa5 route and have the characters do a character select action when picked using their winpose or intro they should at least disable their mouth lip sync since that makes it look glaringly like a half baked demo like how DOA5 was when it was just hitomi, ayane, ryu and hayate, even back then I hated when the player selected ayane and hitomi and their mouths moved but no words came out.

Practice mode also needs an overhaul, training shouldn't function like a versus match and be timed, it should be an option to do either solo training or have two other team members and the stage should be able to be changed, and there should be no time limit. There should also be a music menu so you can select what plays where and finally there should be a model or winpose viewer of some sort.

Besides those the game is really coming together, it looks really good and the artsyle is way better than DOA, I hope they take notes and use the graphic style as a foundation for DOA6 since it's way better than both DOA5LR and Nioh style imo

I also took a few random pics for thumbnails so I'll share those here whenever I remember to. I hope they eventually make a one on one mode since the two other characters ruin the balance of the pics I've took


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Played the beta yesterday.... The game is so fun!! I liked how the combat system plays, although ngl I was a bit disappointed that since Terra and Onion Knight were specialists and vanguards i couldn't do much and I didn't feel as involved as I wanted to since their attacks aren't exactly fast. The game looks amazing, the visuals and dirt effect are very well done and the main menu and character select BGM are epic and euphoric. The stage ost wasn't exactly memorable but I did like the one track on the industrial factory stage

In terms of voices I love the English dub, Terra and Onion have awesome voices although tbh I did cringe when I heard Onion speak for the first so used to Eliots voice in DOA as a foundation for how young guys sound and I also sometimes forget that Onion is pretty young XD .....I take back everything I said about Terra being a mess, I LOVE everything about her now! Her face model also vaguely reminds me of Momiji. Onion I obviously already like for both his looks and style and gameplay and voice and I like shantotto but I'm not really happy with her new voice....i prefer her older voice, this one sounds way too young imo while her older one was more fitting but I'll get used to it. VaanI liked too and I tried Tidus but besides their looks their styles didn't impress me. Everyone else I won't use probably until sunday since they didn't interest me

The game is good but still needs improvement, maybe they could add more elements for more involvement, and the character select needs work, in the final game they should have the characters stand in normal non fighting stances instead of their default stances when their models load in the select screen. Also if they're gonna go the doa5 route and have the characters do a character select action when picked using their winpose or intro they should at least disable their mouth lip sync since that makes it look glaringly like a half baked demo like how DOA5 was when it was just hitomi, ayane, ryu and hayate, even back then I hated when the player selected ayane and hitomi and their mouths moved but no words came out.

Practice mode also needs an overhaul, training shouldn't function like a versus match and be timed, it should be an option to do either solo training or have two other team members and the stage should be able to be changed, and there should be no time limit. There should also be a music menu so you can select what plays where and finally there should be a model or winpose viewer of some sort.

Besides those the game is really coming together, it looks really good and the artsyle is way better than DOA, I hope they take notes and use the graphic style as a foundation for DOA6 since it's way better than both DOA5LR and Nioh style imo

I also took a few random pics for thumbnails so I'll share those here whenever I remember to. I hope they eventually make a one on one mode since the two other characters ruin the balance of the pics I've took

It's just a beta and won't be exactly like it. I'm still curious as to why you were surprised with the English voices. Every Dissidia so far had ENG dub with the exception of the mobile game but when Square Enix said they was going to release Dissidia to the west it is literally a 99% chance that the game will have English dub.


Well-Known Member
First 20 minutes of FFXV Pocket Edition:

Would be cute...if the characters weren't so fugly. :/

Its hard to connect to them when they show no emotions lol. Also wow watching it's story again Noctis is such an asshole to his father... :/ He can't go five seconds without a comeback. The game looks okay I guess for what it is though.


Premium Donor
It's just a beta and won't be exactly like it. I'm still curious as to why you were surprised with the English voices. Every Dissidia so far had ENG dub with the exception of the mobile game but when Square Enix said they was going to release Dissidia to the west it is literally a 99% chance that the game will have English dub.
I was more surprised that they managed to have English dub work ready for the beta tbh, when I first played I expected English subtitles and Japanese only voices for the the beta but was pleasantly surprised to see that I was wrong XD the English voicing still does have it's tingly cringe moments tho, like Shantotto....ugh her voice I can't stomach yet, and Onion Knight makes me super ULTRA cringe when he says "Slowpoke!" or "S-someone Help!" XD but it beats being forced to hear Japanese


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the saddest part about the closed beta is the fact that miss ultimecia still isn't playable.
Truth be told, I don't blame the devs for having Ultimecia be the last of the original antagonists being worked on. Considering the new gameplay system in Dissidia NT would work too highly in her favor if she was ported from 012 as is, she would naturally be the one to suffer the most changes (and in consequence, take the most time) to make her as fair and balanced as possible


Well-Known Member
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Truth be told, I don't blame the devs for having Ultimecia be the last of the original antagonists being worked on. Considering the new gameplay system in Dissidia NT would work too highly in her favor if she was ported from 012 as is, she would naturally be the one to suffer the most changes (and in consequence, take the most time) to make her as fair and balanced as possible

Curious how she would be. Kuja is an Assassin role and it seems odd due to his approach in design for combat. I can imagine her being a Marksman casting some sort of Slow/Slowga as a passive skill involving time. This is an entirely different game with just resemblance to the old games so she definitely needs rework.

I don't think she'll be last. Gabranth might be last (if they ever included him) since they'll have to find a way to incorporate a whole different mechanic that isn't a transformation for him to provide viability.


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I don't think she'll be last.
In context, I meant the last character reveal for the arcade roster before the console release.

Looking back on the stream which revealed the announcement of Dissidia NT (only to have been leaked hours before), the devs had a timeline schedule for the remaining character reveal dates according to month. On November, it mentioned that both a new stage and a new character reveal would be happening simultaneously. The only mainline Final Fantasy game not having a stage representation as of current is 8.

It should also be noted that every villain's character reveal in Dissidia Arcade / NT has been in their respective stage, and regardless of who gets revealed this month, Cloud of Darkness and Golbez have an equal chance of being revealed first, since a stage representing their original game currently exists.

Taking all these into consideration, that's why I deduced Ultimecia will be the character revealed in November.