Final Fantasy Thread


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New character reveal on September 5 during a live stream on YouTube.

Also, I recently got a chance to play a match alongside Trueblade Seeker himself this morning. It was hella fun.


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Guess whose birthday it is today?
Tanjoubi Omedetou Nocto-kun!! :D


As shit as FFXV's story is and as much as I disliked Noctis' initial design since Versus XIII (emo look, brooding, always sleepy) I strangely came to like him in the game. I like him a lot more as a main character than Tidus or Vaan or Lighting. :)


New character reveal on September 5 during a live stream on YouTube.

I guess it will finally be Noctis' turn. It's super strange that they waited for so long and that he didn't even make it on the different covers of the game, while every other of the latest mainline FF heroes did.


Well-Known Member
Guess whose birthday it is today?
Tanjoubi Omedetou Nocto-kun!! :D


As shit as FFXV's story is and as much as I disliked Noctis' initial design since Versus XIII (emo look, brooding, always sleepy) I strangely came to like him in the game. I like him a lot more as a main character than Tidus or Vaan or Lighting. :)

I guess it will finally be Noctis' turn. It's super strange that they waited for so long and that he didn't even make it on the different covers of the game, while every other of the latest mainline FF heroes did.

Really? You actually found the story of XV to be shit?! XD I mean I don't think it's great but I thought it was okay. Then again actually when I think of it's story I just think of all the characters that went nowhere and the locations that were cut and the holes in the plot so maybe you aren't wrong... :/ I think Noctis is okay as a character, He wasn't nearly as brooding or angsty as I was thinking he'd be so that helped. And that's strange that he won't be on the cover.


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Really? You actually found the story of XV to be shit?! XD

Huh, I think I have been pretty vocal about that part all the time here? XD
I think the very basis of the story and lore of FFXV could've made a great story and characters actually. It was all there. They just completely fucked up to actually tell that story and to bring those characters to life.
They completely gutted the game story by putting big and important chunks of it in movies, tv shows, art books, guide books, prologues, DLC episodes and soon apparently Ardyn's own game/movie or comic and by leaving the sorry rest that was still in the game blank or unfinished in many cases.
The "story telling" of FFXV was the most messed up that I ever experienced in a video game. Yeah, there might be inherently nonsensical or non-existing stories in other games, but what Tabata did to a great basis, that they had worked on for over a decade, is just unprecedented. Tabata is completely incapable of telling coherent stories. He should be ashamed. My 10 year old self would have done a better job, when it had to write impromptu essays in school. :/
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I guess it will finally be Noctis' turn.
No. They still have three antagonists from the original Dissidia left. It will most likely be Cloud of Darkness, Golbez, or Ultimecia.

Noctis - at best - will be revealed along with a new stage (all signs point to Balamb Garden or some other FF8 related stage, if they don't make one sooner) sometime in December, which will be just a month away from the console release.


Well-Known Member
Huh, I think I have been pretty vocal about that part all the time here? XD
I think the very basis of the story and lore of FFXV could've made a great story and characters actually. It was all there. They just completely fucked up to actually tell that story and to bring those characters to life.
They completely gutted the game story by putting big and important chunks of it in movies, tv shows, art books, guide books, prologues, DLC episodes and soon apparently Ardyn's own game/movie or comic and by leaving the sorry rest that was still in the game blank or unfinished in many cases.
The "story telling" of FFXV was the most messed up that I ever experienced in a video game. Yeah, there might be inherently nonsensical or non-existing stories in other games, but what Tabata did to a great basis, that they had worked on for over a decade, is just unprecedented. Tabata is completely incapable of telling coherent stories. He should be ashamed. My 10 year old self would have done a better job, when it had to write impromptu essays in school. :/

Lol yeah I know you've mentioned it being bad before I just didn't know how much! XD And yeah the most I've heard of Tabata is that he loves belts in designs and that he should never be in charge of development ever because it ends badly on all fronts ( Delay's, plot holes etc ) It's such a shame too because at multiple times during development this game's world,characters and story had so much going for them and then one by one they were ruined or diminished so much.

I'll say I actually liked the anime and movie but I'd agree that they should have been for side stories and not important plot points necessary to understand what's going on with the main story. and it did split them up to much before the game had even been released. And honestly...I don't want Ardyn to get his own game... :/ I'm not really a fan. Maybe that's sacrilege but oh well lol.

The world was ruined by being underdeveloped with no explanation for half the things and then made worse by them cutting out half the locations. The characters are dulled by either barely showing up or dying before we see anything of them from being stabbed... :I

Oh and cool If there's another character reveal even if it isn't Fran. If it has to be one of those three then I'd say Ultimecia.


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And yeah the most I've heard of Tabata is that he loves belts in designs and that he should never be in charge of development ever because it ends badly on all fronts ( Delay's, plot holes etc )

You are confusing Hajime Tabata with Tetsuya Nomura. ;) Nomura is the belt obsessed character designer turned director, who messes up one game project ofter the other. Right now it is Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFVII Remake that he is holding up. Hajime Tabata replaced him as the director of FFXV to get the job finally done. In that sense he is a good director, he really gets things done, but he isn't known to be a good story teller. Tabata is infamous for liking really dark and tragic stuff. I guess that's what he got in FFXV. He also loves German beer, lol:




Well-Known Member
You are confusing Hajime Tabata with Tetsuya Nomura. ;) Nomura is the belt obsessed character designer turned director, who messes up one game project ofter the other. Right now it is Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFVII Remake that he is holding up. Hajime Tabata replaced him as the director of FFXV to get the job finally done. In that sense he is a good director, he really gets things done, but he isn't known to be a good story teller. Tabata is infamous for liking really dark and tragic stuff. I guess that's what he got in FFXV. He also loves German beer, lol:



Ahh! XD Of course lol, Maybe my mind just erased Nomura from it to save me. Well since he's working on KH3 and VIIremake I won't be expecting them anytime soon. And lol I wonder If the beer had an affect on there being so many XV events in Germany so he could get more.


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FFXV is still relatively new. People should not be surprised if it turns out not to be him or he ends up as one of the last characters, not sure how there's anything weird about that. A "recent popular' FF title does not automatically mean a instant spot out for the early blue vs the characters who been out for ages as main titles that helped Square since dawn.


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FFXV is not just a "recent popular FF title", it is THE current numbered Final Fantasy. It's actually a big deal for the franchise. ;)
Imo there should be an instant spot for Noctis and maybe even Ardyn as the villain of FFXV. The most important characters of all other numbered and even spin off Final Fantasies are in Dissidia too after all. Maybe they do want to keep him as the biggest news and crowd puller for last though...
I do think however it is lost opportunity to not have Noctis on the cover of the special editions. Actually many voiced that complaint when the covers were recently announced.


FFXV and Noctis, hate it or love it or be somewhere in between, is one of the most successful FF ever and has brought in many new fans. They are waiting for Noctis and would have loved him on the covers.
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But again, that was never a reason (never was) to include a representative that early on which is why most people are not shocked at all. It was already stated back in Dissidia 012 of their reasonings on why many characters were delayed, why characters don't make the cut, and why characters from new series don't make instant cuts. It was never based on newest popularity. There is a possibility of him making the 'early' cut because it's an entire new game and taking feedback of latest trends which wouldn't shock me either, but old reasons don't shock me either which is what I'm saying.

FFXIII was released in 2010. There is a 7 year gap here, it was stated that any representative that passes the 3rd year mark is now considered a classic character. Lightning as of now is considered a classic character to be released early on compared to a games (Dissidia - Dissidia 012) where they waited a whole year for the character to be released via Dissidia 012. She happens to be on the cover of Dissidia simply because she's classic, that's it. All those characters up there are classic characters so any one of them can make the front cover (least from now). Dissidia 012 had the newer characters take the front cover, but one of the reasons was because every single newer characters in 012 were actually other characters from main titled series who happen to be old just like the main representatives.


Higher numbered sales does not automatically mean a better game. FFIX and FFIV pales in comparison to FFXV in it's beauty and format, but I can come up with 23 ways on why those two games are far better than FFXV as a final and solid product. For all we know, we could of bought a product blindly because it's the newest game and it counts as successful. I definitely like FFXV over FFXIII, but let's be real here. Compared to the older titles? yeah graphical definitely was not the best but shit, I'd take FF7 over FFXV story-wise and I think FF7 is overrated as hell.

I do think however it is lost opportunity to not have Noctis on the cover of the special editions. Actually many voiced that complaint when the covers were recently announced.

We can't complain about something that's not actually there lol.
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I'm actually kinda interested in what the story behind the scenes must have been like. :I They must have knew that Noctis was in the game by the time they were making the cover etc for the console game and that he'll probably be in by default but they must of had to keep him off of the covers because he hadn't been revealed for the arcade version yet! Because of how long it took them to reveal him he's now missed out on the chance to be featured on the cover.

Oh and in terms of iconic representatives of FF for this game that deserve a spot. Fran ---> Noctis... to be honest actually. Fran ------------> everyone.


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Noctis can make it in by the power of overflooded trends of daily FFXV posts all over the net. Which is possible and can happen (could be happening now as we speak). I do not doubt of Noctis inclusion at all. He could release this September for all we know since another character is coming and I truly believe Noctis can fit in Dissidia. Regardless of how long it is, Noctis will definitely make it somewhere down the line or even this year.

However what I'm saying is that if he doesn't make the 'early' cut is because he's new, one of the reasons from the older games that can work here as well. His main title is not fully complete. FFXV is still getting updated etc.
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FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Update on a mechanic that I did not expect. If you interrupt most enemy HP attacks while they are still dealing Brave Damage (ie Cross Slash) the attack will end and the HP damage will immediately go through (I've had cases where I interupt Y'shtola's Holy and still get smacked by it). You can see that in the video below at 11:48. Video is also five-ish matches I had saved on my PS4.

Those first two matches really pissed me off because I was dealing with so much double teaming and still getting used to the change up in buttons. And rewatching them I had a lot of double kills.

I've got more on my twitch channel:

Khellendros223 in the second fight (starts as Paladin Cecil) is an old buddy of mine I met in college through the Dissidia Forums around 012's hayday. He's the first person who told me I make Cecil look top tier (back when Cecil was considered mid tier and Khell is considered one of the better Dissidia players) and I think I have a 100% (or close) win rate against him with Cecil. Can't say that's true with Kain or Jecht though. He mainly uses Golbez.


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By the way, did you guys notice...?

Final Fantasy XV Omen Trailer:


Assassin's Creed Origins CGI trailer:


I downloaded the patch for the AC DLC but I'm not able to download it from the Playstation store yet, because it is not there yet. Is it the same for you guys?

Someone on Neogaf apparently already got it:



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Omg wow some people are Nancy Drew's seeing this stuff! :eek: That's amazing though that they've actually been hinting at this for a while but I guess people just never noticed. And yeah I downloaded the update but It wasn't in the store... I guess I will be soon though?


Well-Known Member
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By the way, did you guys notice...?

Final Fantasy XV Omen Trailer:


Assassin's Creed Origins CGI trailer:


I downloaded the patch for the AC DLC but I'm not able to download it from the Playstation store yet, because it is not there yet. Is it the same for you guys?

Someone on Neogaf apparently already got it:


Never noticed it from the two images. That's interesting though.

Update on a mechanic that I did not expect. If you interrupt most enemy HP attacks while they are still dealing Brave Damage (ie Cross Slash) the attack will end and the HP damage will immediately go through (I've had cases where I interupt Y'shtola's Holy and still get smacked by it). You can see that in the video below at 11:48. Video is also five-ish matches I had saved on my PS4.

Those first two matches really pissed me off because I was dealing with so much double teaming and still getting used to the change up in buttons. And rewatching them I had a lot of double kills.

I've got more on my twitch channel:

Khellendros223 in the second fight (starts as Paladin Cecil) is an old buddy of mine I met in college through the Dissidia Forums around 012's hayday. He's the first person who told me I make Cecil look top tier (back when Cecil was considered mid tier and Khell is considered one of the better Dissidia players) and I think I have a 100% (or close) win rate against him with Cecil. Can't say that's true with Kain or Jecht though. He mainly uses Golbez.

You should check out the JPN plays and usage of guard barriers with taps. Cecil is Vanguard so netting bravery along with passive skills from others sharing bravery/vice-versa seems to play a heavy role. We should play one of these days.


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First chance at it may be in January.

We'll probably have a blast. Vaan as a specialist has netted me a 23 winstreak at the moment via online (I'm serious). I might be interested in Terra and Firion when the final game releases. I'm enjoying Terra more as a Marksman than the others and Firion can be fun as hell. Cecil might not be for me sadly as I'm getting so-so games.

We definitely need to try the villains and as you know, Jecht will be coming.