Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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Active Member

Jeez I had to look through the whole website for this we should really post this at the front page.
I feel bad for all the virtual fighter mains.
I want them to fix Honoka that heat fist move she has better be her entire gimmick in doa 6 instead of being a clone.
The lightning effects for Ryu was cool but they just added it to his old moves lol.
I noticed Helena 2P is a Sabaki now? So high crush tracking sabaki... touche TN.


Well-Known Member

And they even specifically say early 2019 too! *cries* This is the best birthday present! :D All the characters are looking iconic in doa6 and the stages too omg!


Active Member
It looks amazing, who's the dude fighting Hayabusa? and why is Hayate the last person to get dropped, he can't catch a break lol


Active Member
It looks amazing, who's the dude fighting Hayabusa? and why is Hayate the last person to get dropped, he can't catch a break lol
Awwwwwwwe shieeeeeeeeet, it was Hayate nvm, mah ninja!

EDIT: RYU VS HAYATE main story?!? is Project Epsilon complete? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS?


Well-Known Member
“We wanted to make a more cool and mature Dead or Alive this time, and to that end we made a conscious decision to make the characters less sexualized,” Shimbori told IGN.

Interesting, they tried this with DOA5 and they have to give up, I wonder if they are committed to it this time.
inb4 skimpy bikini preorder dlc and a million female fetish outfits in season pass 1

I really don't know how I feel about this, it just looms really off to me if it wasn't for the DOA characters I'd never know this was even supposed to be DOA...

also as a side note Hayate looms dumb as hell call me when they announce Ein.
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