Dead Or Alive 6 Builds On Franchise's Core Strengths While Renewing Focus On Inclusivity

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Personally I never denied it because the breast reductions are kinda clear. And what Shimbori said has GOT to be a mistranslation lol. Nobody with a clear head can say that shit and think it's gonna be received correctly. Oh well. I'mma dip now


Yes, surely he would NEVER say something so GODDAMN stupid and sexist!!! Nooooo... : / You guys are being a bit silly. He said it. Own it. He's allowed to be a moron, geez. The guy's not Jesus.

I'm glad your eyes work and you can see the boobs were nerfed. People here need to stop spouting lies and saying it's not, though. I personally feel this was a ridiculous and unnecessary change. His comments are so ass-backwards and stupid it's incredulous.
I came thinking that because it is an exclusive place of Dead Or Alive, I would find support and affection. However, it has not been possible to carry a prudent and accurate communication, just the opposite. I have caused them annoyance, there are offensive comments from both parties. I apologize if someone was offended or hurt, it was never my intention. I'm not leaving empty-handed, there's someone I just want to thank for being supportive. I speak of DestructionBomb, a wonderful person. I'll leave you alone. I support that you accept the new proposal of DOA6, I differ, and I will not give more position, since my idea is misunderstood, and I do not want to cause more controversies. It has been nice to be in this place. I will unsubscribe, to leave them alone. Enjoy your stay, but above all keep that love and respect for Dead Or Alive.



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Personally I never denied it because the breast reductions are kinda clear. And what Shimbori said has GOT to be a mistranslation lol. Nobody with a clear head can say that shit and think it's gonna be received correctly. Oh well. I'mma dip now

It's not clear at all. The breasts are still huge and you might not have noticed yet, but they have been growing or shrinking in each costume anyway. They might be smaller here and bigger in another costume, how it suits the costume best.


Round 2: Let's GO



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I's not clear at all. The breasts are still huge and you might not have noticed yet, but they have been growing or shrinking in each costume anyway. They might be smaller here and bigger in another costume, how it suits the costume best.

C cups are "huge." Maybe you live in a part of the world were all the women are flat, but I do not.

And Shimbori has outright stated they reduced the bust sizes intentionally to make them "more human." Your point about costumes magically changing things ala Juri's Lilith costume in SFV is mere speculation, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's not clear at all. The breasts are still huge and you might not have noticed yet, but they have been growing or shrinking in each costume anyway. They might be smaller here and bigger in another costume how it suits the costume best.
Nah I know they're still massive don't worry g. But you're right, just because they might have visibly shrinked (shit that I really couldn't care less about) in one costume doesn't mean there won't be another costume where they're hilariously (not really) large.


Well-Known Member

Yes, surely he would NEVER say something so GODDAMN stupid and sexist!!! Nooooo... : / You guys are being a bit silly. He said it. Own it. He's allowed to be a moron, geez. The guy's not Jesus.

I'm glad your eyes work and you can see the boobs were nerfed. People here need to stop spouting lies and saying it's not, though. I personally feel this was a ridiculous and unnecessary change. His comments are so ass-backwards and stupid it's incredulous.
Honestly, he might have, he might not have. How people interpret each other is easily colored by the notions we already have in our heads, and when you add a language barrier on top of that (especially for languages as different as English and Japanese), it can be easy for the original intent of things to be lost.

Unfortunately, far as I'm aware, this interview was actually done by GameSpot with somebody translating there, so I don't think we can actually see what he said in Japanese. I personally think he probably said something that could've been easily misinterpreted as what went into the article (such as possibly saying them as two independent statements that happened to be close together), but I ain't gonna deny the possibility that he did say that word-for-word.

...Well, not word-for-word, obviously, because he would've said it in Japanese, but still. Also, you have a point about Helena, even if it's just put her back to where she was before DoA5, but Kasumi looks as stacked as ever, I'unno what you're talking about there.

C cups are "huge."
...And now I'm unconvinced you know what a C cup looks like.
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Honestly, he might have, he might not have. How people interpret each other is easily colored by the notions we already have in our heads, and when you add a language barrier on top of that (especially for languages as different as English and Japanese), it can be easy for the original intent of things to be lost.

Unfortunately, far as I'm aware, this interview was actually done by GameSpot with somebody translating there, so I don't think we can actually see what he said in Japanese. I personally think he probably said something that could've been easily misinterpreted as what went into the article (such as possibly saying them as two independent statements that happened to be close together), but I ain't gonna deny the possibility that he did say that word-for-word.

...Well, not word-for-word, obviously, because he would've said it in Japanese, but still. Also, you have a point about Helena, even if it's just put her back to where she was before DoA5, but Kasumi looks as stacked as ever, I'unno what you're talking about there.

I would not call Kasumi "stacked" in any stretch of the word, but she is not as flat as Helena, if you view her from the side. From the front, she looks flat as a board, but that is due to that horrible costume - and intentionally designed so. Helena is probably more in line with her pre-DOA5 bust size. It's true she was never that busty until 5. In 5 she looks like she put on weight all over, including the face and yes, boobs, so it looks very strange seeing her with her new DOA5 face but DOA2 era bust.

Are you nerds going to sit here and tell me how "unrealistic" big boobs are again? And how Helena is ginormous and same for kasumi? Please do.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
C cups are "huge." Maybe you live in a part of the world were all the women are flat, but I do not.

And Shimbori has outright stated they reduced the bust sizes intentionally to make them "more human." Your point about costumes magically changing things ala Juri's Lilith costume in SFV is mere speculation, nothing more.

Funny how you don't put any trust in Team Ninja (like with the game engine thing), but at the same time you take selective things from their mouths as gospel.
You are aware that developers often claim stuff that they think the media or public wants to hear, but which isn't entirely true? E3 is a Western event, sexualizing of female characters has become a very controversial topic here, and especially DOA has a bad reputation in that regard. Had they not spinned the announcement into this much more proper, more mature and eSport-friendly revolution of the series, IGN and other gaming outlets would have torn DOA6 apart. They were however directly relying on IGN (which handled the reveal) and other gaming media outlets to make positive promo for the DOA6 announcement.
It's also not the first time they claimed to dial back sexualization either. Does DOA5 ring a bell?

Apart from breast jiggle, which they stated they will add later, Kasumi and Helena are just as sexualized as ever. Beautiful, curvaceous girls in either super tight or revealing clothing. There is no difference to past games. That people are again falling for this marketing ploy, even though they have eyes in their head, is hilarious.
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Funny how you don't put any trust in Team Ninja (like with the game engine thing), but at the same time you take selective things from their mouths as gospel.
You are aware developers often claim stuff that they think the media or public wants to hear, but that's not entirely true? E3 is a Western event, sexualizing of female characters has become a very controversial topic here, and especially DOA has a bad reputation in that regard. Had they not spinned the announcement into this much more proper, more mature and eSport-friendly revolution of the series, IGN and other gaming outlets would have torn DOA apart. They were however directly relying on IGN and other gaming media outlets to make positive promo for the DOA6 announcement.
It's also not the first time they claimed to dial back sexualization either. Does DOA5 ring a bell?

Apart from breast jiggle, which they stated they will add later, Kasumi and Helena are just as sexualized as ever. Beautiful, curvaceous girls in either super tight or revealing clothing. There is no difference to past games. That people are again falling for this marketing ploy is hilarious.

I trust what they say. I do not trust what random FSD members say about what they think Team Ninja will do. lol See the difference?

Western game design and media has become cancer, yes. No argument there.

I don't recall anyone caring about Soulcalibur VI despite the hotness. Why do you think that is? (Yes, kotaku shit the bed but no one takes them seriously anyway.) Do you think it's because of DOA's reputation they had to go this way? I'm curious.

You make the mistake of thinking 2012 =2018. Times have changed so don't expect a repeat. Also, as I already stated before, DOA5 did not tone anything down. The pre-alpha footage had cleavage, boob jiggle and the same bust sizes as the final vanilla DOA5. I played it. Hell, I think I downloaded the alpha demo from this site. lol

I disagree on the last point 100%. Bust sizes were reduced. Costumes are ugly and covered up - especially Kasumi.

"There are no differences."

Ok. Where is the jiggle? Gone.

Where is Kasumi's default? Gone. It was too offensive for western SJW journalists and esports. : /

Where are the boobs? Drastically reduced to make them more "human."


Well-Known Member
The pre-alpha footage had cleavage, boob jiggle and the same bust sizes as the final vanilla DOA5. I played it. Hell, I think I downloaded the alpha demo from this site. lol
Technically speaking, we're actually on a better track record for fanservice than DoA5, I believe. From what I know, when 5 was revealed at TGS in September 2011, the only characters they showed were Hayate and Hayabusa. Hitomi and Ayane weren't shown until December that year, about 3 months later. All the while, they were saying exactly the same things about that game that they are about 6. So, uh... Maybe we should wait 2 more months before making any calls? Who knows.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ok. Where is the jiggle? Gone.

Where is Kasumi's default? Gone. It was too offensive for western SJW journalists and esports. : /

Where are the boobs? Drastically reduced to make them more "human."

Every single thing you cited will be in the game, as was also stated by Shimbori. Funny you don't believe him in this case. And if you honestly ask me "where the boobs are": Go see an eye doctor, seriously.

You are like a ro(bot), spouting the same inciteful catchphrases over and over again, you don't care for any constructive discussion. Your use of "SJW" is most telling...

Congrats, you are now ignored/blocked.


Technically speaking, we're actually on a better track record for fanservice than DoA5, I believe. From what I know, when 5 was revealed at TGS in September 2011, the only characters they showed were Hayate and Hayabusa. Hitomi and Ayane weren't shown until December that year, about 3 months later. All the while, they were saying exactly the same things about that game that they are about 6. So, uh... Maybe we should wait 2 more months before making any calls? Who knows.

We'll see.

DOA5 had Ayane and Hitomi the same as they appeared in the final game. Meaning, if they follow the same suit as before, then what we see right now is what we get. Smaller busts, rock breasts and completely covered costumes (well, in Kasumi's case).

And lol @ the user for blocking me for calling out SJWs. Tells me all I need to know about you. Go ahead and block me for disagreeing with your bullshit and calling you out on it. Rather than you offering any actual evidence, you start whining about "muh SJWs" and resort to running away. Pathetic.

But that's right- I know you from REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsetera. I forgot, you post there so you ARE an actual SJW. No wonder why you were whining over the titties. It's probably better an SJW blocked me. Nothing of value has been lost as you are beyond reason to begin with.
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Before leaving, there is something I must manifest.

I am a Public Accountant, I have a Master's Degree in Law and I am currently a Doctorate of Law student. I am Mexican and very proud. It is really sad that all of you are from First World countries, countries that my Mexico always admires for the fact that they are better than us, but I have realized that I have underestimated my own land, my Mexico. Because even though I come from a poor, third world country, I realize that people in Mexico are more open-minded. And I am 100% sure that in my beautiful Mexico, I will receive much more support.

Trump has called us rapists, murderers, thieves and others, and with those horrible insults, I stand up with pride and tell the whole world: I am Mexican.

I have a project beyond the request, and I know I will fulfill it, because I know that God will support me. Studying a PhD is not easy, but I'm proud of who I am. I leave with an unpleasant taste, but I leave more with a disappointment, because in Mexico people are more kind, supportive, humble and humane


¡Viva Mexico!


Well-Known Member
Couldn't just let the dude be, could y'all?

It's quite immature how the posts in this thread went this far. Smh


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Couldn't just let the dude be, could y'all?

It's quite immature how the posts in this thread went this far. Smh
If his presence on FSD was his only track record I would agree with you. That combined with his blatant refusal to acknowledge evidence presented to him completely degraded my patience for him immediately.
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