DOA5U Gurimmjaw(Rachel) vs DToNE7(Lei Fang)

Add me if you want and I can show you some stuff in dojo. My PSN is Naoto-Kujikawa :)
Well im trying to find uses for her 7K and 8K move. I don't know much of her crushes aside from 1P. Not sure if she has any low crushes at all. If she has any force techs please share lol.

@FoN - I never noticed that xD
Yes that's her better option. I'm not a pro but if you have questions maybe I can help.
so after air throw it better to use 9P then 6KP? I guess it does a bit more damage then?

Thanks any help is much appreciated still trying to figure out all moves she can juggle with.
After an air throw, use 9P, 6KP. Unless you're fighting super heavies, then you should use 6PKP. ;D
You can? That would be lovely. Appreciate any help :)


Mar 4, 2014 at 3:43 AM
Posted by Gurimmjaw
Just picked up Rachel and having a lot of fun using her. Don't know why I didn't pick her up before.
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