you can use alpha against akira, just don't press buttons like a fucking moron. Too many scrubs like to believe alpha is a win button. She's really not and not even viable in higher play.
Sorry about that, I was being lazy and didn't put it in the description.
This guy came in my lobby and was talking crap, y'know the standard "I'm the best because nobody can beat the 'Alpha 152 guaranteed combo' I copied from Youtube" Scrub.
So I had told this guy he was full of $h!t and so we fought for 40 minutes and I won a total of 46 times.
The point of this video is to point out two things
1. That you shouldn't rely on a single tactic to win, its asinine and foolish. You're eventually going to run into that one who is going to kick your @$$.
2. If the matchup is bad (Ex. Ein vs Helena), create a plan that makes up for your weaknesses. In this case Akira's Tetsuzanko(466 P+K) or "Iron Wall Lean" and Dashing Elbow(666 P) can be done BT and Towards the opponent to crush and punish. This dude kept trying to setup the same combo and it was failing horribly.
Long story short, don't use a character if the matchup is bad, unless you have plans to give you a winning edge