Specific Character BT 9K Whiff discovered by Timasty

So Sarah is now officially above cheap Fu in the tier list, right?
All should fear me! #DontPatchSarah
The music makes this sound so dramatic. Like Pai is desperately trying to learn how to land a (BT) 9K. Sarah says, "focus your mind. If you cannot see your opponent with your eyes feel your opponents energy..."
I keep tellin' you bitches Sarah's broken and y'all don't believe me. :p
It happens with other characters too such as ghost Helena....
why wont someone make a compilation of the 2-3 dozen of bug videos we've seen and get everyone to spam TeamNinjas twitter
come on guys stop complain..they have to create new slutty costumes before fix the game! KAPPA


Aug 6, 2014 at 12:17 PM
Posted by Project Bokuho
My Pai-Pai brother @Timasty discovered that that this move seems to whiff 3/4 of the time only against Sarah (so far) at a certain stance (open stance, 44P, BT 9K, BT 9K, BT 9K, etc.). It does not work/whiff near wall.
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