Practicing/Learning Ayane Pt2

Freestepping while blocking is always your safest option while backing away. Sidestepping is not, as it leaves you open to strikes that retrack and tracking strikes, also causes a counter hit status. Sidestepping, defensive wise, is a method to employ on read, not freely to back away, it is punishable.
Actually, TBH, I try to avoid playing players that are go AFK during matches because I find it disrespectful and a waste of my time. As for the wall thing, pretty much no one, except Alpha-152 really benefits from having their back to a wall.
Try to avoid uploading videos where the opponent is AFK for a portion of the match. It's a waste of time. As for the match, it seemed to be an issue of you being unfamiliar with Hayate's moves and frames. And yes, he did get a lot of his damage by keeping you pinned against the wall. If you get backed into a corner try to sidestep or freestepdodge your way to a safer location away from the wall. For fighting Hayate, it's slightly more favourable to fight him at range than in close (though Ayane can technically fight him in close too).
Same opponent doing the AFK trick again.I also learned while watching this recording(and I'm probably wrong)is that the guy just kept me near the wall. I guess having Ayane near a wall isn't a good idea.


Nov 10, 2014 at 5:38 AM
Posted by DoANoob
I tried to play a little more defensively, but in the end my defenses were breached.
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