La Mariposa - 'booty bump' glitch - DOA5U [PS3]

Wait a sec...can go through people AND she has a cat outfit?

Guys this is no glitch...this is none other than the infamous x-men mutant Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat!
this existed since vanilla lol. i didnt know you could combo off of it though.
Nice find. Don't other chars have booty bumps? TEST DEM BOOTIES. FOR SCIENCE.
You're fine, they'll just nerf her for fun.
Hey DR2K, I don't think she will be nerfed (even more) because of this... I'll feel guilty if they do :(
TN sure loves nerfing her. Thanks for giving them more to do. =(
@Rawbietussin: One for each cheek!
This is fucking great. Don't patch it! xD
I sent a twitter to Team Ninja:
It has been really odd that the butt does 2 hits in general.
Hell, at least you can make a decent combo out of it lol


Sep 22, 2013 at 2:20 AM
Posted by FakeSypha
I was messing around with la Mariposa in training mode. Doing some wall combos, and stuff when I came up with this... glitch. It happens when you do Lisa's booty bump move (while BT 4P+K) on a slightly stunned opponent. She will most likely go through the opponents body, leaving him back turned. Thus I will call this tech the "corner ass crossup", lol.
Be aware, that sometimes the characters axis get so fuck*d up that the move will completely whiff.

Please note that this is very impractical and inconsistent. It can only be done when pushing the opponent against a corner or a wall (it's a bit harder, but possible).

TN if you happen to see this, fix it please.
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