DoA5U (Xbox 360) Akira (Galen The Wise) Vs. Ryu Hayabusa (Master) Lobby match

haha, baiting out that 33T.
great stuff. Master's a legend
Yeah, when I played him I beat me to a pulp I have to commend his Busa you can really tell he's been playing him since DOA1
It was still a good match. I myself still have much to learn.
Indeed. I got super greedy and impatient towards the end because I wanted the win so badly. But yeah, he truly is the best Ryu I've ever seen. I was honestly jut happy I could give him a hard time. Lets me know I have gotten better.
It's safe to say that nobody is in his league as far as a hayabusa player. So much fun to watch him play.


Oct 4, 2013 at 11:43 AM
Posted by Incognito
This is one of the few times I will ever intentionally disclose the name of my opponent. The only reason why this video is the exception is because I have so much respect for Master that to give him a challenge was a great accomplishment for me. GG, to Master. I got really impatient and sloppy towards the end. Anyways, enjoy the match, everyone.
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