I don't think she's amazing, but she's definitely a good character. Like people are stating, the amount of ease it is to SS CH her is ridiculous. However, I believe focusing on her throw that leads into her heichu is your best tool and people need to utilize it more. I barely see it, and it kinda baffles me xD it's a tracking throw that can lead to an insta stun CB... it has variations into it as well like 2KT which has a mid punch mix up which in some cases can give you a free 66P+K,P+K. She's good!
Thanks man... cause I have the EXACT same thoughts about Kokoro
"In my opinion, Kokoro is really good. People are complaining that she got nerfed and all that stuff but I'm pretty sure she will be as good like she is now! She is kinda difficult to play as though I admit that, but when you keep pressuring your opponent with her, they will panic under pressure!"

CrazySteady... give me a hug please.
But yea, Pai and Ein have the essentials, they're just not as good as Ayane, Hayate, or say Hitomi at it.
Pai has 2H+K/1H+K (not sure which one is the sweep) and 4K which both track low hitbox sidestep as a mid. They just don't allow as much buttons to be pressed. It's like Ein. Ein can shut down low hit-box sidestep and sidestep in general easily with 2H+K and H+K as well as 4P's strings up close.

Kokoro only has H+K. 46PP tracks mid but only the second punch. 1K, 3K2P Variants, and 2H+K/2H+KK tracking would at least get her some raw tracking to work on. 1K could probably done without, but there's a specific situation for it. (SS Lockdown after 3K2P's NH stun).
Sorry for the double post, but I meant to say that just as Pai's not low tier because of a lack of tracking, I don't think Kokoro is, either. It's an issue, but one that can be overcome.
Pai suffers from linearity as well, but she's not low tier. Kokoro has a beastly unbreakable throw considering she's not a grappler, so that definitely helps when dealing with steppers. Only thing is I'm not sure if she' has a tracking mid since I rarely use Kokoro. That's really important when dealing with people who SS a lot.
Well it's still be a technical 50/50 for the smarter players. Low hold or Mid P hold for the most part out of the mix-up.

On the other hand, as far as sidestep goes, I think Kokoro could stand to have her 2H+KKs track as well as 1K (1K looks like it sweeps around, be it only the side the leg is coming from). I could argue 3K2P's variants as well with the stun decrease on the low punch.

And the last thing I'd buff for her is 3K4K. I don't agree with anything other than the speed decrease. It was in reason but I think the stun should go back to what it was (allows BT 2P+K on highest SE), and on top of that, making it launch at threshold break only, like Ryu's 4H+K or Ein's 3P. This would create a solid and consistent must hold situation out of 3K and 3K4K. If this is too much, 3K4K can live without the stun being brought back to what it was... but it'd be well appreciated.

It may be a bit much, but then again, in the end it's just balancing out the character to give her a solid stop to low hitbox sidesteppers and for 3K4K, adding a stylish launch (returning a stylish launcher) and to give ANOTHER stylish launch a chance to see the light of day again (BT 2P+K).

This book written by TakedaZX Patterson the 3rd. Great fight btw.
66P+K is a good tactic for her but I don't really use it that much. It is kinda has a slow start up for me. o.0 And yes, I had a little trouble with sidesteps also. That's why you have to use her H+K strings or her Heichu grab. In my experience with H+K, people get caught off guard when hit by it and not slow escape it so it gives you a free 66P, and you can mix up from there. And giving her a limbo stun from her Heichu P will be awesome. It eliminates the 50/50 chanee of either a low or a mid. Sometimes I just use her 6KP after the grab. It works! =P

Thanks for the comments! ;)
That's what I keep telling them, but they never listen to me. Maybe they'll listen to you (hint: I doubt it).

Anyway, nice match.
Yea, and assuming the Heichu options have been buffed, it may be better for her overall. If Heichu P is a better stun (hopefully limbo), it means more damage potential for when people try to hold mid punch... So yea that could be hit or miss man.
I dunno Aven Kujo-Gin. Judging from the Japanese tournament (that Emperor Cow and Mr. Wah was in) Kokoro was the most popular character and even won the whole thing, taking down some pretty high level Christies on the way.
I always said Kokoro is pretty good. But she can have troubles against the people who love to sidesteping to much, cause most of her attacks are linear and no tracking at all.
That 66P+K nerf will hurt her quite a bit, though. She got a nice chunk of guaranteed damage off of that.


Jan 21, 2014 at 2:24 PM
Posted by Steady G
In my opinion, Kokoro is really good. People are complaining that she got nerfed and all that stuff but I'm pretty sure she will be as good like she is now! She is kinda difficult to play as though I admit that, but when you keep pressuring your opponent with her, they will panic under pressure! ;)
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