This Is How You Punish Ayane Part 2 [2014-02-06]

Generally the key to defeating Ayane is to make her feel uncomfortable and take away her ability to control the match.
Nice! For fighting Ayane, I would also watch out for 4P, 66KK4, 2H+K, 2P, 1P, 236K (take note that 1P+KK & 8K are safe on block, and 6PK & 9K are semi-safe). You did an excellent job here of punishing the 6K2K/3PK lows that most Ayanes abuse the fuck out of. If you call out an Ayane on a 6P3, 6P or 66P her out of the spin immediately. Also, punish 4H+K whenever you can. It's mad unsafe on block and gets abused too much. 4PK is also unsafe. LOL, at your finish xD.
Thanks for the vids they really help :D


Feb 18, 2014 at 9:51 AM
I had lost part 1 among my files. Anyway, to punish Ayane, you have to look out for her :6::P: and :6::K: because they both follow up into either a Low Kick(:2::K:) a High Kick(:K:) Mid Punch(:P:) or the Spin(:3:). When an Ayane player does this, look for when Ayane crouches slightly during the string (0:31). However, to get a player to Go Low into a spin, You got to block more than counter their string mixups
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