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  • Hey, Awesmic. I'm online, just let me know here or on XBL when you are available.
    In 11 hours, I will be. It's almost 1:00 PM EST where I'm at, and I said I'd be available at 11:00 PM EST.
    Oh, crap.. totally misread your post =/
    Sorry. In that case, it would be 1AM for me, which is not possible. Gotta be up at 6:30 to work. Fuck timezones...
    Diablo 3, Sonic 4 Episode 2, an interesting topic on FSD, and pirate girls in star-shaped pasties? Best Tuesday so far, I say.
    Random thought: Seryoga should totally do another remix for "Codename: Bayman" in DOA5.
    Thanks for taking the time to play with a shitty player, man. I really appreciate it. I'm actually quite happy to see Christie kicking ass (too bad is not my Christie xD).
    I got your info from yesterday on your times of availability. I'm not gonna be around on Tuesday, but I can be online Thursday. Until that time, I'll go over some things with Christie on a PM. Walls have ears.
    Great!. I'm looking forward to that PM. Btw, I gotta ask you, how were the fights 'lag-wise'? I mean, could you notice any latency or was overall smooth? Have in mind I'm from Buenos Aires, which is quite far from your state of Georgia. Thanks again :)
    Somethin' might be happenin' before or during the London MCM Expo after all... optimism lives.
    Yo, can somebody else make a topic about DOA's story direction and stuff? Maybe I'll be singled out for being on-topic this time.
    Apparently, UnderX is STILL butthurt. Now he's taking his no-customization frustrations out on other DOA-related sites. SMDGH
    You should punch him in the face. That always works.
    No matter what DOA5 is... it'll be fun learning how to use each of the face buttons for 2 months each all over again. Man, what a challenge.
    OK, so a handful of people won't be pissed off, I'll re-iterate a little somethin' somethin... NO ONE WANTS COUNTERS TAKEN OUT COMPLETELY!
    Master analyzed the latest reveal trailer, people go on an ignoring rampage, and folks talk 3.1 online. On the next EFF ESS DEE!
    Sometimes I feel like I'm the only friend Master's got here. I didn't think it would (still) be this bad.
    Here are his reasons: Tom Brady's propaganda on Youtube, CGS personalities, and him being marketed as a "DOA champion" for that DOAD invite-only loketest in Japan. That's why most of the folks hate him, save for myself. Sorry, but I can't just force myself to hate someone forever, especially If it was actually possible to get over my beef with CyberEvil after all these years.
    This is the feeling I get out of you Awesmic: You don't value anything he's taken without earning, thus you've never been personally wronged. You also don't have any problems with the deception. What's funny is, you "cant hate forever" like he's asked for forgiveness. You think he's changed or something? Give him a month.
    Oh, you mean E3 and the (possible) playable build for DOA5 that could be there? That's the only thing I can think of.
    No holds in stun, better netcode. No holds in stun, better netcode. No holds in stun, better netcode. No holds in stun, better netdode...
    Enough of these armless chairs. Playing DOA on an armchair sounds like a change of pace.
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