Recent content by Konton

  1. K

    Lisa Matchups thread

    Hitomi can punish 4f+k on block with power punches though, which is bad for us in this game because you're probably getting hit into a wall and unholdably launched for shenanigans. Power punches also stuff Carrera (sans the super unsafe am nd risky carrera p+k) entirely unless you free cancel...
  2. K

    Lisa Matchups thread

    I've been having a lot less trouble against Hitomi now that I've been working 236f+p into my defense. Kills her sweeps (whilst simultaneously stopping attempts at offense at both close and mid range) because 'tomi doesn't duck during the animation. Power punches and 3f+k are still a problem...
  3. K

    Cherry Blossoms and Warriors - Kokoro's top ten moves

    You should generally avoid 1p strings because the second punch is holdable on reaction by and you're just lookin' to get crushed or countered. 1k string is better because of the speed, but I only really use it at range. For mix-ups I think her jab strings and 3k strings are way better options...
  4. K

    The Carrera

    Dribbling out platitudes doesn't help you explain your case. Carrera when used at a distance far away enough to cancel or sidestep at all is typically wasted energy when you could be focusing on spacing, landing counter-hits with 1p, whiff punishing with 236p, etc.
  5. K

    The Carrera

    It only works now because it's new and people don't know how to react yet. Everything can be sidestepped except for the OH. Any solid high-mid crush will not only evade running p, running k, and running p+k, but the latter two will leave you absolutely helpless right next to them and her only...
  6. K

    Dead or Alive 5 - Known Bugs/Glitches

    I loathe the stage Home. Random ground hits send me floating back into juggles, the characters and camera miraculously switch sides, disrupting the flow of the fight, sometimes no matter how many times I crash them into the home floor, they won't fall through, etc.
  7. K

    Kokoro Q & A

    There is also 9k, CH 2p+k, and I think 46p still launches - doesn't it?
  8. K

    La Mariposa's Needed Improvements

    Make her jab faster. 10 frames would be ideal so she could at least tie with Kasumi/Christie when at advantage. Make standing 5k faster. Fix her body tackle hit box. Seriously. It needs to be less crushable, and I'm sick of catapulting over other characters when they step back to charge a power...
  9. K

    Kokoro Q & A

    No, he made a typo. blah blah is a two hit combo in which the second attack can't* be blah blah
  10. K

    Lisa Matchups thread

    The longer animation on offensive holds isn't a problem. They aren't really used up close (better options usually), but for intercepting mid-ranged strikes when you aren't entirely sure of what's coming and speed is less important than spacing. Kokoro is feisty this time around, but Lisa can...
  11. K

    Kokoro in DOA5

    I miss her DOA4 catch grab motion/range/damage.
  12. K

    Lisa Matchups thread

    So, after a general consensus has been determined I will update this post with agreed upon win/loss ratios out of 10. But for now, let's begin the discussion. So... how the hell are you guys stopping Milla? Up close she brutalizes me, and once they get used to you using :4 :f :plus :k to...
  13. K

    Lisa's top 10 moves

    I know it's not the best but I'm just so grateful for :6::F+P: being 6 frames. We didn't even have a punishing throw in DOA4.
  14. K

    Petition to bring back LEON as DLC!

    Ayane says hi.
  15. K

    "You are tearing me apart, Lisa!" The Lisa Strategy thread

    Oi! Hey there. I'm on ps3 though =/