Recent content by Kudja Is Loved

  1. Kudja Is Loved

    DOA5U Are there any available lists for Frame Traps?

    Looking for frame traps for Sarah particularly that aren't 5P>6P but maybe lead into a 6p and I don't have the know-how to create my own, but it would be interesting to see what the other characters have available to them as well. I haven't been able to find anything specifically dedicated to...
  2. Kudja Is Loved

    DOA5U KaraStepKick HeroBrawl hosted by Kudja Is Loved

    Date: August 30th Time: 4pm est Register: - The Herobrawl Qualifier is a Weekly tournament hosted by KudjaIsLoved ( on The winner of this tournament is given two options they can either take their giftcard of PSN/XBL money or...
  3. Kudja Is Loved

    [Jul 26, 2014] Dojo monthly (Byron, GA)

    Alright guys, I don't have a set date but i'll be taking over for Chris from here since his situation has unfortunately changed and he has to move out of GA. I know we all wish him the best of luck with his new job in his new city, but for us the show must go on, right? While there is no date...
  4. Kudja Is Loved

    Had a 100+ Game crack session yesterday with a friend of mine. Really feeling like I unlocked...

    Had a 100+ Game crack session yesterday with a friend of mine. Really feeling like I unlocked the secret code to playing Sarah.
  5. Kudja Is Loved

    DOA5U Trying to learn Sarah, but feeling like DOA isn't the game for this.

    I'm sitting in training mode right now. Gonna crack session on Sarah and hopefully get the timechamber effect. Got videos pulled up and everything, on it.
  6. Kudja Is Loved

    DOA5U Trying to learn Sarah, but feeling like DOA isn't the game for this.

    I really hate the fact that you guys have taken such a massive offense to me stating that my current opinion of the game is that its mashy. You guys are defending DOA way too hard, and I understand why and thats okay but i'm not here to try to make anyone feel bad or lesser for playing the game...
  7. Kudja Is Loved

    DOA5U Trying to learn Sarah, but feeling like DOA isn't the game for this.

    When Soul Calibur 4 was in rotation, I was a top player in that for quite some time. Then Street Fighter IV, and i've been playing that almost exclusively since 2009 with a good bit of tournament success. Not a major win yet though, bleh. I play Soul 5, but I don't compete. I have no tournament...
  8. Kudja Is Loved

    DOA5U Trying to learn Sarah, but feeling like DOA isn't the game for this.

    I've actually watched a lot of your videos on DOA, Emperor. I'm not new to the game, and I understand the mechanics of DOA really well. But I have my opinion of the game, and my opinion is that in comparison to the rest of the games I play at a high level DOA is probably at the bottom of the...
  9. Kudja Is Loved

    DOA5U Trying to learn Sarah, but feeling like DOA isn't the game for this.

    I should say upfront that I am not the biggest DOA fan in the world. The game, in my opinion, isn't very deep. It doesn't offer the player much as far as fighting mechanics go. It tries to make up what it lacks in actual depth of gameplay with flashy moves, destructible environments (even going...