Lorenzo Buti
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  • Every time when I'm on this website, I get a download of an HTM File. I'm using Mozilla Firefox as part of my main browser. Is there any way to turn this feature off?
    Do you have the same problem with other web browsers by any chance?
    Lorenzo Buti
    Lorenzo Buti
    I believe I usually get it from Firefox which I'm currently using.
    I'm afraid I got some bad news for one of you, my own Twitter account has been unfortunately suspended. I'm unable to post or retweet anything on my own Twitter account since I have to file an appeal. I'm honestly hoping they'll be kind enough to restore my own account once they can accept that I've been hacked and I only want to secure it a little more.
    What did the hacker post to make you suspended??
    Lorenzo Buti
    Lorenzo Buti
    It turns out they probably suspend my account because they thought I was hacked or I don't know. I am trying to file an appeal to make them understand that I was hacked and I never did anything wrong on that platform. I've been hacked before even though I changed my Password to a strong one, and now I'm just hoping to tell them that I want my account back even for what I'm saying is true.
    Lorenzo Buti
    Lorenzo Buti
    Some hackers would usually go into your PM and promote materials without the user's consent, that's probably what happened when they tried to hack my account. Now I need to inform them that I want to be unsuspended.
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