Recent content by redpyrmid

  1. redpyrmid

    Hey man, you coming to evo this weekend?

    Hey man, you coming to evo this weekend?
  2. redpyrmid

    [Oct 20, 2012] DOA World Series Season 0 - Round 2 (Xbox Live) (Xbox Live)

    Yeah he helped a ton by being an overall dick. Loved getting booted from the party the moment I lost just so I could get re-invited to be booted again. Real classy.
  3. redpyrmid

    [Oct 20, 2012] DOA World Series Season 0 - Round 2 (Xbox Live) (Xbox Live)

    hahaha I knew he wasn't going to win it. Wish i'd been there to hear him rage when he lost :/
  4. redpyrmid

    [Oct 20, 2012] DOA World Series Season 0 - Round 2 (Xbox Live) (Xbox Live)

    So how exactly will the matches work, should I just stay online and wait for an invite?
  5. redpyrmid

    [Oct 20, 2012] DOA World Series Season 0 - Round 2 (Xbox Live) (Xbox Live)

    It's early enough I should have no problems making it this time, so I will give it another try. GT: andaub
  6. redpyrmid

    Colorado Players

    Yeah man, I will be able to play on weekends mostly, work during the week so don't always have time. My GT is andaub
  7. redpyrmid

    Colorado Players

    Hey, new to the site and joined to see if there are any Colorado players on here? Specifically in the Colorado Springs area. Played the first 4 DOA games and am now old enough to travel around to tournaments and want to try and get into the offline scene.