Free Step Dodge

Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Lol that's like me with Xinyan, had my heart set on chosing her from the Stand by Me event cause I wanted to get my C1 Xinya to C2, but then I was just casually pulling on the regular banner and I got me a Xinyan dupe, and now I have no clue who I should pull from the event
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Don't need constellations on my Xiangling or Chong, My Xinqui is maxed out, C2 Ning would be nice but it's not necessary for how I use her, and I don't use Beidou, so what do I do lol

Guess I could make my C2 Xinyan to C3 just for the hell of it, out of all the 4* Liyue characters I use she's the one who would benefit the most from max constellation
Xinyan was the first character that I got from the Xiao banner, she kinda sick ngl. I haven't gotten to the point of getting into constellations because I didn't get any dupes yet, I've only been able to do some for Aether/Lumine....and I didn't get any 5 star characters out of any pulls yet, good thing is that after two ten pulls with Intertwined Fates I'll be receiving soft pity on my pulls afterwards.