Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • SVC Chaos is a game where characters do KoF levels of damage off of basic SF style combos, and I love it
    Curious, do wonder if it's a sign of good things to come with bringing back Vs titles between those two. CvS3??

    Besides a CvS3 imagination, curious if they'll bring back CVS1 or CVS2 in some shape or form.
    Game is janky as hell though. I can see why many people didn't like it because many mechanics from KOF (hopping, dodging, rolling, etc.) are missing. Then I found out that meter will deplete when you throw whiff AND there's a max mode...
    man, EVO is happening right now but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it, maybe i'm just an old man fondly remembering the past but I remember when EVO weekend was a time of hype and excitement, now it's just a thing that happens during summer :/
    Well your choices are basically Street Fighter 6 or Tekken 8 with a little GGS/GBVSR on the side.
    Zenless Zone Zero pisses me off, not cause it's a bad game, but because it's a great game and I wish it wasn't F2P. like just give me this gameplay with a proper campaign and full roster you can team build with, that shit would be tops!
    Hopefully they'll do like Cygames did with Granblue and make a full priced turn-based or arpg or open world rpg game but I doubt it, there's way too much money that can be made with gacha games and I'd be surprised if they'd be interested in that part of the videogame market unless if they become so big at one point that they want to expand further and further.
    Remember when Zack and Tina used to carry around hand mirrors just to dramatically throw them away in cutscenes? fun times
    Looks like Ubisoft is remaking a bunch of old Assassin's Creed games, hopefully they bring back the adversarial multiplayer or this is a skip for me
    We need more assist fighters on the market, MK1 is literally the only one that's found success in recent memory and before that the last one that came out was Million Arthur:AB back in 2018 :/
    Ranma 1/2 is getting a new adaptation! actually this shouldn't be too much of surprise given the success of the Urusei Yatsura reboot but i'll take Ranma anyway I can get it.
    Why do I feel that there is a hidden clause to this? Rebooted for modern audience. Which is like Mr Roger's neigbourhood. Its all imaginary! They already did that with the viz media version of the manga adaptation!
    Elden Ring DLC too hard? naw

    Elden Ring players are too soft and don't engage with the new mechanics and think they can just R2 spam their way to victory with their nerfed RoB builds? yep
    Heard other issues about the dlc like performance issues that add up to the ”Mixed” rating but for those who were actually whining about difficulty in what is pretty much a Souls game (just a lot bigger) is silly, its like saying Ninja Gaiden is too hard even though they may have heard from others that the game is hard. With games like these difficulty is also what makes them fun, tl;dr either adapt or perish.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    mixed feelings about the "easy mode" patch, all it does on the surface is make the initial buffs from the scadu tree more impactful, which means it'll take less time and exploration for ppl to lvl up their characters, so im not super worried about that, what I am worried about was the whole "nerfing bosses" adjustment, if it's actually true
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Fromsoft said that line was a mistranslation but you never know with these things, if they mean fixed hit/hurtboxes and stuff then im fine with that, there is some wacky hit detection in the Shadowlands, but if it's reducing enemy aggro and toning down dmg then that's lame, the dlc just came out, let ppl get used to it before we start rolling out major changes
    dawg i just got rage quitted on in DOA6, WHO THE FCK IS RQ'ING IN DOA6 IN 2024?!?!? barely anyone plays this stupid game, no one gives a fuck about rank or your pts, and mf's still out on that "gotta protect my streak better pull the plug" type shit, like get the fuck outta here with that nonsense, jeez :/
    I ragequit all the time on stream in DOA6. Nobody says shit.
    People from Tekken and sf6 would. I can see that coming. Look on the bright side, you did something right for them to do that. Think of it as a win at their expense. XD
    DOA6 is still active.
    Congrats Dark Souls 1, you are no longer the most gatekept Fromsoft game, that honor(?) now goes to Elden Ring!
    Gatekeeping in gaming is a pathetic practice.
    Gatekeep your hobbies kids or else you get posers invading and destroying your crops
    A Legend of Zelda game where you actually get to play as Zelda? and it's modeled after the Link's Awakening Remake? sign me up!
    Gameplay looks enjoyable as well. It's a good thing it's not a typical "here is the same gameplay formula of past bits, but with Zelda". They added quite a bit of engaging stuff. I may actually pick it up when it drops.
    SF6 is the horniest SF ever I swear, Capcom is usually more reserved in that department but with SF6 they just said "eff it, we got milf Chun li, Juri's feet, and Cammy buttcheecks, and we're gonna take full advantage of that!"
    So...possible Capcom vs SNK 3 down the line?
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    Based on the way things are going, it's very bound to happen.
    Don't know and I doubt it. I heard on Eventhubs that Capcom won't do crossovers again because the Vs. titles are not making any profits like Resident Evil and Street Fighter.
    If we get a Street Fighter character in the new Fatal Fury game then it might become more likely, until then its just an idea that we can entertain.
    @Derock Depends on the time when you heard about this, if it was post MvCI then it makes sense but if it happened post SF6's release then it'd be weird for them not to give it a shot or to think about it, Mai and Terry might be them testing the waters.
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