Free Step Dodge

His Reverence
His Reverence
Boo-hoo, dude.
Was I referring to you? Was I saying it in a spiteful manner?

I don't see why you're so preoccupied about it with such an overly-sensitive tone.
i dont know. is he a digger trying to get some liquor to give himself some vigor so he can do the job quicker, but he just ends up sicker so he ends his misery with a trigger?
Lol whoever said it is just retarded. Let them say whatever. Though tbh, I dont even like the one that ends with "a". I have nothing against African Americans but I dont like either one tbh. Ending with "er" may be worse but still.
David Gregg
David Gregg
Not giving my personal view on this but my question is if he wasn't white would you have called him out like this?
His Reverence
His Reverence
Kyo is making an issue out of a non-issue, which is hilarious.
Rev, im not trying to make things worse there nor taking sides but you probably did push his buttons wether you wanted to or not. Like the time I did to you with the "Lesbian faggot" thing. Everyone has there limits like how the "Lesbian faggot" thing was yours. So you cant really blame him with the N word being his limits.
His Reverence
His Reverence
Thing is, I was never actually refering to him or anyone on the lobby I was looool.

He took offense to it and came on to FSD to cry about it.
His Reverence
His Reverence
in the lobby that I was in****
because no one ever gets offended from saying nigger? riiiiight.
I'm not crying about it, I just want know is it cool to for others use the term. You should know its common sense not to use or say the term around others. Its just ignorant
His Reverence
His Reverence
He has the right to be offended towards w/e he wants - as I have the right to say whatever word I wish. If he wants to be offended, fantastic. That being said, I was never actually talking to the dude so I'm not sure why he has his panties in a knot. As was stated before, would this really be an issue if I were black?
His Reverence
His Reverence
The discrepancy between "nigga" and "nigger" is fucking comical in the first place. Like I told this dude before, words only have as much meaning in them as we give them.

Believe me, if I was hateful and racist, you all would know by now hahahaha.
His Reverence
His Reverence
"Cool" was never the intention. It is a word as any other. No word I use is ever intended to mean "cool," except "cool" itself.

I don't believe in the general public's "common sense." I trust in my own logic and reason. If you consider me ignorant then that's perfectly fine. I'm not forcing you to read/listen-to what I say. Go about your way.
Believe me, I dealt with someone "Black" with a behavior just like yours when using that word. It isn't about who or what race uses the N word its how you say the N word. You're acting like I'm calling you racist and believe me I would said something some time ago when said Nigga.
lmao saying it is just ignorant no matter what race you are but people are still going to say it regardless so I'd just get used to it if I were you.
Rev only uses the word nigga so that he feels more comfortable around his niggas, whom like to toss around the word "nigga" because majority of the people that he associates with are niggas and deep down he'd like to be a nigga too. ;)
It was about the how he use the word "N***er".
Oh, I see. Was just tossin' in my 2cents, nothing else!
Its cool, what he should of done was to keep it to himself otherwise I would of not bring it up.