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  1. I

    My Journey to Learning Leifang

    #DOA6 #leifang #leigang So are you thinking about trying out Leifang in Dead or Alive 6? Well you come to the right place. DOA 6 has many characters and one of the more popular ones is Leifang. She is considered a parry/hold fighter and a well known turtle. With Leifang having so many defensive...
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    Super Awesome Tech #1: The Donkey Punch | Mila's 2P

    #Mila #DOA6 #SuperAwesomeTech Super Awesome Tech is a new series focusing on highlighting moves that are good or can be teched in fighting games. I then try to spam these moves and move as much as possible and editing them in a quirky manner. With this being the first episode I am focusing on...
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    Marie Rose Too stronk!

    #MarieRose #DeadOrAlive6 #TooStronk So Marie rose is the Ultimate Loli. Being one of the most popular characters of Dead or Alive 6 I finally decided to take up the systema master herself. Marie Rose is from Sweden and practices systema which is Russian military combat. Marie rose is also 18...