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  1. S

    Uncounterable throw after tech

    So don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but I hadn't known about this: it looks like it's possible to throw someone after they've teched without them having an opportunity to be able to strike out of the throw. I've tried two setups on Kasumi and Jann Lee with both Helena and Tina and...
  2. S

    Pseudo-force tech setups

    Does every character have a good force tech option after some/all hard knockdowns, or is it a tactic limited to/better for specific characters? I'm curious because this seems like a situation where it could really change the complexion of the game, as it's one of the few areas where slower...
  3. S

    Optimized Mila Combos

    So I've been wanting to post on this for a while but have been looking into the force tech game for Mila and other characters so I didn't get around to it. Feel free to consider this a thought experiment more than trying to be a gospel guide to combos or anything. Basically, it seems like...
  4. S

    OH vs. Throw

    So I figure I can test this myself, but I thought I'd ask if anyone knew for sure: does a throw beat an OH only if the active frames come out for the throw first? Or is the throw just invincible to the OH from the first frame? As an example, say Bayman lands a guard crush and he's at +9. A...
  5. S

    8k combos

    on today's episode of touched by a bayman: shinryu learns the true value of friendship. and also how to do 130+ damage on one guess. Seriously, are people aware of 8k and kp and how much ridiculous damage you can get from these guys? Because it's gross and unavoidable and may cause your...
  6. S

    Tina's force tech game

    I think this is sufficiently key to Tina's game that it deserves its own thread. As discussed in the primary thread, DMC MSR NASHFAN and Django posted a set of force techs that works after several of her hard knockdown moves. I was thinking in a similar direction after playing with Mila's...
  7. S

    Buffering from guardstun/dashes

    So I'm trying to improve my throw punishment game mainly to make sure it's the online and not me when I'm getting fucked by -10 spam all day, and it's occurred to me that I am actually not 100% sure how to buffer a throw or other moves out of guardstun correctly. 1) Do I need to wait to come...
  8. S

    Bayman okizeme?

    So I have no idea how Bayman's okizeme game works, but I'm speculating from what I've been working on with Tina that he is at even with a hard knockdown from the ground throws (and you should basically be always ending combos with the ground throw). I suspect he's probably in a similar situation...
  9. S

    Okizeme general discussion

    I posted a Tina specific thread on this, but I think it's an interesting enough subject for general discussion, so I'd like to ask: how best to play the okizeme game in doa5? It's very different from Tekken and sort of similar to VF, but I have a lot more hard info on how to make things work in...
  10. S

    Tina okizeme

    After getting in some more lab and playtime with the (admittedly fradulent) online while the local scene figures out what's up, I'm beginning to think what Tina really wants out of life are hard knockdowns. After almost all of her throws (including her ground throws for the most part), you're...
  11. S

    Takedown cancels during stuns

    Was playing in the lab a bit this weekend and have found a couple of interesting things for 4k and 7p that I thought I'd share relating to their use against stunned opponents. 4k. So everybody knows 4k, obviously, and it should be a staple of your game given range/speed options afterwards...
  12. S

    Sidestep from disadvantage: some questions

    I'm sure this varies from character to character, but is there a good sense on how deep into disadvantage you can successfully sidestep and retaliate from? Obviously once you hit -5 you're theoretically throw punishable no matter what, but at -4 or better are you guaranteed to step any linear...