(360) Pai training sessions!(?)


Well-Known Member
Pai has many play styles available to her ranging from going for those guaranteed setups>launcher for 1/3rd of the opponents life to mind fucking the opponent with constant mix-ups and not focusing to much on juggles while using stun throws to keep people afraid to counter you. I think it would be a great help to those interested in learning Pai and veterans to be able to just be able to train with eachother and learn tactics, mix-ups combos, etc. (we really dont run into much online so not much room to compare).
so, point of the thread is to find people wanting some Pai mirror matches to expand knowledge and tactics on her, all the while showing people wanting to learn her what she can really do.

P.S. this is mainly for organizing 360 matches, but feel free if your only on PS3 to try and organize some for that aswell.


Well-Known Member
lol sorry for such a late response, one or two more people and we can set a date that works for us to mess around in lobby :D


Well-Known Member
hmm doesnt seem much more will come anytime soon, so lets set a time/day/whatever for when we want to do this. shouldnt be hard since theres only 3-4 of us :p


New Member
I'm down definatly want to start using her move a like a character with a good mix-up game


Well-Known Member
sorry for a late response again lol. well i dont believe i have many plans for the weekend, but my brothers leaving to Missouri for a few months on monday so idk if were supposed to do something special with him over the weekend or what, but just mention w/e time/day works for one of you guys and we'll try to make it happen ASAP :D


Well-Known Member
Oh I didn't know this would be like some organizational thing lol I'm only able to go on at random times since my schedule has been kind of hectic lately, I'll be moving soon.

If anyone wants mirrors though just add me on Live and drop an invite if you see me


Well-Known Member
Haha it really isn't entirely, only organizational part is to find a time where we can all play w/o it being some random thing where were all on, send an invite and hope they come. The rest is just random but I think we should get a time where we know we're all on and are just planning to be training every once In awhile to make sure people will show up.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys. Sorry for the inactivity, but now that the patch is out I think it'll be great if we can get this started. I'll be on later in a bit so send me a friend request and we'll get this thing goin!


New Member
I'm down for some Pai training! :) Been using her for about a week now, she's alot of fun!
Just add me if interested~ GT: mintedsnooki
I started using Pai but went back to my Kokoro and Christie, but after 1.03 came out I started to play around with her but haven't had any luck if anyone would like to help me my GT is You Jelly Son.