DOA5LR A PC, Steam Review

Jimmi G

New Member
I've written a review trying to give a positive view of DoA5LR on steam. If anyone finds this thread looking for opinions on the PC version specifically I'll be happy to assist. The review is located here:

The PC version might not be the best version, but it's definitely a worthy one. Unfortunately a wave of negativity has hit the steam reviews. Almost all of the top reviews have less than an hour in game and paint an indirect picture of the game. I think that it does more to mislead readers than inform them, but that's my opinion.

This is my first DoA and I've been loving it. I'll be glad to answer any questions here or on the review comments.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Nice read. I do have one comment though:

Reasons not to buy this game:
  • Mortal Kombat X is right around the corner
I would suggest changing this to "You enjoy the Mortal Kombat style of fighting games." or something along those lines as it goes better with your list format, and some just it being around the corner shouldn't stop someone from buying this game. For example, myself, as I have no interest in MKX, its mechanics, or its graphic violence so it being right around the corner isn't a compelling enough argument for why I should not buy DOA5.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Same here, I can't give two shits about MKX and it shouldn't really be a factor in me deciding to get a particular fighter. Even if I did, it shouldn't affect LR's merits as a fighting game.


New Member
Will the PC version eventually get all the dlc the ps4 version has? Because it feels that i wasted my money....we are missing online and 2 stages along with a crap ton of cool dlc which we still can buy yet...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
For example, myself, as I have no interest in MKX, its mechanics, or its graphic violence so it being right around the corner isn't a compelling enough argument for why I should not buy DOA5.
Agree strongly with @Mr. Wah on this. Other than being in the same genre, I don't see any correlation between MK or DoA, and I know very few fans of either that like the other one.

It's kinda like comparing Quake Live to CoD, simply because they both carry the tag 'FPS.'