Advanced system indicators for new DOA


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I believe it could be really nice to have more advanced feedback during fights than just "hi counter blow", "tech roll", and so on... I also believe that more advanced system indicators could be a big help to grow the competitive scene .

So I have a proposal for the comunity: advanced system indicators aka competitive indicators. Luckly, it could be adopted by Team Ninja for next DOA! ;D

I wrote a preamble to indicators which is a bit long, so you can go to end of this post if you want to skip preamble and directly read indicators list and its descriptions ... ;) Best regards for everyone! :D


*** Description ***
Competitive indicators, are quite similar to regular system indicator like "hi couter hold", "counter throw" and so on, but focuses on encourage competitive gaming. Like a trainer or an expert commentary, this indicators instantly awares players of significant competitive cualities of each performed move. These indicators would be shown in both low corners of screen.

*** General goal ***
Promote growing of DOA5 competitive comunity by speeding up learning of advanced gameplay technics.

*** Specific goals ***
Accelerate learning by providing through significant, oportune and friendly feedback from competitive perspective:

- How it is oportune? 1:
each indicator is showed just when performed move ends, which is one of best moments for learning to happen

- How it is oportune? 2:
indicator could be showed in any mode of game, specially offline or online versus modes which dramatically increase chances of players got learnings of competitive fighting because most people plays just for having fun with friends instead plays for training,

- How it is oportune? 3:
indicator could be showed in any mode of game whichs could acts as any time advertisement in order to promote hardcore fighters of other comunities be aware and experience competitive deep of DOA5

- How it is oportune? 4:
indicator could be showed in any mode of game whichs reduces need of spend time in training modes, therefore learning got accelerated because same learning happens in less time

- How it is friendly? 1:
Indicator is very easy to get by using simple language and just a noun and and adjective, most self-explictative as possible.

- How it is friendly? 2:
Indicator is very easy to get by minimizing numerical data just two: to order/position of hit in string or combo, and porcentual values to describe elapsed times of interest such as delayable time of a hit or escapable time of stun. (The above is in order of identify hit subject of feedback and describe cuantitative cualities, avoiding complex and unfamiliar info suchs frame data (hard and slow to read)

- How it is friendly? 3:
Info showed by indicator does not requires analisis, which permits this feeback to be asimilate as fight progress. (There's no need to pause game and spend time analizing to got a competitive usefull feedback, indicator save analisys time and just show conclusions whichs permits to easily asimilate competitive potential of moves)

- How it is friendly? 4:
indicators are showed in separated area from regular system indicators: low corner of screen, whichs improve readability by avoiding confusion could happen if too much information is showed in one single place.

- How it is significant? 1:
Indicator tells, if any, just most potentially usefull cualities for competitive fighting of each move, not usefull info is discarded (see proposed text as subtitles of next sections).

- How it is significant? 2:
Each indicator could be enabled indivially through game options, whichs permits players to discard what already know and also focus in what really want to learn.

- An nice added value:
These indicartos also can play roll of expert commentary, whichs adds exitment to fights as remarkling competitive techniques applied by figters.

*** Offensive indicators ***

- #n free cancel:
free cancel was performed intead #n-th hit of performed string

- #n delayed hit %p:
#n-th hit of performed string was delayed achiving %p of max delay time

- #n un-holdable:
#n-th hit of combo could not be holded (but could be slowescapable) (see note 3)

- #n un-slowescapable:
#n-th hit of combo could not be slow escapable) (but could be holdable) (see note 3)

- #n guaranteed:
#n-th hit of combo could not be holded neither slow escapable (see note 3)

- instant follow up:
move was performed just next frame previous recovery ends

- advantaje on block:
attacker recovers before oponnet after blocked hit

*** Defensive indicators ***

- punishment:
move connected in opponent's recovery frame (this is what I want the most!)

- jumping dodge:
opponent's hit got dodged (see note 2) because jumping status in performed move

- crouching dogde:
opponent's hit got dodged (see note 2) because crouching status in performed move

- slow escape %p:
stun was slow escaped achiving %p of max slowscape speed

- hold escape %p:
hold was performe early enough to recover before regular end of stun, %p is maximun time saved

- interrupt:
move conected in opponent attack early attack animation (see note 1)

*** Notes ***
(1) early attack animation: happens so early that interrupter attack did not get counter hit status (I'm not sure of this...)
(2) system detect phisical contact but discard it because of hit level of attacker and crouching/jumping status of deffender
(3) this indicator is also applied to not-in-combo hits, that is when stun is not result of a previous hit but is result of throw or guard break (in this case n would be one: n = 1)

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Moving to general doa discussion as it relates to future iterations and iterations outside of DOA5.
I like the thought of added input to the player. I say, let's take it a step or few further. Let's have audio indicators thrown into the mix. The SF4 series has the sound of glass breaking, when a move with hyper-armor is 'broken' by an armor-breaking attack. I advocate introducing audio and or visual indicators that would inform the players of the length of a given holdable stun. e.g. A player gets hit by an attack that stuns for 28 frames if not SE'd, and the move is accompanied by the sound of rocks colliding. The sound of rocks colliding says, 'I just got rocked! If I don't hold or SE bad things are going to happen'. Conversely, a knee to a standing opponent that stuns for 14 frames, would have it's own sound. The sound of a stun that's shorter in length says, 'I'm stunned, but it's not too bad. If they want to hit me, they'll need to use something fast, and I'll be ready for 'em'. Those audio indicators -- or visual queues to stun length -- would help the overall feel and understanding of the game, IMO.