Anime/Manga Talk


Well-Known Member
Can anyone explain why SAO season 2 is so bad?

Im currently on episode 12 in season 1 and its great so far aside from the cheesy romance scenes lol
Because they went from "two people fall for each other while trying to survive a matrixocalypse," to a cliche "rescues the princess from the creepy pervert". Made even worse by the fact that they used the hyper competent badass chick as the damsel.

From unique and interesting, to stock cliche.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Im guessing it gets worse starting from episode 15? I just finished 14 I think and Asuna and Kirito woke up

The whole love relationship between Asuna and Kirito felt too forced anyway lol

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Well-Known Member
Im guessing it gets worse starting from episode 15? I just finished 14 I think and Asuna and Kirito woke up

The whole love relationship between Asuna and Kirito felt too forced anyway lol

I'd chalk that up to us seeing maybe 5 weeks of the 2 years of SAO on screen. If they added extra shit and filled an entire 25-episode season with the SAO arc, it wouldn't feel rushed.

That said... yeah, the Fairy Dance arc is pretty bad. While the game it uses is significantly more interesting than SAO, it gets riddled with too many issues, like our hero getting sucked into the internal politics of the players while on a stricter deadline (it serves a purpose later, but how could he have known this?), an annoying 'kissing cousins' romantic struggle (again, utterly pointless and nonsensical), the rendering of our past badass heroine into a helpless damsel in distress (makes perfect sense given her situation, but it still sucks from a viewing perspective) and a villain who lacks the menace and charisma of Kayaba (his other plans are actually REALLY F**KING EVIL, and he's backed by the mighty vocals of Takehito Koyasu, but he comes off so... laughable because the plot focuses on his date-rapey tendencies with Asuna).

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
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Because they went from "two people fall for each other while trying to survive a matrixocalypse," to a cliche "rescues the princess from the creepy pervert". Made even worse by the fact that they used the hyper competent badass chick as the damsel.

From unique and interesting, to stock cliche.

Im on episode 19, its not bad still very enjoyable to watch aside from the insect lol


Well-Known Member
If you're enjoying SAO, you should at least try Accel World. Same writer, same universe, much different story.


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For those who are interested, here's a new live action series trailer of Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope. It follows the "History of Trunks" storylines.

And another interesting find for the Sailor Moon fans, here is the season schedule for Sailon Moon Crystal.


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Yeah it's really good. Looks really good too. The next episode is this weekend on the channels listed below on that schedule.


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In addition to Episode 2 of Sailor Moon Crystal airing today, a special music video teasing future footage from the anime is now up on Youtube. If the animation is gonna get this much better progressively, I can wait two weeks for every episode.



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Out of curiosity, Awesmic, is Crystal a franchise reboot? If so, I'll probably start watching.
It's not only a franchise reboot, but it's a reboot that isn't hampered and deviated by the trappings of today's bullshit policies of Japanese TV stations that ain't giving manga-based anime a fair shot at faithfulness to the source material... hence why it's aired online-only.

Through this method, moonies like myself are finally being treated to an adaptation that is undisputedly faithful to the manga, which means it's MUCH faster paced, Usagi's days as a clumsy ditz are short-lived, the monster-of-the-day formula is gone, the costume details on the Sailors are more accurate to the manga, and by far, each episode plays out exactly like the chapters in the manga. The only real difference is the modern technology updates, which were a given by the director way before production.

So yeah, if you read the manga, you'll love it. If you haven't, I advise you do so now so you'll know what to expect. Keep in mind the episodes are aired bi-weekly on Hulu, Crunchyroll, Neon Alley, and the main source,


Well-Known Member
It's not only a franchise reboot, but it's a reboot that isn't hampered and deviated by the trappings of today's bullshit policies of Japanese TV stations that ain't giving manga-based anime a fair shot at faithfulness to the source material... hence why it's aired online-only.

Through this method, moonies like myself are finally being treated to an adaptation that is undisputedly faithful to the manga, which means it's MUCH faster paced, Usagi's days as a clumsy ditz are short-lived, the monster-of-the-day formula is gone, the costume details on the Sailors are more accurate to the manga, and by far, each episode plays out exactly like the chapters in the manga. The only real difference is the modern technology updates, which were a given by the director way before production.

So yeah, if you read the manga, you'll love it. If you haven't, I advise you do so now so you'll know what to expect. Keep in mind the episodes are aired bi-weekly on Hulu, Crunchyroll, Neon Alley, and the main source,

Well, I haven't read the manga, but if it's an improvement over the original, I'm on board.


Well-Known Member
Only downside for me is that the characters no longer make those over-the-top wacky expressions from the old anime. No doubt the new anime is good (I haven't seen it yet), so I'm staying optimistic.


Well-Known Member
Only downside for me is that the characters no longer make those over-the-top wacky expressions from the old anime. No doubt the new anime is good (I haven't seen it yet), so I'm staying optimistic.

I watched the first two episodes yesterday. I'm suitably impressed.
btw is Fairy tail a good anime?

To some, yes. In my opinion, it's a traditional shonen battle series without too much subversion to the formula. If you can watch the first 3 to 5 episodes and not be repulsed by the characters (still Mashima's strong point in writing), you should be good.


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Due to my crappy ISP, I have put a hold on watching anime until school starts back. My campus has better Internet (most of the time) and I found an anime site where I can watch my anime in HD.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Fairy Tail is awesome and gets better as it goes on. I'm personally NOT a fan of fan service in the way that they do it here (lingering panty shots, tit shots, etc) but it doesn't get too much in the way of everything. Characters are extremely well written and don't do things out of character, the arcs themselves are quite interesting, and the music is top notch. Highly recommended.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I don't mind fan service but sometimes they overdue it like you said and it gets annoying *Im looking at you sword art online!*

Im a try out Fairy Tail tonight and let you guys know what I think of it :p