Anime/Manga Talk


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I was referring to this...............
Ehh, I don't find it traumatizing X_X
Dokuro-chan is ten million times better.


Well-Known Member
Recently been watching;

Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun
Sukitte Ii Na Yo
Sword Art Online

And I have to say, I'm really loving all of them! not sure if any of you watch shoujo's which the first 2 are, but I'm pretty sure most anime fans are now familiar with sword art online.


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Just found out the classic Galaxy Express 999 and Captain Harlock TV series are on Hulu Plus.

Yeah, I know. Not new. But for what it's worth, I heard Evangelion 3.0 and the Cyborg 009 movie that recently came out were both fantastic.
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Gonna try Ano Natsu de Matteru and AnoHana. No.6 was pretty good imo, and a lot more like very mild boys love as opposed to straight on yaoi. My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute on the other hand was stuff of nightmares with its annoying characters. And those episodes with Kirino getting her own anime? Seems like something the studio threw in last minute to try and come up with an interesting episode for once. Didn't really appreciate that the main dude (most guy characters in these types of anime are too bland for me to remember clearly...orz) got his own harem like almost all animes based off of the light novel/visual novel/h-games. Oh, I could rant about this one for hours. Although that's just me, considering it annoyed me to the point where I watched all of it. XD


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know. Not new. But for what it's worth, I heard Evangelion 3.0 and the Cyborg 009 movie that recently came out were both fantastic.

That makes me extremely happy to know since I'm absolutely in love with Cyborg 009. The 2001 anime series is without a doubt my all time favorite anime hands down <3 Hopefully if the movie became popular stateside, perhaps we'll FINALLY get a DVD release of the entire English dubbed series. Because no other can be Joe Shimamura like the almighty Joshua Seth.

Ehh, I don't find it traumatizing X_X
Dokuro-chan is ten million times better.

Not really traumatizing, but extremely facepalm-worthy coming from a background with a crudtud on massive JoJo fanatics on a MUGEN forum <.<


Well-Known Member

I called it. The Phantom Blood arc ends on the 9th episode. Now that that's wrapping up, let's make way for the best JoJo in the series! DAT BATTLE TENDENCY!!!


LET'S GO JOSEPH, LET'S GO! *clap clap*

Oh yeah, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is getting a European release. I'm absolutely dying to use Jolyne and Hermes. Give me Foo Fighters and so much <3 shall be had~ X3


Well-Known Member
That actually sounds pretty interesting. Speaking about incest, here's another anime with odd incest undertones which is FREAKING AWESOOOOOME <3

I even made a couple fanart pieces for Shadow Skill, but nobody wants to see that so I'll keep that behind the curtains : P
I've been meaning to get a copy of this, but so far all I have is bits of the OVA.


Well-Known Member
I remember DVDs of the Shadow Skill series being up for sale on Amazon. I've been meaning to grab a copy, but I've been reserving my money for more Ippo DVDs.


asdf jkl....Hellsing Ultimate 5-8 is next on my hitlist.
dokuro-Chan is terribad and unfunny unless you're still in high school or middle school. at first, I was mildly entertained but it got old fast to me.

I got Hellsing ultimate 1-4 and 5-8 on bluray+DVD hoooooah. haven't watched it yet as I've spent lotsa free time on RE6 lately. looking forward to it as I've been recommended this anime countless times for being extremely into horror and violence.

any of you ever see shigurui: death frenzy? how bout apocalypse zero? speedgrapher? good shit that should be more well known imo.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that I didn't know that eps. 1 and 2 of Initial D 5th Stage was out.


Well-Known Member
Bumped this thread in case any anime fans forgot this ever existed.

Anyways, just started watching this. The plot is so weird, I don't know why I'm watching it. Yet it's so manly I can't help but keep watching o_o

In other news for fellow JoJo fanatics like myself, there's a new card game based around the JJBA anime. Intriguingly enough, these four in particular sparked some interest among the fans.



Gentlemen. Seems we may have just received confirmation of Stardust Crusaders' (Part 3) anime rendition : D


Active Member
Gonna try Ano Natsu de Matteru
It's ok, sometimes fun, sometimes the very same as any other anime of the kind.
My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute
This just sucks.

I'm trying to watch Persona 4 but as I don't like the game's it's hard for me to find "something" to get interested in.
Also watching Natsume Yuujinchou as it's been released in BD. It's ok, a very decent slice of life.
When I got tired of this kind of stuffs I allways go back to TTGL, FLCL, GitS SAC, Baccano, Cowboy Bebop, DMC and The Tatami Galaxy.

I was referring to this...............

Dokuro chan OST... lol


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Standard Donor
Just to throw this out there for Queen's Blade fans in particular, there is another OVA special coming out next month called "Vanquished Queens", loosely based on an illustration book of the same name that featured the main characters in... "compromising" scenarios while weaving gaps in the main storyline.

As far as I know, this OVA will be dealing with what happened to the shrine maiden Tomoe, the half-human/elf child Nowa, the ghost maid Airi, and will also formally introduce the half-angel Lyla during the events of QB: Rebellion. Just a little notice to keel you over until they actually finish QB Rebellion, which pretty much left things at a cliffhanger.

The Tomoe/Airi episode is out next month, while the Airi/Lyla episode is due in May.

And I'm still pissed they've shown ZERO footage of the Sailor Moon remake due this summer... no teaser, no screenshot, NOTHING! And this is getting a simultaneous worldwide release! This is the kind of shit you hype up early! smdgh


Well-Known Member
Has anyone watched Trinity Blood? is it any good?

I used to watch Trinity Blood back when it aired on [adult swim] years ago. It's really good, but the anime ended before the story began to start getting to the good part due to the author of the manga dying before the story could ever finish. Much like my beloved ill-fated Cyborg 009 D':

And on another note, never try to binge through Hellsing Ultimate (specifically OVAs 5-8) before going to bed, or your subconscious gets screwed six ways through Sunday. Guess I won't be making that same mistake again :B


Ha. I think I'm on ep.3 right now. Last I saw was those 2 killer brethren. The erratic one was hilariously ridiculous. n OMG when Alucard n white-on-white bro double k.o. trigger squeeze @_@