Bass Range Options

3k, 6k+F, 214P, 66P+K, 236P+K

What seems to be the best option for Bass at range? I have a hard time with characters backing up on me.


Active Member
If you have an opponent on the defense and spacing you out...

66K is a highly damaging safe option with good range. If you whiff due to a backdash, sometimes you can save yourself and set up a free launch with BT 4K.

666P seems like an awful strike but can really surprise an opponent. It can tech over Senor Footsies-type ranged lows and has deceiving range. Just make sure you time the strike well with his running animation, as an opponent seeing you run at them is sure to block

Once an opponent knows about your great long range running options, you can take advantage of the big damage from his Running T. It's a gamble, of course, but it helps if you can fake out an opponent with a "false start" run with a forward dash and see how they react. Some people try to hold right then and there.

And for mid range....

214P used to be my go-to long range option as the range is absurd (his arm stretches like Gumbi, I swear...) but recently I've found that the +3 GB is useless at a viable range for that slow of a strike and that it gets countered a ton.

I never see 6H+K get countered. Try scoring a CH with 2P and capitalizing on the space and small advantage created to close the gap.

6P+K may be the easiest way to start up Bass's BT game, but 33P+K is probably the best way. This strike is hard to pull off but has great benefits to it, including a stellar chance of landing a BT T on block.

H+K by itself doesn't see much use compared to 6H+K but I find is a lot more evasive. I sometimes use it after a pick up to confuse my opponent and give me breathing room.

Post patch, there's a couple scenarios where 46P and potentially 236P+K actually work for once. I can't say too much as I am one of the Cursed of Canaan who own a xbox360 and have to wait.

If all else fails, 6K is great for closing medium sized gaps and has tons of great setups with the +14 advantage against overagressive opponents.
Good luck!