Bayman's Expert Holds


A question to the Bayman players out there. Do you utilize his Expert holds? (Eg :6::7::h:) or do you just stick to the basic ones? I'm just curious if I should put in the practice time with them. I've watched a few videos and I can't really see alot of them being thrown out, hence my question/


Using these holds is always a guess but sometimes it can pay off very big. Certain matchups tend to tip the odds in your favor however.

For example, against a Kasumi player it is very likely you are going to see a high jab at the start of the round because she maintains a rather large speed advantage over bayman.

Against Akira, depending on their general pressure patterns you're going to see a lot of P and 2P. These can be scouted out rather easily.

Against a Tina player, you are likely to see a low punch from 1p as she has matched speed with Bayman, but that specific move crushes highs and gives a good stun.

Against Genfu, it is an entirely valid strategy to toss out random advanced mid punch holds because thats basically 90% of his movelist.

It's all about knowing the matchup and when things are most likely to come out.

Also, advanced counter the hell out of wakeup kicks. If they hit you, they get a little stun. If you counter them, they cry. Make them cry.


Active Member
My thoughts are this; for highs and lows I only advanced-counter when my opponent is being super-predictable, or in situations that happen a lot. Like Rikuto said, the beginning of a match is a pretty good time to do it.

Also, Tina, Genfu, and Hitomi all love 1P. They don't love it so much after they get tossed like a rag doll across the stage.

And of course, nothing is better than destroying half a life bar off a 50/50 guess with a high-counter, advanced low kick hold on wake up.

For mids, its different. In theory, since you have to guess between kick or punch anyways, you should always add an extra input for a lot more damage. But in the heat of battle in can be difficult, especially on reaction counters, to add the extra input for the advanced counters.

Since early in 4 when I realized Lei and Bayman had advanced counters, I always try to practice doing advanced mid counters, but I only remember to do it like half the time.


Well-Known Member
I recently started to learn about Bayman. I was gunna pick up Helena but... his 7k made me want to learn him earlier, he 7k is sexy too... as is Kokoro's

Back on subject. I usually put them where I know the opponent will throw a certain move. Online, most Christie's like to start off with that 1pk(low, mid), the kick can be deceiving but it is indeed a mid. a low adv hold would be the easiest option, but If you can do it like I can, block the low then buffer in the mid kick hold. Practice that because that's a nice way to shut them down. The low block or hold will beat their 9f jab and throw so now all you gotta worry about is if she'll do a mid. it's 11f's but that means the options are getting shot down.

That's just a small strategy to think about when you know your opponent. Hell there's probably a better way to start off with a Christie who starts like that, but I haven't learned her as a match-up yet.


New Member
I mostly only use them when a person is repeating a string (though about half the time I read the move right, but misjudge what level it is...) or doing a wakeup kick.