Media Can only Guard in this situation? Why?


Well-Known Member
Test the following in training mode:
-Pick Kasumi vs Honoka
-COM ACTION Crouching Guard (or Guard All)
-Do 1K and try high/low holding the high kick. Make sure to be close to the opponent when doing the 1K in order to land it on its first active frame.

Here's an example video of me guarding it, then failing to hold, crouch dash, low punch, and throw it (to get hi counter'd): (1.02 PC version)

Why is this happening? My explanation so far is that strikes have 1 frame of "delay" placed after their last recovery frame where you can't do anything, except Guarding which ignores such delay. And this is another kind of delay different from the "all inputs are delayed by 1 frame to let the game decide better what to do (kara attacks prevention?)".
But I don't think it makes 100% sense, and even if it did make sense, why would they put such mechanic? Anyone knows?
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Kasumi's 1K is -16 on guard.
Honoka's K is 14(2)27.

When performing a strike, there is 1 frame taken for move/string recognition/determination (this is not applicable to Throws). So Honoka's attack takes 15 frames to reach it's first active hit frame.

You then have to add the additional 1 frame calculation for registering a hit/miss on the first active frame (this is applicable to Throws as well). So on Honoka's 15th animation frame (16 frames after she input the K notation), Kasumi is now at frame 0 and is able to guard. The next frame plays out and says Kasumi guarded the attack. If Kasumi was not guarding on that frame then she will be hit because it takes 1 frame to do anything else but guard.

That's why the rule is +2 for any string punishment, and +1 for any throw punishment.


Active Member
As for 1.09, the extra frame at startup also applies to throws, at least when you input it during idle or buffer after an attack.


Well-Known Member
Yeah this thread was my first encounter with the "unholdables" glitch which is basically that 1 added idle frame pause after most of the moves in the game.

I wonder if DOA1/2/3/4 were affected by this bug too lol